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805. I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful. I can't begin to measure your great love. I cannot count the times you have forgiven me and changed me by your Spirit from above. How I worship…
119A. All your commandments Father Almighty All your commandments, father almighty, Bring to your children healing and blessing; Christians who keep them find here their comfort. 2. Daily instruct us as your disciples: Each of your…
556. Jesus, Master, at your word Jesus, master, at your word we are gathered all to hear you; let our minds and wills be stirred now to seek and love and fear you; by your teachings true and holy draw us, Lord, to love you…
64. Receive, O God, my anguished prayer Receive, O God, my anguished prayer: protect my life from those I dread, and from the evil they prepare in their desire to see me dead. 2. Their tongues they sharpen like a blade, and aim with…
CP33. Joy has dawned upon the world JOY HAS DAWNED UPON THE WORLD, promised from creation: God’s salvation now unfurled, hope for every nation. Not with fanfares from above, not with scenes of glory, but a humble gift of…
100B. Shout for joy Shout for joy! Rejoice in the Lord, every nation! Shout for joy! In his praise unite; serve the Lord with all jubilation, come before him, singing with delight. 2. Know that he, the Lord, is…
713. A mind at perfect peace with God A mind at perfect peace with God; O what a word is this! A sinner reconciled through blood: this, this indeed is peace. 2. By nature and by practice far, so very far from God! yet now by grace…
193. Round the Lord in glory seated Round the Lord in glory seated flew the choirs of seraphim, filled his temple, and repeated each to each the alternate hymn: 2. β€˜Lord, your glory fills the heaven, earth is with its fulness…
562. The Spirit breathes upon the Word The spirit breathes upon the word and brings the truth to sight; precepts and promises afford a sanctifying light. 2. A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic, like the sun; it gives a light to every…
760. I am not skilled to understand I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, what God has planned; I only know at his right hand stands one who is my Saviour. 2. I take him at his word and deed: 'Christ died to save me,'…
1089. To you, O Lord, I lift my soul To you, O Lord, I lift my soul--- don't let some scoffer win the day: I trust in you to take control and show me evermore your way. 2. Remember still your love of old and not the times I've…
524. Spirit of God, descend upon my heart Spirit of God, descend upon my heart; wean it from earth; through all its pulsing move; stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are, and make me love you as I ought to love. 2. Have you not called my…
946. Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us; stay with us if our health is undermined; when no good comes and faithless hope deludes us, when terror reigns and grief is unconfined. 2. When…
583. Come, let us join our friends above Come, let us join our friends above who have obtained the prize; and on the eagle wings of love to joys celestial rise: let saints on earth together sing with those whose work is done; for all the…
60. When troubles come and hopes depart When troubles come and hopes depart in mercy, Lord, arise; the ruined landscape of my heart lies bare before your eyes. 2. Where human pride is humbled low and crushed beneath your hand, your…
1286. Christ the sure and steady anchor CHRIST, THE SURE AND STEADY ANCHOR in the fury of the storm, when the winds of doubt blow through me and my sails have all been torn; in the suffering, in the sorrow, when…
197. Songs of praise the angels sang Songs of praise the angels sang, heaven with hallelujahs rang when creation was begun; when God spoke, and it was done. 2. Songs of praise awoke the dawn when the Prince of peace was born; songs of…
638. The servants of God are baptized The servants of God are baptized, with Jesus made visibly one; come, Spirit, and clothe them with power, the world and its pleasures to shun. 2. The servants of God are baptized, salvation revealed…
869. All the way my Saviour leads me All the way my saviour leads me: what have I to ask beside? Can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my guide? O what heavenly peace and comfort here by faith in him to dwell! For…
543. Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory, yours is the eternal throne; majesty and awesome power flow from God, and God alone. Far above the earth's small circle you embrace infinity; reigning, mighty over…
316. Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire, your work of grace we sing; Redeemer of the world are you, its maker and its King. 2. How vast the mercy and the grace, how great the love must be, which led you…
CP32. Jesus, the Saviour, comes JESUS, THE SAVIOUR, COMES! greet him with joyful song, Prince of the heavenly throne promised to earth so long; he comes to fight our mortal foe and carry all our sin and woe. 2 Jesus, the…
1316. I lift my eyes up to the hills - Psalm 121 I LIFT MY EYES UP TO THE HILLS; from where does my help come? My help comes from the Maker of the heavens and the earth. He will not let my foot be moved; he keeps my journey safe. O my soul,…
223. Glory to you, my God, this night Glory to you, my God, this night for all the blessings of the light; keep me, O keep me, King of kings, beneath your own almighty wings. 2. Forgive me, Lord, through your dear Son, the wrong that I…
918. To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise in hymns of adoration: accept our sacrifice of praise, our shouts of exultation; bright robes of gold the fields adorn, the hills with joy are ringing, the valleys…
884. He who would valiant be He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster, let him in constancy follow the Master. There's no discouragement shall make him once relent his first avowed intent to be a pilgrim. 2. Those who beset…
566. Be still Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One, is here; come bow before him now with reverence and fear: in him no sin is found- we stand on holy ground. Be still, for the presence of the…
432. King of my life, I crown you now King of my life, I crown you now, yours shall the glory be; lest I forget your thorn-crowned brow, lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget your agony, lest I forget your love for…
813. O sweetest love, O love divine O sweetest love, O love divine, when shall this willing heart of mine yours only, wholly be? I thirst, I faint, I die to prove the greatness of redeeming love, the love of Christ for me. 2. Stronger…
1195. I have a light to guide me I have a light to guide me, a Saviour ever near: it is the Lord, my refuge, so who should make me fear? Though evil forces threaten to tear my life apart, they never will extinguish the peace that’s…