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105. Give thanks to God, call on his name Give thanks to God, call on his name; sound forth his praise, make known his fame: his saving acts are glorious. The Lord gives strength, so seek his face! By miracles of saving grace he makes…
1033. Great and wonderful Great and wonderful are your deeds and works, Lord God, the Almighty. Just and true and righteous are all your ways, ruler of the nations. Who shall not fear and praise your name, O Sovereign…
415. Come and see, come and see Come and see, come and see, come and see the King of love, see the purple robe and crown of thorn he wears. Soldiers mock, rulers sneer as he lifts the cruel cross, lone and friendless now he climbs…
80. Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer, leading Joseph by your care, throned between the cherubim, light for us, as once for him: waken all your mighty powers; Israel's Shepherd, Lord, be…
1304. Out of the depths I cry to you OUT OF THE DEPTHS I CRY TO YOU; from darkest places I will call. Incline your ear to me anew, and hear my cry for mercy, Lord. Were you to count my sinful ways, how could I come before your…
751. Where shall my wondering soul begin Where shall my wondering soul begin? How shall I all to heaven aspire? A slave redeemed from death and sin, a brand plucked from eternal fire, how shall I worthy triumphs raise, or sing my great…
577. The church's one foundation The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; she is his new creation by water and the word: from heaven he came and sought her to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her and for…
282. All glory to God in the sky All glory to God in the sky, and peace on the earth be restored! O Jesus, exalted on high, appear our omnipotent Lord! who, lowly in Bethlehem born, here stooped to redeem a lost race; once more to…
429. It is a thing most wonderful It is a thing most wonderful, almost too wonderful to be, that God's own Son should come from heaven and die to save a child like me. 2. And yet I know that it is true; he came to this poor world…
313. Let us love and sing and wonder Let us love and sing and wonder; let us praise the Saviour’s name! He has hushed the law’s loud thunder; he has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame: he has freed us by his blood; he has brought us near…
966. Away with our sorrow and fear Away with our sorrow and fear! We soon shall recover our home, the city of saints shall appear, the day of eternity come. From earth we shall quickly remove, and mount to our native abode, the house…
362. It came upon the midnight clear It came upon the midnight clear, that glorious song of old, from angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold: 'Through all the earth, good will and peace from heaven's all-gracious…
850. Take my life, and let it be Take my life, and let it be all you purpose, Lord, for me; consecrate my fleeting days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. 2. Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of your love; take my…
484. Hail to the Lord's anointed Hail to the Lord's anointed, great David's greater Son! Hail, in the time appointed his reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, to set the captive free, to take away transgression and rule…
118. Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver: let all his people praise the Lord whose love endures for ever. For his right hand has made me strong; I am his new creation: he is my…
CP52. Once in royal David's city ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ, her little child. 2 He came down to earth…
1099. O God of our humanity O God of our humanity, we fall before your throne. We have no hope or future outside your grace alone. Yet we live as if we're sovereign of our lives and destiny; we are selfish in our purpose and…
598. Thank you, Lord, for gifts of teaching Thank you, Lord, for gifts of teaching, so that we might understand all your word, and its far-reaching truth for life; head, heart and hand: in our studies may we find truth renewing every mind. 2.…
66. Shout with joy to God, all nations Shout with joy to God, all nations, sing the glory of his name; praise with loudest acclamations! His tremendous deeds proclaim! All his foes in fear and trembling bow beneath his mighty…
911. Praise, O praise our God and King Praise, O praise our God and king; hymns of adoration sing: For his mercies still endure ever faithful, ever sure. 2. Praise him that he made the sun day by day its course to run: 3. And the silver…
27B. Light and salvation is the Lord for me Light and salvation is the Lord for me; whom shall I fear? Stronghold and fortress of my life is he; what harm comes near? When powers of evil try to take control they cannot thrive; though…
450. When you prayed beneath the trees When you prayed beneath the trees, it was for me, O Lord; when you cried upon your knees, how could it be, O Lord? When in blood and sweat and tears you dismissed your final fears, when you faced the…
1278. O Church arise, and put your armour on O CHURCH, ARISE, AND PUT YOUR ARMOUR ON; hear the call of Christ, our captain. For now the weak can say that they are strong in the strength that God has given. With shield of faith…
356. Earth was waiting, spent and restless Earth was waiting, spent and restless, with a mingled hope and fear, faithful men and women praying, 'Surely, Lord, the day is near: the Desire of all the nations- it is time he should appear!' 2. In…
531. Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing: Christ over all, our undivided aim; fire of the Spirit, burn for our enduing, wind of the Spirit, fan the living flame! We turn to Christ amid our fear…
879. Trouble may break with the dawn Trouble may break with the dawn and evil may come and darkness will fall; clouds will appear in the sky and tears in our eyes and pain in the soul. But God stands at his people's side, gives them a…
775. All my hope on God is founded All my hope on God is founded, all my trust he shall renew; he, my guide through changing order, only good and only true: God unknown, he alone, calls my heart to be his own. 2. Human pride and…
480. Crown him with many crowns Crown him with many crowns, the Lamb upon his throne, while heaven's eternal anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing of him who died to be your Saviour and your matchless…
551. Powerful in making us wise to salvation Powerful in making us wise to salvation, witness to faith in Christ Jesus the Word; breathed out for all by the life-giving Father- these are the Scriptures, and thus speaks the Lord. 2. Hammer for…
147. O praise the Lord! Sing praises! O praise the Lord! sing praises! How good to praise our God! How fitting and how pleasing to sing his praise aloud! He builds the walls of Zion and seeks her wandering sons, he binds their…