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42. As the fainting deer cries out As the fainting deer cries out for the streams in time of drought, so my soul cries out aloud, thirsting for the living God. All the day I feed on grief, darkness brings me no relief, while the…
1326. How I Love The Voice Of Jesus – It Was Finished Upon That Cross HOW I LOVE THE VOICE OF JESUS on the cross of Calvary; he declares his work is finished, he has spoken this hope to me. Though the sun had ceased its shining, though the war appeared as…
1275. What gift of grace is Jesus, my Redeemer WHAT GIFT OF GRACE IS JESUS, MY REDEEMER; there is no more for heaven now to give. He is my joy, my righteousness and freedom, my steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace. To this I hold:…
610. Lord, teach us how to pray aright Lord, teach us how to pray aright, with reverence and with fear; though dust and ashes in your sight, we may, we must draw near. 2. We perish if we cease from prayer; O grant us power to pray! And…
306. Jesus, eternal God Jesus, eternal God, became the Son of man; obediently the path he trod, his Father’s perfect plan: he came to make God known, he died to draw death’s sting, he lives, the Lamb upon the throne, our…
1115. Can I trust that God has made me Can I trust that God has made me for his pleasure, to enjoy him? Does he care for my existence, is there purpose to my life? Yes! his word says he's my Father, I'm his child, by his design; made…
915. Eternal Father, strong to save Eternal father, strong to save, whose arm restrains the restless wave, who told the mighty ocean deep its own appointed bounds to keep: we cry, O God of majesty, for those in peril on the sea. 2. O…
632. We have a Gospel to proclaim We have a gospel to proclaim, good news for all throughout the earth; the gospel of a Saviour's name: we sing his glory, tell his worth. 2. Tell of his birth at Bethlehem, not in a royal house or…
30C. O my Lord, I will exalt you O MY LORD, I WILL EXALT YOU: from the depths you drew me up; when I called, O God, you healed me, saved my life and gave me hope. Sing, you saints, to God the Saviour! Angry he will not…
468. No scenes of stately majesty No scenes of stately majesty for the King of kings. No nights aglow with candle flame for the King of love. No flags of empire hung in shame for Calvary. No flowers perfumed the lonely way that led…
1265. For the cause of Christ the King FOR THE CAUSE OF CHRIST THE KING we give our lives, an offering, till all the earth resounds with ceaseless praise to the Son. 2. For the cause of Christ we go with joy to reap,…
1305. My hymn of praise MY HYMN OF PRAISE SHALL BE ‘FOR EVER JESUS’, my firm foundation in shifting sands; my strength and hope through many fears and failures, the disappointments of the past— his…
1075. Now to him who is able Now to him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before him with joy: to him be the glory, the power and authority before all time and for ever. O the depth of his riches of…
1066. I long for heaven I long for heaven; I long to be with Christ; I long to see him face to face. All darkness gone, and there will be no night; a life of joy and light and peace— to all who thirst, the water of…
135. Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty Sing praise to the Lord God almighty, proclaim all his glory abroad. O praise him, you servants appointed to stand in the house of our God. Give praise to the Lord for his goodness; how pleasant…
106. Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever for his never-failing care! Who can tell his mighty wonders, all the depth of praise declare? Lord, how blessed are those who serve you! May I also know your…
854. Who is on the Lord's side Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helpers other lives to bring? Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the foe? Who is on the Lord's side? Who for him will…
668. Christ is all the world's good news Christ is all the world's good news; Christ commands the world to choose, heaven to find and hell to lose; turn, and come to him! 2. Love into this world was sent; love's full measure here was…
591. We need each other's voice to sing We need each other's voice to sing the songs our hearts would raise, to set the whole world echoing with one great hymn of praise. We blend our voices to complete the melody that starts with God who…
CP12. From the heights of glory to a humble birth FROM THE HEIGHTS OF GLORY TO A HUMBLE BIRTH, the Lord of heaven came down to earth. And the greatest story that is known to man in a stable room began. What a gift, what a gift we are…
1310. Under the sun UNDER THE SUN we sow and hope to harvest; we labour on until the evening darkness bids us cease, to rest in peace. 2. Naked we come into a world that’s broken: unworthy ones but, by the…
1060. I stand on a rock I stand on a rock that is secure, that won’t be shaken, for you are a faithful God. I stand on a promise that is sure, that won’t be broken, for you are a faithful God. You’re my refuge,…
1184. Grace unmeasured, vast and free Grace unmeasured, vast and free, that knew me from eternity, that called me out before my birth to bring you glory on this earth. Grace amazing, pure and deep, that saw me in my misery, that…
595. Give me the faith which can remove Give me the faith which can remove and sink the mountain to a plain; give me the child-like, praying love which longs to build your house again; fill with your love my longing heart- possess my soul…
939. When to our world the Saviour came When to our world the saviour came the sick and helpless heard his name, and in their weakness longed to see the healing Christ of Galilee. 2. That good physician! night and day the people thronged…
855. Go, labour on; spend and be spent Go, labour on; spend and be spent, your joy to do the Father's will; it is the way the Master went: should not the servant tread it still? 2. Go, labour on, true wealth to know; find heavenly gain in…
959. For ever with the Lord 'For ever with the Lord!' Amen, so let it be! Life from the dead is in that word, and immortality. In longing discontent, absent from him I roam, yet nightly pitch my moving tent a day's march nearer…
206. For the beauty of the earth For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies: Christ our God, to you we raise this our sacrifice of praise. 2. For the beauty…
623. Good news of God above Good news of God above is ours to tell abroad, the Father's everlasting love in Christ the risen Lord. For neighbours near and far the seed of life is sown; then spread the seed by word and deed to…
1262. On the cross, on the cross ON THE CROSS, ON THE CROSS, where the King of glory died, here is grace, here is love, flowing from that wounded side. Amazing mystery, that he should die for me as a perfect sacrifice. On the…