Search Results


769. We trust in you, our shield and our defender We trust in you, our shield and our defender: we do not fight alone against the foe: strong in your strength, safe in your keeping tender we trust in you, and in your name we go. Strong in your…
40. Patient in hope, I sought the Lord Patient in hope, I sought the Lord; he turned to me-my cry was heard! Raising me from the miry pit, on solid rock he set my feet. He turned my cry to newborn song: from heart and voice God’s…
881. Christian, do you see them Christian, do you see them on the holy ground, how the powers of darkness circle you around? Christian, up and fight them, counting gain but loss; for your mighty Saviour triumphed on the cross. 2.…
389. Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour Christ our redeemer knew temptation's hour in desert places, silent and apart; and three times over met the tempter's power with God's word written, hidden in his heart. 2. He makes not bread what…
381. The promised time arrives The promised time arrives, the time of God's appointing, the time when One is born who bears the Lord's anointing. What prophets longed to see is finally made clear: for Jesus comes to earth and…
628. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! Unnumbered blessings, give my spirit voice; tender to me the promise of his word; in God my Saviour shall my heart rejoice. 2. Tell out, my soul, the…
961. In sure and certain hope In sure and certain hope we stand beside this grave and even now, O Son of God, we know you strong to save. Our dead are in your hands who died that we might live, who rose triumphant over death an…
218. Lord, as the day begins Lord, as the day begins lift up our hearts in praise; take from us all our sins, guard us in all our ways: our every step direct and guide that Christ in all be glorified! 2. Christ be in work and…
737. O matchless beauty of our God O matchless beauty of our God so ancient and so new, kindle in us your fire of love; fall on us as the dew! 2. How late we came to love you, Lord; how strong the hold of sin! Your beauty speaks from…
1221. What joy it is to see our childrens' children What joy it is to see our children’s children! The growing family of our closest kin; each birth, each boy or girl, each man or woman, alike yet different, full of rich potential, with minds to…
243. Eternal light! Eternal light! Eternal light! eternal light! How pure the soul must be, when, placed within your searching sight, it shrinks not, but with calm delight can face such majesty. 2. The spirits who surround your…
556. Jesus, Master, at your word Jesus, master, at your word we are gathered all to hear you; let our minds and wills be stirred now to seek and love and fear you; by your teachings true and holy draw us, Lord, to love you…
1257. The splendour of the King The splendour of the king, clothed in majesty: let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide and trembles at his voice, and trembles at…
1285. Turn your eyes upon Jesus TURN YOUR EYES UPON JESUS; look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace. 2. Turn your eyes to the…
927. Father, in your dear name we meet Father, in your dear name we meet seeking your blessing pure, complete; for we are yours by sovereign grace and now, in union, seek your face. 2. Help us to be what we should be, growing in love and…
349. All my heart this night rejoices All my heart this night rejoices, as I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices. 'Christ is born!' their choirs are singing, till the air everywhere now with joy is ringing. 2. Listen! from a humble…
612. Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, expressed in thought or word; the burning of a hidden fire, a longing for the Lord. 2. Prayer is the simplest sound we teach when children learn God's name; and…
918. To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise in hymns of adoration: accept our sacrifice of praise, our shouts of exultation; bright robes of gold the fields adorn, the hills with joy are ringing, the valleys…
941. O splendour of God's glory bright O splendour of God's glory bright, who now brings forth the light from light; O Light, of light the fountain-spring, O Day, our days illumining; 2. Come, very sun of truth and love, come in your…
172. Bring to the Lord a glad new song Bring to the Lord a glad new song, children of grace, extol your king; your love and praise to God belong — to instruments of music, sing! Let those be warned who spurn God’s name; let rulers all…
592. All-creating heavenly giver All-creating heavenly giver, bringing light and life to birth; all-sustaining heavenly Father of the families of earth: we, your children, lift our voices singing gladly of your love: never-ending are…
419. Hark! The voice of love and mercy Hark! the voice of love and mercy sounds aloud from Calvary; see, it tears the temple curtain, shakes the earth and veils the sky: 'It is finished. It is finished!' hear the dying Saviour cry. 2.…
53. The fool has said within his heart The fool has said within his heart, ‘There is no God!’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile before the Lord. For none is righteous, there’s not one whose works are good. 2. From heaven…
899. Lord, in our lonely hours Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints, we are encouraged by your life, and by your saints. 2. If we've no breath for praise, no thoughts to frame a prayer, we know you need no words…
209. My God, I thank you that you made My God, I thank you that you made the earth so bright, so full of splendour and of joy, beauty and light; so many glorious things are here, noble and right. 2. I thank you, Lord, that you have…
52. Why, mighty hero, must you boast Why, mighty hero, must you boast of cruelty and of crime, yet disregard God’s steadfast love which lasts throughout all time? How razor-sharp your deadly tongue, what treachery you devise! You…
782. O Christ, in you my soul has found O Christ, in you my soul has found and found in you alone, the peace that I had sought so long, the joy till now unknown. Now none but Christ can satisfy, no other name so true; there's love and life…
936. The Lord created family The Lord created family to make his kindness known: for when we care the way we ought our love reflects his own- a love which always reaches out to those who feel alone. 2. Give thanks for all the…
55. Listen to my prayer, O God Listen to my prayer, O God, under trouble’s crushing load: all around my foes rampage, clamouring for me in their rage; terror overwhelms my heart, every instinct says, ‘Depart!’ O for…
811. O for a closer walk with God O for a closer walk with God, a constant, heavenly calm; a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb! 2. Where is the blessing that I knew when first I saw the Lord? Where is the…