Search Results


731. Jesus, the joy of loving hearts Jesus, the joy of loving hearts, fountain of life and light of men, from the best bliss that earth imparts we turn unfilled to you again. 2. Your truth unchanged has always stood; you save all those…
782. O Christ, in you my soul has found O Christ, in you my soul has found and found in you alone, the peace that I had sought so long, the joy till now unknown. Now none but Christ can satisfy, no other name so true; there's love and life…
558. O God who shaped the starry skies O God who shaped the starry skies and made the sun in splendour rise, whose love our life imparts, still may that same creative word which formless void and darkness heard be known within our…
296. God the Word addressed the darkness God the word addressed the darkness, calling light to form the day; speaking stars into existence, Godā€™s great wisdom on display. Great the power and great the glory, of the worldā€™s Creator…
516. When the Lord in glory comes When the Lord in glory comes, not the trumpets, not the drums, not the anthem, not the psalm, not the thunder, not the calm, not the shout the heavens raise, not the chorus, not the praise, not the…
CP61. The promised time arrives THE PROMISED TIME ARRIVES, the time of Godā€™s appointing, the time when One is born who bears the Lordā€™s anointing. What prophets longed to see is finally made clear: for Jesus comes to…
615. What various hindrances we meet What various hindrances we meet when coming to the mercy-seat! Yet all who know the worth of prayer will long to be more often there. 2. Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw; prayer climbs the…
20. The Lord be near us as we pray The Lord be near us as we pray and help us, through the darkest day, to find our spiritsā€™ strength and stay in his most holy name. To him be heartfelt homage paid and sacrifice of prayer be…
212. Sing to the Lord with all of your heart Sing to the Lord with all of your heart; sing of the glory thatā€™s due to his name. Sing to the Lord with all of your soul, join all of heaven and earth to proclaim: You are the Lord, the Saviour of…
139. You, O Lord, have searched and known me You, O Lord, have searched and known me, you know when I sit or rise; every thought and deed lies open to your all-perceiving eyes. You have laid your hand upon me, guarded me before,…
313. Let us love and sing and wonder Let us love and sing and wonder; let us praise the Saviourā€™s name! He has hushed the lawā€™s loud thunder; he has quenched Mount Sinaiā€™s flame: he has freed us by his blood; he has brought us near…
239. For your mercy and your grace For your mercy and your grace faithful through another year, hear our song of thankfulness, Saviour and Redeemer, hear. 2. All our sins on you we cast, you, our perfect sacrifice; and, forgetting…
519. Come, Holy Spirit, like a dove descending Come, holy spirit, like a dove descending, rest now upon us while we meet to pray; show us the Saviour, his great love revealing, lead us to him, the Life, the Truth, the Way. 2. Come, Holy Spirit,…
1049. O Lord, my heart is heavy O Lord, my heart is heavy, my faith is faint at best, so many ways I flounder and find my mind distressed. Remind me Lord, to trust you although my path's not clear, and hold to scripture's…
756. God has promised many things God has promised many things: treasures from a heavenly store; now in Christ the echo sounds: 'Yes' to all he said before. Think of how he gave his Son; such a precious gift indeed! How will he not…
1235. Draw me close to the cross Draw me close to the cross, to the place of your love, to the place where you poured out your mercy; where the river of life that flows from your wounded side brings refreshing to those who draw…
1272. Hear the call of the Kingdom HEAR THE CALL OF THE KINGDOM, LIFT YOUR EYES TO THE KING; let his song rise within you as a fragrant offering of how God, rich in mercy, came in Christ to redeem all who trust in his…
5003. Many, many planets Many, many planets, (many, many planets) many, many mountains, (many, many mountains) many, many rivers, (many, many rivers): God made them all. Many, many flowers, (many, many flowers) many, many…
8. In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name! For you have set above the heavens your glory and your fame. 2. From infantsā€™ and from childrenā€™s lips you ordered praise to…
482. God is gone up on high God is gone up on high with a triumphant noise; the clarions of the sky proclaim the angels' joys! Join, all on earth, rejoice and sing; glory ascribe to glory's King. 2. God in the flesh below, for…
792. I'm not ashamed to name my Lord I'm not ashamed to name my Lord, or to defend his cause, maintain the honour of his word, the glory of his cross. 2. Jesus, my God! I know his name, his name is all my trust; he will not put my soul…
414. At the cross of Jesus At the cross of Jesus I would take my place, drawn by such a measure of redeeming grace. Fill my eyes with sorrow, lift my eyes to see Jesus Christ my Saviour crucified for me. 2. At the…
224. Saviour, again to your dear name we raise Saviour, again to your dear name we raise with one accord our parting hymn of praise; we give you thanks before our worship cease; then, in the stillness, hear your word of peace. 2. Grant us your…
376. See, amid the winter's snow See, amid the winter's snow, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemption's happy dawn! Sing through all…
889. Soldiers of Christ, arise Soldiers of Christ, arise and put your armour on, strong in the strength which God supplies through his eternal Son. Strong in the Lord of hosts and in his mighty power, who in the strength of Jesus…
853. When we walk with the Lord When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do his good will he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey! Trust and obey! For…
84. O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place! I cry aloud, I long for your abode; the joys of earth have left my soul unsatisfied: my heart and flesh desire the living God. Within your walls…
706. The Gospel of your grace The gospel of your grace my stubborn heart has won, for God so loved the world he gave his only Son so that whoever will believe shall everlasting life receive! 2. The serpent lifted up could life…
104. O worship the King O worship the king, all-glorious above; O gratefully sing his power and his love: our shield and defender, the Ancient of days, pavilioned in splendour and girded with praise! 2. O tell of…
764. Lord, it is not within my care Lord, it is not within my care whether I die or live; to love and serve you is my share, and this your grace must give. 2. If life is long, I shall be glad that I may long obey; if short, then why…