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60. When troubles come and hopes depart When troubles come and hopes depart in mercy, Lord, arise; the ruined landscape of my heart lies bare before your eyes. 2. Where human pride is humbled low and crushed beneath your hand, your…
768. Through all the changing scenes of life Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ. 2. O magnify the Lord with me, with me exalt his name; when in distress…
1286. Christ the sure and steady anchor CHRIST, THE SURE AND STEADY ANCHOR in the fury of the storm, when the winds of doubt blow through me and my sails have all been torn; in the suffering, in the sorrow, when…
219. New every morning is the love New every morning is the love our waking and our rising prove: through sleep and darkness safely brought, restored to life and power and thought. 2. New mercies, each returning day, surround your…
964. And will the judge descend And will the judge descend? And must the dead arise, and not a single soul escape his all-discerning eyes? 2. How will my heart endure the terrors of that day, as earth and heaven, before his…
1253. Loved before the dawn of time Loved before the dawn of time, chosen by my Maker, hidden in my Saviour: I am his and he is mine, cherished for eternity. 2. When I'm stained with guilt and sin, he is there to lift…
956. My Lord, you wore no royal crown My Lord, you wore no royal crown; you did not wield the powers of state, nor did you need a scholar's gown or priestly robe, to make you great. 2. You never used a killer's sword to end an unjust…
CP51. On Christmas night all Christians sing ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT ALL CHRISTIANS SING to hear the news the angels bring; on Christmas night all Christians sing to hear the news the angels bring: news of great joy for all the earth, news of…
119F. Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth, and from it I will not depart; that I may steadfastly obey, give me an understanding heart. 2. In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy…
602. Behold the throne of grace Behold the throne of grace, the promise calls us near; there mercy shines in Jesus' face, who waits to answer prayer. 2. That rich atoning blood, which at the cross we see, provides for those who…
1072. Called and named before your birth Called and named before your birth, chosen one, Jesus Christ, given now to all the earth; Spirit-filled, perfect light. Bringing peace and righteousness, freeing slaves, ending night; honoured…
CP60. The first nowell THE FIRST NOWELL THE ANGEL DID SAY, was to Bethlehem's shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep: Nowell, nowell,…
376. See, amid the winter's snow See, amid the winter's snow, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemption's happy dawn! Sing through all…
248. Immortal, invisible, God only wise Immortal, invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible hid from our eyes; most holy, most glorious, the Ancient of days, almighty, victorious, your great name we praise. 2. Unresting, unhasting,…
816. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead and Christ will shine on you. Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. 1. Once you were darkness, but now you are…
573. O Christ, the great foundation O Christ, the great foundation on which your people stand to preach the true salvation in every age and land: pour out your Holy Spirit to make us strong and pure, to keep the faith unbroken as long…
398. How humble Moses was, who met How humble moses was, who met God face to shining face, and yet his meekness was his fame! But humbler still was he who left the realms above and, all bereft of glory, bore our shame. 2. How bravely…
405. The darkness turns to dawn The darkness turns to dawn, the day-spring shines from heaven, for unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. 2. The Son of God most high, before all else began, a virgin's son behold him…
186. Now to the King eternal Now to the king eternal, now to the King immortal, now to the King invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Yes to the one who destined us, yes to the one who ransomed us, yes…
852. Take up your cross, the Saviour said 'Take up your cross,' the saviour said, 'if you would my disciple be; deny yourself, forsake the world, and humbly follow after me.' 2. Take up your cross-let not its weight fill your weak soul with…
606. Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all, the same throughout eternal day, hear now your weakest followers call, and teach us how we ought to pray: pour out your prayer-inspiring grace and stir us up to seek…
809. Jesus, your all-victorious love Jesus, your all-victorious love shed in my heart abroad; no more shall my foundation move, rooted and fixed in God. 2. O that in me the Spirit's fire might now begin to glow, burn up the dross of…
1113. Lord, we turn to you for mercy Lord, we turn to you for mercy: may our prayerful words express something of our heartfelt sorrow for the sins we now confess. 2   We have trusted far too often in our human strength and…
873. O God of Bethel, by whose hand O God of bethel, by whose hand your children still are fed; who through this earthly pilgrimage your people safely led: 2. Our vows, our prayers, we now present before your gracious throne; as you…
1233. Creation sings the Father's song Creation sings the Father's song; he calls the sun to wake the dawn and run the course of day till evening falls in crimson rays. His fingerprints in flakes of snow, his breath upon this spinning…
912. Bless the Lord for all the honours Bless the Lord for all the honours he has granted humankind: dignity bestowed upon us, work to do with hand and mind. With his image he has graced us, on the earth his rule to bear; over all creation…
942. Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment- each precious hour, a gift which is unique- for your unhurried guiding hand I cherish and the contentment of your ways I seek. When date and time demand my…
CP39. Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour LORD, YOU WERE RICH BEYOND ALL SPLENDOUR, yet, for love’s sake, became so poor; thrones for a manger did surrender, sapphire-paved courts for stable floor: Lord, you were rich beyond all…
864. You servants of the Lord You servants of the Lord, who for his coming wait, observe with care his heavenly word- be watchful at his gate. 2. Let all your lamps be bright and guard the living flame; be ready always in his…
750. The Lord made man, the scriptures tell The Lord made man, the scriptures tell, to bear his image and his sign; yet we by nature share as well the ancient mark of Adam's line. 2. In Adam's fall falls every man, with every gift the Father…