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65. Every heart its tribute pays Every heart its tribute pays, every tongue its song of praise; sin and sorrow, guilt and care, brought to him who answers prayer; there by grace may humankind full and free forgiveness…
254. Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock Ascribe greatness to our God, the rock, his work is perfect and all his ways are just. Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock, his work is perfect and all his ways are just. A God of faithfulness and…
574. One holy Apostolic church One holy apostolic church, the body of the Lord: our task, to witness to his name in full and glad accord- one Lord confessed, one faith believed, one baptism its sign; one God and Father over…
878. Still near me, O my Saviour, stand Still near me, O my saviour, stand and guard me in temptation's hour; within the hollow of your hand uphold me by your saving power: no force in earth or hell shall move or ever tear me from your…
435. O perfect life of love! O perfect life of love! All, all is finished now, all that he left his throne above to do for us below. 2. No work is left undone of all the Father willed; in Jesus' sorrows, one by one, the…
390. Forty days and forty nights Forty days and forty nights you were fasting in the wild; forty days and forty nights tempted and yet undefiled. 2. Burning heat throughout the day, bitter cold when light had fled; prowling beasts…
16. O God, my refuge, keep me safe O God, my refuge, keep me safe: on you my good depends; O Lord, you are my Lord alone, your saints my choicest friends. 2. Whoever turns to other gods will find remorse and shame; to them I…
418. Go to dark Gethsemane Go to dark gethsemane, you that feel the tempter's power; your Redeemer's conflict see, watch with him one bitter hour; turn not from his griefs away: learn from Jesus Christ to pray. 2. Follow to…
782. O Christ, in you my soul has found O Christ, in you my soul has found and found in you alone, the peace that I had sought so long, the joy till now unknown. Now none but Christ can satisfy, no other name so true; there's love and life…
1030. Jesus is King Jesus is king, yet came to be servant, humble and willing to kneel in the dust; giving his life as the ultimate service, bearing our guilt as he suffered for us. 2 Lord, take our life and fill…
738. Object of my first desire Object of my first desire, Jesus, crucified for me! all to happiness aspire: you alone our joy can be. You to please, and you to know, these are my delight below; you to see, and you to love, these…
402. O changeless Christ, for ever new O changeless Christ, for ever new, who walked our earthly ways, still draw our hearts as once you drew the hearts of other days. 2. As once you spoke by plain and hill or taught by shore and sea, so…
347. Hark! A trumpet-call is sounding Hark! a trumpet-call is sounding, 'Christ is near,' it seems to say: 'cast away the dreams of darkness, children of the dawning day!' 2. Wakened by the solemn warning, let our earth-bound souls…
47. O clap your hands, all nations, cry O clap your hands, all nations, cry with joy to God, declare his worth: how awesome is the Lord most High, the mighty King of all the earth! 2. Beneath us he has cast our foes and raised us up…
1113. Lord, we turn to you for mercy Lord, we turn to you for mercy: may our prayerful words express something of our heartfelt sorrow for the sins we now confess. 2Β Β  We have trusted far too often in our human strength and…
1013. No condemnation now No condemnation now, with Jesus Christ within, the Spirit's law of life has conquered death and sin; and so my song shall ever be that Jesus Christ has set me free. 2. God sent his only…
1273. Joy has dawned upon the world JOY HAS DAWNED UPON THE WORLD, promised from creation: God’s salvation now unfurled, hope for every nation. Not with fanfares from above, not with scenes of glory, but a…
739. Who is there like you Who is there like you and who else would give their life for me, even suffering in my place? And who could repay you? All of creation looks to you and you provide for all you have made. So I'm…
9. Your praises, Lord, with all my heart Your praises, Lord, with all my heart, your glory I will sing, and tell of all your wondrous works with joy, most mighty King. You make your enemies turn back, they stumble and they die, but you…
1148. Speak, O Lord Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word. Take your truth, plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness, that the light of Christ might be seen…
1258. Holy Father, rich in mercy HOLY FATHER, RICH IN MERCY, holy Saviour, rich in grace, great in glory everlastingβ€” how I long to see your face. Lead me to your new creation, lead me to your throne of…
611. O Lord, our guardian and our guide O Lord, our guardian and our guide, be near us when we call; uphold us when our footsteps slide, and raise us when we fall. 2. The world, the flesh and Satan dwell around the path we tread: O save us…
123. Up to you I lift my eyes Up to you I lift my eyes, high enthroned above the skies: teach me, Lord, to follow you, see your hand in all I do. 2. As a servant watches still, set to know his master's will: so we fix our…
1015. I cannot know the love I cannot know the love that brought you down to earth. I dare not think that it reflects upon my worth. I cannot quantify the gratitude I feel that you left your home and Father just for…
634. Baptized in water for our Lord Baptized in water for our Lord, we follow and obey his word. In him we die, in him we rise to reign with him beyond the skies. 2. Baptized into the triune name, the Father's promises we…
756. God has promised many things God has promised many things: treasures from a heavenly store; now in Christ the echo sounds: 'Yes' to all he said before. Think of how he gave his Son; such a precious gift indeed! How will he not…
1074. What can compare to this? What can compare to this? The depth of love I see, that one who knows my thoughts was crushed and scarred for me. Though he had done no wrong and I am full of sin, the price is paid and I can be…
242. Eternal God, we come to you Eternal God, we come to you, we come before your throne; we enter by a new and living way, with confidence we come. We declare your faithfulness, your promises are true; we will now draw near to…
41. Lord, may our hearts within us burn Lord, may our hearts within us burn and grant us grace to intercede, to know compassion and concern for those in every kind of need, whose lives are seen as little worth, the poor and helpless of…
424. Here is love, vast as the ocean Here is love, vast as the ocean, lovingkindness as the flood, when the Prince of life, our ransom, shed for us his precious blood. Who his love will not remember? Who can cease to sing his praise? He…