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843. Jesus, I my cross have taken Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow you: Son of man, despised, forsaken, Lord of all I am or do. Perish every fond ambition, all I've sought and hoped and known; yet how rich is my…
961. In sure and certain hope In sure and certain hope we stand beside this grave and even now, O Son of God, we know you strong to save. Our dead are in your hands who died that we might live, who rose triumphant over death an…
1187. O great God of highest heaven O great God of highest heaven, occupy my lowly heart. Own it all and reign supreme, conquer every rebel power. Let no vice or sin remain that resists your holy war. You have loved and purchased…
CP38. Lord from the splendour of heaven you came LORD, FROM THE SPLENDOUR OF HEAVEN YOU CAME, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2 How can it be…
807. Blessed are the humble souls we see Blessed are the humble souls who see their emptiness and poverty; treasures of grace to them are given: the kingdom of their God in heaven. 2. Blessed are the mourners, grieved in heart that inward…
674. The trumpets sound, the angels sing The trumpets sound, the angels sing, the feast is ready to begin; the gates of heaven are open wide and Jesus welcomes you inside. 2. Tables are laden with good things, O taste the peace and joy he…
1175. In the darkness of the valley In the darkness of the valley, when our hearts are filled with fear, knowing this should give us comfort: Christ our Lord is standing near. He will be our powerful helper, ever-present…
634. Baptized in water for our Lord Baptized in water for our Lord, we follow and obey his word. In him we die, in him we rise to reign with him beyond the skies. 2. Baptized into the triune name, the Father's promises we…
631. We believe in God Almighty We believe in God almighty, who the heavens and earth has made, Father, who in power created all things, hidden and displayed. We believe in one Lord, Jesus, God's unique and only Son, God from God,…
50. God the Lord, the King Almighty God the Lord, the king almighty, calls the earth from east to west; shining out from Zion’s splendour, city loveliest and best, comes our God! He breaks the silence, robed in burning…
679. Lord Jesus, think on me Lord Jesus, think on me, your servant, born in sin: from this world's sorrow set me free and make me clean within. 2. Lord Jesus, think on me, that, when I end my days, I may your radiant glory…
209. My God, I thank you that you made My God, I thank you that you made the earth so bright, so full of splendour and of joy, beauty and light; so many glorious things are here, noble and right. 2. I thank you, Lord, that you have…
144. I'll praise the Lord, my rock I'll praise the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war; who is my loving God and shield, and my deliverer. Yet we are weak, and fail, no stronger than a breath; Lord, what is man, so small, so…
119A. All your commandments Father Almighty All your commandments, father almighty, Bring to your children healing and blessing; Christians who keep them find here their comfort. 2. Daily instruct us as your disciples: Each of your…
716. I stand before the presence I stand before the presence of the Lord God of hosts, a child of my Father and an heir of his grace, for Jesus paid the debt for me, the veil was torn in two, and the Holy of Holies has become my…
465. Jesus lives! Your terrors now Jesus lives! your terrors now can, O death, no more appal us: Jesus lives! By this we know you, O grave, cannot enthral us: Hallelujah! 2. Jesus lives! Henceforth is death but the gate of life…
125. Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable, firm as Mount Zion, supremely assured; just as the mountains encircle Jerusalem, round us for ever is standing the Lord. 2. Evil shall not always…
CP52. Once in royal David's city ONCE IN ROYAL DAVID'S CITY stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ, her little child. 2 He came down to earth…
815. Take time to be holy, speak much with your Lord Take time to be holy, speak much with your Lord; remain in him always, and feed on his word; make friends of God's children, help those who are weak, forgetting in nothing his blessing to seek. 2.…
172. Bring to the Lord a glad new song Bring to the Lord a glad new song, children of grace, extol your king; your love and praise to God belong — to instruments of music, sing! Let those be warned who spurn God’s name; let rulers all…
864. You servants of the Lord You servants of the Lord, who for his coming wait, observe with care his heavenly word- be watchful at his gate. 2. Let all your lamps be bright and guard the living flame; be ready always in his…
CP08. Come and sing the christmas story COME AND SING THE CHRISTMAS STORY this holy night! Christ is born: the hope of glory dawns on our sight. Alleluia! earth is ringing with a thousand angels singing— hear the message they are…
1192. Who has held the oceans in his hands? Who has held the oceans in his hands? Who has numbered every grain of sand? Kings and nations tremble at his voice; all creation rises to rejoice. Behold our God, seated on his throne, come,…
323. Not the grandeur of the mountains Not the grandeur of the mountains, nor the splendour of the sea, can excel the ceaseless wonder of my Saviour’s love to me: For his love to me is faithful and his mercy is divine; and his truth is…
1199. Can a sinner like me stand Can a sinner like me stand in the rags of my disgrace? How would I escape God's hand or begin to plead my case? For the goodness I possess, any kindness I have shown, cannot give the…
502. Arise, my soul, arise Arise, my soul, arise, shake off your guilty fears; the perfect sacrifice on my behalf appears: my guarantor in heaven stands, my name is written on his hands. 2. He ever lives above for me to…
945. Our God, supreme and good Our God, supreme and good, how richly you have loved! But nations die for lack of food and are we still unmoved? 2. While human lives are lost in misery and fear, shall we complain about the cost of…
95. Come with all joy to sing to God Come with all joy to sing to God our saving rock, the living Lord; in glad thanksgiving seek his face with songs of victory and grace. 2. In holiness and light arrayed above all gods that we…
1180. We who know the Lord is gracious We who know the Lord is gracious have in Christ a cornerstone; sent from God, elect and precious, laid that we may build thereon. Let us on this sure foundation, now, a living temple…
804. When peace, like a river, attends all my way When peace, like a river, attends all my way, when sorrows like sea-billows roll, whatever my path, you have taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul.' 'It is well with my soul, it is…