Search Results


1008. O what riches O what riches and what virtue, far beyond the thought of man are invested in our Saviour in the wonder of God’s plan. See in Jesus, boundless treasure, more than we can ever measure. 2. From…
668. Christ is all the world's good news Christ is all the world's good news; Christ commands the world to choose, heaven to find and hell to lose; turn, and come to him! 2. Love into this world was sent; love's full measure here was…
472. The day of resurrection The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad; the passover of gladness, the passover of God! From death to life eternal, from earth up to the sky, our Christ has brought us over with hymns of…
19A. The heavens declare God's glory The heavens declare God’s glory, their grandeur tells his worth; by day and night, though silent, their witness rings the earth. The sun, a radiant bridegroom, steps forth with eager feet to…
307. How wonderful the works of God How wonderful the works of God, displayed through all the world abroad, immensely great, minutely small— one greater work exceeds them all. 2. He formed the sun, the day’s great light; the moon…
796. Great is God's love for us Great is God's love for us, past understanding; stooping to rescue us, bound in our sin. While we were enemies worthy of judgement, his Son made peace for us, taking our blame. His Son made peace for…
662. Sweet feast of Love Divine Sweet feast of love divine! your grace, Lord, makes us free to feed upon the bread and wine, remembering Calvary. 2. Here every welcome guest waits, Lord, from you to learn the Father's heart made…
651. I hunger and I thirst I hunger and I thirst; Jesus, my manna be; O living Water, burst out of the rock for me! 2. O bruised and broken Bread, my life-long needs supply: as living souls are fed, so feed me, or I die. 3. O…
872. O Christ of all the ages, come! O Christ of all the ages, come! We fear to journey on our own; without you near we cannot face the future months, the years unknown. 2. Afflicted, tempted, tried like us, you match our moments of…
929. Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and saviour, with tender mercy hear us as we pray; grant our desire for those who seek your favour, come with your love and bless them both today. 2. Give them your…
627. Tell all the world of Jesus Tell all the world of Jesus, our Saviour, Lord and King; and let the whole creation of his salvation sing: proclaim his glorious greatness in nature and in grace; Creator and Redeemer, the Lord of…
943. All who wake tonight All who wake tonight watching till the light, all who serve us by their labours, all who care for needs of neighbours- Jesus, Lord, we pray, guard them till the day. 2. We commend again all who cry…
333. The Word was very God The word was very God before creation came; in the beginning was the Word, and Jesus is his name. That Word which some deny and others make a joke, he is the Word whom we adore, the Word the Father…
640. A feast of joy unspeakable is spread A feast of joy unspeakable is spread, by him who is himself the living bread, a place for hungry souls is now prepared, a life of endless glory to be shared. 2. Yet places at this feast were dearly…
607. Great Shepherd of your people, hear! Great shepherd of your people, hear! your presence now display; as you have given a place for prayer, so give us hearts to pray. 2. Show us some token of your love, our fainting hope to raise; pour…
714. Love divine, all loves excelling Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven, to earth come down: fix in us your humble dwelling, all your faithful mercies crown. Jesus, you are all compassion, boundless love that makes us…
512. Rejoicing in hope we wait for our King Rejoicing in hope we wait for our king: his coming is sure, his conquest we sing. His hour of returning draws daily more near; with hearts hushed and burning we see him appear. 2. He comes with a…
1220. One day we'll hear the trumpet sound One day we’ll hear the trumpet sound, the shout will echo all around! Christ is coming! Hallelujah! The skies will open for our King, all those who love him gladly sing, Lord, come quickly!…
1170. Extol the God of justice Extol the God of justice with heart and soul and voice; remember all his wonders, recount them and rejoice. He stands with all who labour for what is true and right, till wickedness and falsehood are…
1070. Our Father, who art in heaven Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we…
1048. Set ten thousand voices singing Set ten thousand voices singing! Let them sound aloud God's praise. Centuries have seen him bringing favour shown in countless ways. Human faults in every era cannot hide the good we trace, for…
440. O teach me, Lord, its meaning O teach me, Lord, its meaning, that cross uplifted high, with one, the Man of sorrows, condemned to bleed and die! O teach me what it cost you to make a sinner whole; and teach me, Saviour, teach…
260. Our God, our help in ages past Our God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home. 2. Beneath the shadow of your throne your saints have lived secure; sufficient is…
653. Jesus invites his saints Jesus invites his saints to come to him and dine; here pardoned rebels meet their Lord through signs of bread and wine. 2. For food he gives his flesh, he bids us drink his blood; amazing favour!…
227. Come, let us with our Lord arise Come, let us with our Lord arise, our Lord who made both earth and skies, who died to save the world he made and rose triumphant from the dead! He rose, the Prince of life and peace, and stamped the…
605. How weak my spirit is, O Lord How weak my spirit is, O Lord, when I desire to pray: how shall I come before your throne? What shall I find to say? 2. You know, dear Lord, how much I long for closer ties with you; to feel your…
473. The strife is past, the battle done The strife is past, the battle done; now is the Victor's triumph won- O let the song of praise be sung: Hallelujah! 2. Death's mightiest powers have done their worst; and Jesus has his foes…
386. As with gladness men of old As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold, as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright: so, most gracious Lord, may we evermore your splendour see. 2. As with…
893. Cast your burden on the Lord Cast your burden on the Lord, only lean upon his word; you will soon have cause to bless his eternal faithfulness. 2. He sustains you by his hand; he enables you to stand; those whom Jesus once has…
439. O sacred head once wounded O sacred head once wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, how scornfully surrounded with thorns, your only crown! How pale you are with anguish, with fierce abuse and scorn! How do those features…