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1086. Heaven must sing Heaven must sing, and earth will find a voice--- let all creation fill with advent joy! See in the sky, there countless angels sing, bursting with news of their incarnate King. See on the earth,…
229. Light up this place with glory, Lord Light up this place with glory, Lord, enter, and claim your own; receive the homage of our souls, and make in us your throne. 2. No altar nowโ€”no earthly priest can for our sin atone; our great high…
2B. Why do the nations rage and cry Why do the nations rage and cry, plotting against the Lord most high? And why do kings and people scorn his Christ, forsaken and forlorn? The Lord in heaven shall laugh aloud at all the boasting…
721. O happy day, that fixed my choice O happy day, that fixed my choice on you, my Saviour and my God! Well may this grateful heart rejoice and tell of Christ's redeeming blood. 2. It's done, the great transaction's done! I am my Lord's…
1114. Majestic God Majestic God, you hold within your hand the farthest star; you span the breadth of space, you dwarf the highest height, and yet our daily lives are precious in your sight! Beyond our thoughts,…
439. O sacred head once wounded O sacred head once wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, how scornfully surrounded with thorns, your only crown! How pale you are with anguish, with fierce abuse and scorn! How do those features…
143. Hear me, O Lord, in my distress Hear me, O Lord, in my distress, give ear to my despairing plea! In faithfulness, in righteousness, O hear my prayer and answer me. 2. I claim no favour as of right; you are the God I serve and…
414. At the cross of Jesus At the cross of Jesus I would take my place, drawn by such a measure of redeeming grace. Fill my eyes with sorrow, lift my eyes to see Jesus Christ my Saviour crucified for me. 2. At the…
220. Lord, as I wake I turn to you Lord, as I wake I turn to you, yourself the first thought of my day; my King, my God, whose help is sure, yourself the help for which I pray. 2. There is no blessing, Lord, from you for those who…
1217. For times when we have work to do For times when we have work to do we thank you, gracious Lord: for challenge and for dignity, for purpose and reward. 2. Our skills, our time, our energies, the things we plan or makeโ€” may…
457. Christ the Lord is risen again Christ the Lord is risen again, Hallelujah! Christ has broken every chain; Hallelujah! hear the angel voices cry, Hallelujah! singing evermore on high: Hallelujah! 2. He who gave for us his life, who…
412. Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended that man to judge you has in hate pretended? By foes derided, by your own rejected, O most afflicted! 2. Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon you? It is my…
53. The fool has said within his heart The fool has said within his heart, โ€˜There is no God!โ€™ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile before the Lord. For none is righteous, thereโ€™s not one whose works are good. 2. From heaven…
770. Within the busy rush of life Within the busy rush of life I find a resting-place: when I submit to Christ my Lord and let him set my pace, he shows the way that I should take whatever trials I face. 2. Amid the choices I must…
CP65. What kind of throne is a manger of hay WHAT KIND OF THRONE IS A MANGER OF HAY, no majesty shown there, no dignity claimed, for one who deserves to be crowned and enthroned on our praise? What kind of king is so modestly born, when…
CP22. Heaven must sing HEAVEN MUST SING, AND EARTH WILL FIND A VOICEโ€” let all creation fill with advent joy! See in the sky, there countless angels sing, bursting with news of their incarnate King. See on the earth,…
498. The head that once was crowned with thorns The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now; a royal diadem adorns the mighty Victor's brow. 2. The highest place that heaven affords is his by sovereign right; the King of…
466. Jesus, Prince and Saviour Jesus, prince and saviour, Lord of life who died, Christ, the friend of sinners, mocked and crucified; for a world's salvation he his body gave, lay at last death's victim, lifeless in the…
659. We come as guests invited We come as guests invited when Jesus bids us dine, his friends on earth united to share the bread and wine; the bread of life is broken, the wine is freely poured for us, in solemn token of Christ,…
68. Let God arise! His enemies be gone Let God arise! his enemies be gone and melt like wax before the Holy One. 2. Make known the Lord, and sound his name aloud to praise the King who rides upon the cloud. 3. Father and Judge, he…
159. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty! Early in the morning our song of praise shall be: โ€˜Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, glorious Trinity!โ€™ 2. Holy, holy, holy! All…
1053. Our refuge and our strength is God Our refuge and our strength is God, sure help in every trouble; though earth gives way and mountains fall, yet we will fear no evil. And though the mountains quake and shift beneath the roaring…
505. With joy we contemplate the grace With joy we contemplate the grace of our high priest above; his heart is made of tenderness, and overflows with love. 2. Touched with a sympathy within, our frailty he has known; he knows what fierce…
1008. O what riches O what riches and what virtue, far beyond the thought of man are invested in our Saviour in the wonder of Godโ€™s plan. See in Jesus, boundless treasure, more than we can ever measure. 2. From…
1253. Loved before the dawn of time Loved before the dawn of time, chosen by my Maker, hidden in my Saviour: I am his and he is mine, cherished for eternity. 2. When I'm stained with guilt and sin, he is there to lift…
1104. Good news throughout the world Good news throughout the world is centred in God's Son, for in his love for us there's hope for everyone. In Jesus' death we all can find redeeming grace for lost mankind. 2. To people far and…
319. My Jesus, my Saviour My Jesus, my saviour, Lord, there is none like you; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love. My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength, let every breath, all that I…
1028. Not for ourselves Not for ourselves, O Lord, not for ourselves, would we claim glory, but for you alone, because of your great love and faithfulness, the steadfast care that makes your presence known. 2 The…
912. Bless the Lord for all the honours Bless the Lord for all the honours he has granted humankind: dignity bestowed upon us, work to do with hand and mind. With his image he has graced us, on the earth his rule to bear; over all creation…
1218. Born to be King Born to be king! jesseโ€™s last sonโ€” marked by the Spirit and chosen by grace, promised a line of descendants unending; kingship extending throughout time and space. 2. Born to be King!…