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1073. Lord, for our world which strays Lord, for our world, which strays far from your kingdom of love and mercy, justice, truth and grace; where conflicts rage across so many borders, where hate is stirred by riches, power and race: O…
558. O God who shaped the starry skies O God who shaped the starry skies and made the sun in splendour rise, whose love our life imparts, still may that same creative word which formless void and darkness heard be known within our…
564. Behold, the mountain of the Lord Behold, the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wondering eyes. 2. To this, the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues, shall flow; 'Up…
651. I hunger and I thirst I hunger and I thirst; Jesus, my manna be; O living Water, burst out of the rock for me! 2. O bruised and broken Bread, my life-long needs supply: as living souls are fed, so feed me, or I die. 3. O…
170. Blessing and honour, glory and power Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days; from every nation, all of creation bow before the Ancient of Days. Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory, every…
258. Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father 'Great is thy faithfulness', O God my father, there is no shadow of turning with thee; thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not; as thou hast been, thou for ever wilt be. 'Great is thy…
641. According to your gracious word According to your gracious word, because you died for me, I will remember you, my Lord, in meek humility. 2. Your body, broken for my sake, my bread from heaven shall be; I will remember you, and…
830. Son of God, if your free grace Son of God, if your free grace again has raised me up, called me still to seek your face, and given me back my hope; still your timely help afford, and all your loving-kindness show: keep me, keep me,…
1115. Can I trust that God has made me Can I trust that God has made me for his pleasure, to enjoy him? Does he care for my existence, is there purpose to my life? Yes! his word says he's my Father, I'm his child, by his design; made…
13. How long will you forget me, Lord How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long shall evils tear my heart and troubles fill my day? 2. Look on my need, O Lord my God who grants my every breath; give…
543. Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory, yours is the eternal throne; majesty and awesome power flow from God, and God alone. Far above the earth's small circle you embrace infinity; reigning, mighty over…
1250. I will glory in my Redeemer I will glory in my redeemer, whose priceless blood has ransomed me. Mine was the sin that drove the bitter nails, and hung him on that judgement tree. I will glory in my Redeemer, who crushed the…
617. All earth was dark until you spoke All earth was dark until you spoke, then all was light and all was peace. Yet still, O God, so many wait to see the flame of love released. Light to the world, O Light of man, kindle in us a…
400. Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown when you came to this earth for me; but in Bethlehem's home there was found no room for your holy nativity: O come to my heart, Lord Jesus, there is…
53. The fool has said within his heart The fool has said within his heart, ‘There is no God!’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile before the Lord. For none is righteous, there’s not one whose works are good. 2. From heaven…
223. Glory to you, my God, this night Glory to you, my God, this night for all the blessings of the light; keep me, O keep me, King of kings, beneath your own almighty wings. 2. Forgive me, Lord, through your dear Son, the wrong that I…
288. Christ is the world's light, he and none other Christ is the world's light, he and none other: born in our darkness, he became our brother; if we have seen him, we have seen the Father: Glory to God on high. 2. Christ is the world’s peace, he…
225. Again the Lord's own day is here Again the Lord's own day is here, the day to Christian people dear, when Jesus Christ, the church’s head, arose in power and left the dead. 2. By all his flock, our Lord declared, his…
CP54. See amid the winter's snow SEE, AMID THE WINTER’S SNOW, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemption’s happy dawn! Sing through…
123. Up to you I lift my eyes Up to you I lift my eyes, high enthroned above the skies: teach me, Lord, to follow you, see your hand in all I do. 2. As a servant watches still, set to know his master's will: so we fix our…
1304. Out of the depths I cry to you OUT OF THE DEPTHS I CRY TO YOU; from darkest places I will call. Incline your ear to me anew, and hear my cry for mercy, Lord. Were you to count my sinful ways, how could I come before your…
609. Lord Jesus, when your people meet Lord Jesus, when your people meet they come before your mercy-seat; where you are sought, you shall be found and every place is holy ground. 2. Your presence, by no walls confined, is known within…
35. Contend, O Lord, with those Contend, O Lord, with those who will contend with me; be foe to all my foes, my strong salvation be. Sly and unjust, they hunt me down; let them be blown away like dust! 2. The angel of the…
10. In my hour of grief or need In my hour of grief or need when a friend is friend indeed, now, when Satan walks abroad, be not far from me, O Lord. 2. When the powers of evil ride through the world in open pride, flaunted…
932. God of mercy, hear our prayer God of mercy, hear our prayer for the children you have given; let them all your blessings share: grace on earth and joy in heaven! 2. In the morning of their days may their hearts to you be…
821. Walk in the light, and you shall know Walk in the light, and you shall know that fellowship of love his Spirit only can bestow, who reigns in light above. 2. Walk in the light, and you shall find your heart made truly his, who dwells in…
425. His hands were pierced, the hands that made His hands were pierced, the hands that made the mountain range and forest glade, that washed the stains of sin away and changed earth's darkness into day. 2. His feet were pierced, the feet that…
11. I've found my refuge in the Lord I've found my refuge in the Lord; how can you say to me, ‘Flee to the mountains like a bird, for in the shadows, see: there, ready armed, the wicked hide, to assail the upright few; when…
1020. God gives a new beginning God gives a new beginning to those who hear his call, who turn from self and sinning to Christ as all-in-all: to know him still more clearly their over-arching aim; to follow him more…
494. My heart is full of admiration A My heart is full of admiration for you, my Lord, my God and King. BYour excellence, my inspiration, your words of grace have made my spirit sing. All the glory, honour and power belong to you,…