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259. God shall alone the refuge be God shall alone the refuge be, and comfort of my mind; too wise to be mistaken, he, too good to be unkind. 2. In all his holy, sovereign will, he is, I daily find, too wise to be mistaken, still too…
1254. Prepare our hearts, O God Prepare our hearts, O God, help us to receive; break the hard and stony ground, help our unbelief. Plant your word down deep in us, cause it to bear fruit, open up our ears to hear, lead us in…
934. O God, your life-creating love O God, your life-creating love this sacred trust to parents gave. In Christ your power came from above your children here to claim and save. 2. Help us who now our pledges give the young to cherish,…
943. All who wake tonight All who wake tonight watching till the light, all who serve us by their labours, all who care for needs of neighbours- Jesus, Lord, we pray, guard them till the day. 2. We commend again all who cry…
473. The strife is past, the battle done The strife is past, the battle done; now is the Victor's triumph won- O let the song of praise be sung: Hallelujah! 2. Death's mightiest powers have done their worst; and Jesus has his foes…
394. He left his home of perfect light He left his home of perfect light and came to earth in poverty, to live with sinners lost in night, for me. 2. Throughout his life of thirty years no man was hated more than he; he bore rejection,…
478. Ascended Christ, who gained Ascended Christ, who gained the glory that we sing, anointed and ordained, our Prophet, Priest and King: by many tongues the church displays your power and praise in all her songs. 2. No titles,…
677. Today your mercy calls us Today your mercy calls us to wash away our sin, however great our trespass, whatever we have been; however long from mercy our hearts have turned away, your blood, O Christ, can cleanse us and set us…
191. Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God from whom all blessings flow in heaven above and earth below; one God, three Persons, we adore — to him be praise for evermore!
312. Join all the glorious names Join all the glorious names of wisdom, love and power, that mortals ever knew, that angels ever bore; all are too poor to speak his worth, too poor to set my Saviourforth. 2. Great Prophetof my…
880. Christian, seek not yet repose Christian, seek not yet repose, cast your dreams of ease away: you are in the midst of foes- watch and pray. 2. Principalities and powers, mustering their unseen array, wait for your unguarded…
407. All glory, praise and honour All glory, praise and honour to you, Redeemer, King, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. 1. 'You are the King of Israel, great David's royal Son, now in the Lord's name coming, his…
458. Christ, the Lord, is risen today 'Christ, the Lord, is risen today!' Hallelujah! All creation join to say: Hallelujah! Raise your joys and triumphs high; Hallelujah! Sing, you heavens, and earth reply: Hallelujah! 2. Love's…
350. Angels from the realms of glory Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
169. Angel voices ever singing Angel voices ever singing round your throne of light, angel music ever ringing rests not day or night; thousands only live to bless you and confess you Lord of might. 2. Lord, beyond our mortal…
CP54. See amid the winter's snow SEE, AMID THE WINTER’S SNOW, born for us on earth below; see, the Lamb of God appears promised from eternal years: Hail, O ever blessed morn! Hail, redemption’s happy dawn! Sing through…
884. He who would valiant be He who would valiant be 'gainst all disaster, let him in constancy follow the Master. There's no discouragement shall make him once relent his first avowed intent to be a pilgrim. 2. Those who beset…
714. Love divine, all loves excelling Love divine, all loves excelling, joy of heaven, to earth come down: fix in us your humble dwelling, all your faithful mercies crown. Jesus, you are all compassion, boundless love that makes us…
881. Christian, do you see them Christian, do you see them on the holy ground, how the powers of darkness circle you around? Christian, up and fight them, counting gain but loss; for your mighty Saviour triumphed on the cross. 2.…
CP47. O Holy night O HOLY NIGHT! THE STARS ARE BRIGHTLY SHINING; it is the night of our dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining till he appeared, our Redeemer on earth. A thrill of hope, the…
1061. When worries blur our vision When worries blur our vision till we cannot see the way; when problems rise to fill our minds perspective falls away. We must set our hearts on eternity, fix our thoughts on what is sure. God…
320. Name of all majesty Name of all majesty, fathomless mystery, King of the ages by angels adored; power and authority, splendour and dignity, bow to his mastery— Jesus is Lord! 2. Child of our destiny, God from…
243. Eternal light! Eternal light! Eternal light! eternal light! How pure the soul must be, when, placed within your searching sight, it shrinks not, but with calm delight can face such majesty. 2. The spirits who surround your…
410. A purple robe, a crown of thorn A purple robe, a crown of thorn, a reed in his right hand; before the soldiers' spite and scorn I see my Saviour stand. 2. He bears between the Roman guard the weight of all our woe; a stumbling…
778. Jesus, your blood and righteousness Jesus, your blood and righteousness my beauty are, my glorious dress; mid burning worlds, in these arrayed, with joy I shall lift up my head. 2. Bold shall I stand on your great day and none condemn…
581. Beloved, let us love: For love is of God Beloved, let us love: for love is of God; in God alone has love its true abode. 2. Beloved, let us love: for those who love, they only, are his children from above. 3. Beloved, let us love: for love…
409. Behold the amazing sight! Behold the amazing sight! The Saviour lifted high; the Son of God, his soul's delight, expires in agony. 2. For whom that broken heart? For whom those sorrows borne? Why did he feel that piercing…
678. You are the way: From sin and death You are the way: from sin and death we turn to you alone, for those who would the Father seek must seek him through the Son. 2. You are the Truth, your word alone true wisdom can impart: you only can…
508. I cannot tell why he whom angels worship I cannot tell why he whom angels worship should set his love upon the sons of men, or why as shepherd he should seek the wanderers, to bring them back, they know not how nor when. But this I know,…
59. Deliver me from all my foes Deliver me from all my foes, the evil and malign; O Lord, they plot to do me harm for no offence of mine. Without a cause they seek my life; have pity, see my need; Lord God almighty, Israel’s…