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4. O hear my cry, my righteous God O hear my cry, my righteous God; relieve me from despair. Display your mercy to me now, and listen to my prayer. 2. The glory of my name, O men, how long will you despise? How long will you…
CP06. Christians awake! Salute the happy morn CHRISTIANS AWAKE! SALUTE THE HAPPY MORN on which the Saviour of the world was born; rise to adore the mystery of his love which hosts of angels chanted from above! With them the joyful tidings…
536. Spirit divine, inspire our prayers Spirit divine, inspire our prayers and make our hearts your home; descend with all your gracious powers: O come, great Spirit, come! 2. Come as the light: reveal our need, our emptiness and woe, and…
1169. To walk with Jesus in this world To walk with Jesus in this world is not an easy thing; he calls us all to bear our cross if we would follow him. 2. For he himself once paid this price for those he came to save; then after…
7. From my pursuers keep me safe From my pursuers keep me safe: O Lord, my refuge be, or they will tear me like a lion with none to rescue me. O Lord, if mine are guilty hands betraying solemn trust, then let my accusers take…
885. In heavenly armour we'll enter the land In heavenly armour we'll enter the land, the battle belongs to the Lord. No weapon that's fashioned against us will stand, the battle belongs to the Lord. And we sing glory, honour, power and…
CP64. What kind of greatness can this be WHAT KIND OF GREATNESS CAN THIS BE that chose to be made small, exchanging untold majesty for a world so pitiful? That God should come as one of us Iโ€™ll never understand; the more I hear the…
1174. Light of the world, true light divine Light of the world, true light divine, in glory break and splendour shine upon our nature's night, upon our nature's night! The darkness dies before the morn and God himself a child is born, the…
602. Behold the throne of grace Behold the throne of grace, the promise calls us near; there mercy shines in Jesus' face, who waits to answer prayer. 2. That rich atoning blood, which at the cross we see, provides for those who…
933. Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer we bring before your face; let them your covenant mercies share and save them by your grace. 2. In early days their hearts secure from evil ways, we pray; and…
231. Sweet is the work, my God, my King Sweet is the work, my God, my king, to praise your name, give thanks and sing; to show your love by morning light, and talk of all your truth at night. 2. Sweet is the day, the first and best, on…
964. And will the judge descend And will the judge descend? And must the dead arise, and not a single soul escape his all-discerning eyes? 2. How will my heart endure the terrors of that day, as earth and heaven, before his…
19A. The heavens declare God's glory The heavens declare Godโ€™s glory, their grandeur tells his worth; by day and night, though silent, their witness rings the earth. The sun, a radiant bridegroom, steps forth with eager feet to…
529. Away with our fears Away with our fears, our sorrows and tears, the Spirit is come, the witness of Jesus returned to his home. 2. The pledge of our Lord to his heaven restored, is sent from the sky, and tells us our…
5010. Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth to people everywhere, to tell them how you died for them and show how much you care. 2. In Asia and America and Australasia too, in Africa and Europe we must tell…
1085. Come and listen to the song Come and listen to the song pulsing out from heaven's throne; angel voices, human tongues blend in worship of the Son. There he stands, triumphant Lamb, with the marks of sacrifice. He stooped…
883. Fight the good fight with all your might Fight the good fight with all your might, Christ is your strength and Christ your right; lay hold on life and it shall be your joy and crown eternally. 2. Run the straight race through God's good…
1291. Creator God CREATOR GOD, WHO SHAPED THE EARTH AND HEAVENS, your glory shines in all that you have made; you spoke the word, who broke into the darknessโ€” all earth replies: โ€˜Majestic is your name!โ€™…
374. See him lying on a bed of straw See him lying on a bed of straw: a draughty stable with an open door; Mary cradling the babe she bore- the Prince of glory is his name. O now carry me to Bethlehem to see the Lord of love again: just…
490. Jesus is King Jesus is king and I will extol him, give him the glory and honour his name. He reigns on high, enthroned in the heavens, Word of the Father exalted for us. 2. We have a hope which is steadfast and…
654. My God, now is your table spread My God, now is your table spread, your cup with love still overflows: so may your children here be fed as Christ to us his goodness shows. 2. This holy feast, which Jesus makes a banquet of his flesh…
800. My Father divine My father divine, by your loving design I am yours, and I know that my Jesus is mine; in the sacrificed Lamb full of comfort I am and my heart it will dance to the sound of your name. 2. True…
898. Awake, my soul, and rise Awake, my soul, and rise amazed, as there you see upon a cross the Saviour God become a curse for me. 2. How gloriously fulfilled is God's most ancient plan, conceived in his eternal mind before the…
880. Christian, seek not yet repose Christian, seek not yet repose, cast your dreams of ease away: you are in the midst of foes- watch and pray. 2. Principalities and powers, mustering their unseen array, wait for your unguarded…
1308. May the grace of Christ, our Saviour MAY THE GRACE OF CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR, be our guide in all we do, for his willing self-abasement shows the pathway to pursue; as we give to other people may he make us rich indeed, bringing to…
1125. You have pardoned all my sin You have pardoned all my sin, made me yours for evermore; now your family is mine and, in you, I stand secure. By your overwhelming grace you and I are reconciled-- Father, hear my joyful…
1164. As we come to God in adoration As we come to God in adoration, thankful for the grace that he has shown, making rebel sinner into child of God as he builds a people of his own: so we lift our hearts in praise and we worship…
CP61. The promised time arrives THE PROMISED TIME ARRIVES, the time of Godโ€™s appointing, the time when One is born who bears the Lordโ€™s anointing. What prophets longed to see is finally made clear: for Jesus comes to…
145A. O Lord! My God and King O Lord! my God and king, I'll praise you evermore, each day your praises sing, your holy name adore: beyond our power to contemplate, how great the Lord! His praise how great! 2. Your great…
1121. Mighty, magnificent God Mighty, magnificent God, author of life, King of creation; mountains and valleys rejoice, oceans resound in celebration. The heavens declare your glory, the earth sings out your praise, and…