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25. All my soul to God I raise All my soul to God I raise; Be my guardian all my days. Confident in hope I rest, Daily prove your path is best. Ever work in me your will, Faithful to your promise still. 2. Graciously my…
560. O that the Lord would guide my ways O that the Lord would guide my ways to keep his statutes still! O that my God would grant me grace to know and do his will! 2. O send your Spirit down, to write your law upon my heart; nor let me…
1314. Come, you sinners, poor and needy COME, YOU SINNERS, POOR AND NEEDY, come, behold your Saviour’s face: full of love and rich in mercy, hands outstretched with boundless grace. 2 Nothing you have done has earned it, full…
905. Abide with me, fast falls the eventide Abide with me, fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens: Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, help of the helpless, O abide with me. 2. Swift to its close ebbs out…
949. Behold a broken world, we pray Behold a broken world, we pray, where want and war increase, and grant us, Lord, in this our day, the ancient dream of peace: 2. A dream of swords to sickles bent, of spears to scythe and spade, the…
144. I'll praise the Lord, my rock I'll praise the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war; who is my loving God and shield, and my deliverer. Yet we are weak, and fail, no stronger than a breath; Lord, what is man, so small, so…
739. Who is there like you Who is there like you and who else would give their life for me, even suffering in my place? And who could repay you? All of creation looks to you and you provide for all you have made. So I'm…
721. O happy day, that fixed my choice O happy day, that fixed my choice on you, my Saviour and my God! Well may this grateful heart rejoice and tell of Christ's redeeming blood. 2. It's done, the great transaction's done! I am my Lord's…
518. Come down, O Love Divine Come down, O love divine! Seek out this soul of mine and visit it, with your own ardour glowing; O Comforter, draw near, within my heart appear, and kindle it, your holy flame bestowing. 2. O let it…
248. Immortal, invisible, God only wise Immortal, invisible, God only wise, in light inaccessible hid from our eyes; most holy, most glorious, the Ancient of days, almighty, victorious, your great name we praise. 2. Unresting, unhasting,…
599. The gifts we bring express our love The gifts we bring express our love to you who left the heavens above and showed through poverty and pain a God who gives and gives again. Freely, freely, freely we have received; gladly, gladly,…
540. Revive your church, O Lord Revive your church, O Lord, in grace and power draw near; speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make your people hear! 2. Revive your church, O Lord, disturb the sleep of death; give life to…
363. Joy to the world, the Lord has come Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King, let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature sing! 2.…
444. There is a fountain filled with blood There is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's veins; and sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. 2. The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his…
899. Lord, in our lonely hours Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints, we are encouraged by your life, and by your saints. 2. If we've no breath for praise, no thoughts to frame a prayer, we know you need no words…
425. His hands were pierced, the hands that made His hands were pierced, the hands that made the mountain range and forest glade, that washed the stains of sin away and changed earth's darkness into day. 2. His feet were pierced, the feet that…
299. How sweet the name of Jesus sounds How sweet the name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear! It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds and drives away our fear. 2. It makes the wounded spirit whole, and calms each heart…
64. Receive, O God, my anguished prayer Receive, O God, my anguished prayer: protect my life from those I dread, and from the evil they prepare in their desire to see me dead. 2. Their tongues they sharpen like a blade, and aim with…
76. In Judah's kingdom God is known In judah's kingdom God is known, his name is great in Israel; he makes Jerusalem his own, his Zion where he loves to dwell; he there destroyed the arms of war: the glint of steel is seen no…
806. Blessed are the pure in heart Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see their God; the secret of the Lord is theirs, their soul is Christ's abode. 2. The Lord who left the heavens our life and peace to bring, to dwell in…
544. O Spirit of the living God O spirit of the living God, in all the fulness of your grace, wherever human feet have trod, descend upon our fallen race. 2. Give tongues of fire and hearts of love to preach the reconciling…
1074. What can compare to this? What can compare to this? The depth of love I see, that one who knows my thoughts was crushed and scarred for me. Though he had done no wrong and I am full of sin, the price is paid and I can be…
876. God of my life, to you I call God of my life, to you I call; afflicted, at your feet I fall; when the great water-floods prevail, leave not my trembling heart to fail. 2. Friend of the friendless and the faint, where should I…
529. Away with our fears Away with our fears, our sorrows and tears, the Spirit is come, the witness of Jesus returned to his home. 2. The pledge of our Lord to his heaven restored, is sent from the sky, and tells us our…
218. Lord, as the day begins Lord, as the day begins lift up our hearts in praise; take from us all our sins, guard us in all our ways: our every step direct and guide that Christ in all be glorified! 2. Christ be in work and…
830. Son of God, if your free grace Son of God, if your free grace again has raised me up, called me still to seek your face, and given me back my hope; still your timely help afford, and all your loving-kindness show: keep me, keep me,…
965. Children of the heavenly King Children of the heavenly king, as you journey, gladly sing, sing your Saviour's worthy praise, glorious in his works and ways. 2. We are travelling home to God in the way our fathers trod; they are…
1269. Awake, awake, O Zion AWAKE, AWAKE, O ZION,  and clothe yourself with strength,  shake off your dust and fix your eyes on him.  For you have been redeemed   by the precious blood of Jesus,  and now…
1109. You are the vine You are the vine and we are the branches, prune and make us bear more fruit. We have been cleansed by the word you have spoken; abide in us, and we in you. 2     You are the vine and we are…
1251. I will offer up my life I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love as my worship to you. In surrender I must give my every part; Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart. Jesus,…