Search Results


119H. The will of God to mark my way The will of God to mark my way, the word of God for light; eternal justice to obey in everlasting right, 2. Your eyes of mercy keep me still, your gracious love be mine; so work in me your…
298. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Lord, we lift up your name, with hearts full of praise. Be exalted, O Lord my God; hosanna in the highest. 2.…
711. How vast the benefits divine How vast the benefits divine which we in Christ possess! We are redeemed from sin and shame and called to holiness. Not for the works that we have done- all these to him are owed; but he of his…
1296. Lift up your eyes and look for him LIFT UP YOUR EYES AND LOOK FOR HIM, Jesus, the coming Saviour-King; born to redeem the world from sin, bringing his peace to all. 2. Now if you walk in darkest…
159. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty! Early in the morning our song of praise shall be: ‘Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, glorious Trinity!’ 2. Holy, holy, holy! All…
1085. Come and listen to the song Come and listen to the song pulsing out from heaven's throne; angel voices, human tongues blend in worship of the Son. There he stands, triumphant Lamb, with the marks of sacrifice. He stooped…
130. From the depths of shame and sorrow From the depths of shame and sorrow, from my guilt and my despair, Lord, I cry to you for mercy- be attentive to my prayer. All my joy is in your presence, all my hope is in your word; more…
241. Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme, awake, my voice, and sing the mighty works and mightier name of our eternal King. 2. Tell of his changeless faithfulness, make known his power abroad, sing the sweet…
4. O hear my cry, my righteous God O hear my cry, my righteous God; relieve me from despair. Display your mercy to me now, and listen to my prayer. 2. The glory of my name, O men, how long will you despise? How long will you…
119F. Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth, and from it I will not depart; that I may steadfastly obey, give me an understanding heart. 2. In your commandments make me walk, for in your law my joy…
452. Yes, finished! The Messiah dies Yes, finished! the messiah dies, cut off for sins, but not his own; completed is the sacrifice, the great redeeming work is done. Yes, finished! all the debt is paid, justice divine is satisfied, the…
582. Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us Come and bless us, Lord! while you are beside us nothing in the world ever will divide us. All is for the best, safe within your keeping, both in joy and weeping, we are richly blessed. 2. Blessings…
26. In judgement, Lord, arise In judgement, Lord, arise, draw near to take my part, your tender love before my eyes, your word within my heart. Discern my thoughts, I pray, discover all my mind, and keep me in the narrow…
556. Jesus, Master, at your word Jesus, master, at your word we are gathered all to hear you; let our minds and wills be stirred now to seek and love and fear you; by your teachings true and holy draw us, Lord, to love you…
689. Good news is here: Let lameness turn to leaping Good news is here: let lameness turn to leaping, blind eyes will see and all the deaf will hear; prisoners will leave their cells and laugh with freedom, the hungry eat their fill, now God is…
1123. Never let the songs end Never let the songs end: songs of joy and praise, songs to chart God's purpose from the dawn of days: called to be his children, chosen as his own, we will sing with gladness, making God's love…
624. How shall they hear the word of God How shall they hear the word of God unless his truth is told; how shall the sinful be set free, the sorrowful consoled? To all who speak the truth today impart your Spirit, Lord, we pray. 2. How…
1259. Have you believed the message received? HAVE YOU BELIEVED THE MESSAGE RECEIVED? The man who knew suffering, anguish and grief— not his desire to win worldly praise; we hide our faces from his disgrace— a man of sorrows.…
316. Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire Jesus, our hope, our hearts' desire, your work of grace we sing; Redeemer of the world are you, its maker and its King. 2. How vast the mercy and the grace, how great the love must be, which led you…
1146. My heart is filled with thankfulness My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who bore my pain; who plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again; who crushed my curse of sinfulness, and clothed me in his light, and…
1191. When trials come When trials come, no longer fear, for in the pain our God draws near to fire a faith worth more than gold; and there his faithfulness is told, and there his faithfulness is told. 2. Within…
CP60. The first nowell THE FIRST NOWELL THE ANGEL DID SAY, was to Bethlehem's shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep: Nowell, nowell,…
263. When all your mercies, O my God When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys, enraptured by the view, I'm lost in wonder, love and praise. 2. Unnumbered blessings on my soul your tender care bestowed before my infant…
1165. Have you not heard? Have you not heard? Was it never told to you that he who brought a universe to birth can raise up nations and then bring them to nothing again— the sovereign over heaven and earth? But those…
1044. Two sins have we committed Two sins have we committed, two sins that we cannot deny: we’ve turned from you, the fount of living water, and have tried to drink from cisterns cracked and dry. What fools we are, how blind we…
464. In the tomb so cold they laid him In the tomb so cold they laid him, death its victim claimed. Powers of hell, they could not hold him, back to life he came! Christ is risen! (Christ is risen!) Death has been conquered! (Death has…
946. Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us; stay with us if our health is undermined; when no good comes and faithless hope deludes us, when terror reigns and grief is unconfined. 2. When…
1150. Jesus, God's righteousness revealed Jesus, God's righteousness revealed, the Son of Man, the Son of God, his kingdom comes. Jesus, redemption's sacrifice, now glorified, now justified, his kingdom comes.      And this…
2A. Why do all the nations rage Why do all the nations rage and their rulers join as one, vainly to defy the Lord, his anointed to disown? ‘Let us break their chains,’ they say, ‘hurl their fetters far away.’ 2. God…
551. Powerful in making us wise to salvation Powerful in making us wise to salvation, witness to faith in Christ Jesus the Word; breathed out for all by the life-giving Father- these are the Scriptures, and thus speaks the Lord. 2. Hammer for…