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CP12. From the heights of glory to a humble birth FROM THE HEIGHTS OF GLORY TO A HUMBLE BIRTH, the Lord of heaven came down to earth. And the greatest story that is known to man in a stable room began. What a gift, what a gift we are…
677. Today your mercy calls us Today your mercy calls us to wash away our sin, however great our trespass, whatever we have been; however long from mercy our hearts have turned away, your blood, O Christ, can cleanse us and set us…
898. Awake, my soul, and rise Awake, my soul, and rise amazed, as there you see upon a cross the Saviour God become a curse for me. 2. How gloriously fulfilled is God's most ancient plan, conceived in his eternal mind before the…
1313. As the heavens are higher than the earth AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, so his ways are higher than the ways of this world, and his thoughts run deeper than the mind of man; Father, break into our darkened hearts. 2. Come…
644. Bread of heaven, on you we feed Bread of heaven, on you we feed, for your flesh is food indeed; ever may our souls be fed with this true and living bread; day by day our strength supplied through your life, O Christ, who died. 2.…
629. These are the facts as we have received them These are the facts as we have received them, these are the truths that the Christian believes, this is the basis of all of our preaching: Christ died for sinners and rose from the tomb. 2. These are…
1163. Sweet word of consolation Sweet word of consolation; this God will not reject his wayward, sinful nation, yet loved and yet elect. Though exiled now and tearful, their strength he shall restore, till they, the faint and…
1225. Only by the grace of Jesus Only by the grace of Jesus, only by his sacrifice, love unmerited, love unlimited pours upon our lives. Jesus, King of kings, Lord of lords who paid the cost, took our guilt, took our…
1011. God has spoken by his servants God has spoken by his servants since at Eden Adam fell; now from Bethlehem he’s speaking through his Son, Emmanuel. Welcome Jesus, holy Prophet, welcome, Mary’s tiny Son, Word of Life to…
1004. Our God is great Our God is great, he made the seas and holds them in his hand. He weighs the mountains on his scales, they move at his command. 2. He raises rulers in the world, he breathes, and they are…
332. The brightness of God's glory The brightness of God's glory and the image of God’s being, the heir of richest majesty, the arm of regal might; creator of the universe all-knowing and all-seeing is Christ who brings…
877. How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in his excellent word! What more can he say than to you he has said, to all who for refuge to Jesus have fled? 2. In every…
1197. We pray for those among us who are grieving We pray for those among us who are grieving: feeling the force of sorrow’s gnawing pain, finding no trace of hope or consolation beneath the weight of never-ending strain. 2. When every day…
1061. When worries blur our vision When worries blur our vision till we cannot see the way; when problems rise to fill our minds perspective falls away. We must set our hearts on eternity, fix our thoughts on what is sure. God…
646. Father, we give you thanks, who planted Father, we give you thanks, who planted your holy name within our hearts. Knowledge and faith and life immortal Jesus your Son to us imparts. Lord, you have made all for your pleasure, giving us food…
436. No weight of gold or silver No weight of gold or silver can measure human worth; no soul secures its ransom with all the wealth of earth; no sinners find their freedom but by the gift unpriced, the Lamb of God unblemished, the…
1071. All was dark before creation All was dark before creation came to being by God's word. Nothing moved, and in the silence not a hint of life was heard. Suddenly time starts its journey, see the Day comes into sight. 'Let it…
1089. To you, O Lord, I lift my soul To you, O Lord, I lift my soul--- don't let some scoffer win the day: I trust in you to take control and show me evermore your way. 2. Remember still your love of old and not the times I've…
498. The head that once was crowned with thorns The head that once was crowned with thorns is crowned with glory now; a royal diadem adorns the mighty Victor's brow. 2. The highest place that heaven affords is his by sovereign right; the King of…
488. Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship 'Holy, holy, holy!' cry; 'He who is, who was and will be, God almighty, Lord most high.' Praise and honour, power and glory, be to him who reigns alone! We, with…
130. From the depths of shame and sorrow From the depths of shame and sorrow, from my guilt and my despair, Lord, I cry to you for mercy- be attentive to my prayer. All my joy is in your presence, all my hope is in your word; more…
770. Within the busy rush of life Within the busy rush of life I find a resting-place: when I submit to Christ my Lord and let him set my pace, he shows the way that I should take whatever trials I face. 2. Amid the choices I must…
604. Holy Spirit, will you be Holy spirit, will you be one who intercedes for me? When I wonder what to pray, how to phrase the words I say, come in might and majesty: help me in my frailty. 2. Holy Spirit, will you be one who…
404. That priceless gift what tongue can tell That priceless gift what tongue can tell? Marvel and mystery, man and God: from highest heaven to lowest earth, the Father's Son, a servant's birth: our life he lived, our path he trod. 2. That…
1172. Lift our eyes beyond the duties Lift our eyes beyond the duties and the pleasures of today, to discern a glimpse of heaven in the signs along the way, till we catch the gleam of hope behind the clouds that spell dismay— Lord,…
47. O clap your hands, all nations, cry O clap your hands, all nations, cry with joy to God, declare his worth: how awesome is the Lord most High, the mighty King of all the earth! 2. Beneath us he has cast our foes and raised us up…
1255. With a prayer you fed the hungry With a prayer you fed the hungry, with a cry you stilled the storm; with a look you had compassion on the desperate and forlorn. With a touch you healed the leper, with a shout you raised the…
521. Into a world of dark Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space, he came, a wind that moved across the waters' face. 2. The Spirit in the wild breathed, and a world began. From shapelessness came form, from…
344. Come, O long-expected Jesus Come, O long-expected Jesus, born to set your people free! From our fears and sins release us, Christ, in whom our rest shall be. 2. Israel's strength and consolation, born salvation to impart; dear…
277. O bless the God of Israel O bless the God of Israel, who comes to set us free, who visits and redeems us and grants us liberty. The prophets spoke of mercy, of rescue and release, God shall fulfil the promise to bring his…