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69B. Help me, O God, and hear my cry Help me, O God, and hear my cry extend to me your saving hand, the waters rise, the floods are high, my feet have found no place to stand: now, lest the depths become my grave, O God of hosts,…
1152. Come, people of the risen King Come, people of the risen king, who delight to bring him praise; come, all, and tune your hearts to sing to the morning star of grace. From the shifting shadows of the earth we will lift our eyes…
1012. If this is not our world If this is not our world with all its hollow powers, to make a god of gold is no concern of ours. The latest gains fill all the news; we need not choose to wear such chains. 2. If goods are…
743. You laid aside your majesty You laid aside your majesty, gave up everything for me, suffered at the hands of those you had created. You took all my guilt and shame, when you died and rose again: now today you reign, in heaven…
1313. As the heavens are higher than the earth AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, so his ways are higher than the ways of this world, and his thoughts run deeper than the mind of man; Father, break into our darkened hearts. 2. Come…
1148. Speak, O Lord Speak, O Lord, as we come to you to receive the food of your holy word. Take your truth, plant it deep in us; shape and fashion us in your likeness, that the light of Christ might be seen…
1307. I once was lost in darkest night I ONCE WAS LOST IN DARKEST NIGHT, yet thought I knew the way. The sin that promised joy and life had led me to the grave. I had no hope that you would own a rebel to your will, and if you had…
1264. O how good it is O HOW GOOD IT IS when the family of God dwells together in spirit, in faith and unity; where the bonds of peace, of acceptance and love, are the fruit of his presence here…
222. The day you gave us, Lord, is ended The day you gave us, Lord, is ended, the darkness falls at your behest; to you our morning hymns ascended, your praise shall sanctify our rest. 2. We thank you that your church, unsleeping while…
975. There is a land of pure delight There is a land of pure delight where saints immortal reign, eternal day excludes the night and pleasures banish pain. 2. There everlasting spring abides, and never-withering flowers; death, like a…
91A. Shelter safely in the shadow Shelter safely in the shadow of the Almighty, God most High; call the Lord your rock and fortress, God on whom your hopes rely. Kept by him from mortal danger, saved from hazards well…
443. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, see him dying on the tree! See the Christ by all rejected, yes, my soul, this, this is he! See the long-expected prophet, David's son, yet David's Lord; by his Son…
52. Why, mighty hero, must you boast Why, mighty hero, must you boast of cruelty and of crime, yet disregard God’s steadfast love which lasts throughout all time? How razor-sharp your deadly tongue, what treachery you devise! You…
342. You servants of God You servants of God, your master proclaim, and tell out abroad his wonderful name; the name all-victorious of Jesus extol, his kingdom is glorious, and rules over all. 2. God rules in the…
966. Away with our sorrow and fear Away with our sorrow and fear! We soon shall recover our home, the city of saints shall appear, the day of eternity come. From earth we shall quickly remove, and mount to our native abode, the house…
71. Lord, in you I've taken refuge Lord, in you I've taken refuge, let me not be put to shame; God most righteous, turn and save me, Rock of refuge, still the same; speak the word for my salvation, be the fortress of my…
927. Father, in your dear name we meet Father, in your dear name we meet seeking your blessing pure, complete; for we are yours by sovereign grace and now, in union, seek your face. 2. Help us to be what we should be, growing in love and…
11. I've found my refuge in the Lord I've found my refuge in the Lord; how can you say to me, ‘Flee to the mountains like a bird, for in the shadows, see: there, ready armed, the wicked hide, to assail the upright few; when…
398. How humble Moses was, who met How humble moses was, who met God face to shining face, and yet his meekness was his fame! But humbler still was he who left the realms above and, all bereft of glory, bore our shame. 2. How bravely…
961. In sure and certain hope In sure and certain hope we stand beside this grave and even now, O Son of God, we know you strong to save. Our dead are in your hands who died that we might live, who rose triumphant over death an…
451. Who believes what we have heard Who believes what we have heard, who has seen God's power made known? When the Servant of the Lord grew unnoticed and alone; undesired by those around and unlovely to their eyes, like a root in desert…
822. Depth of mercy! Can there be Depth of mercy! can there be mercy still reserved for me? Can my God his wrath forbear? me, the chief of sinners, spare? 2. I have long withstood his grace, long provoked him to his face, would not…
554. Help us, O Lord, to learn Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts: to study that your laws may be inscribed upon our hearts. 2. Help us, O Lord, to live the faith which we proclaim, that all our thoughts and…
70. Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me and hasten to my help, I pray. May all who seek to take my life be put to shame without delay. 2. May all who seek your name rejoice, your praise in gratitude…
604. Holy Spirit, will you be Holy spirit, will you be one who intercedes for me? When I wonder what to pray, how to phrase the words I say, come in might and majesty: help me in my frailty. 2. Holy Spirit, will you be one who…
844. Jesus, your boundless love to me Jesus, your boundless love to me no thought can reach, no tongue declare; O take my thankful heart, and be the only Lord and Master there! Yours wholly, yours alone I am, O be my only constant…
878. Still near me, O my Saviour, stand Still near me, O my saviour, stand and guard me in temptation's hour; within the hollow of your hand uphold me by your saving power: no force in earth or hell shall move or ever tear me from your…
549. The heavens declare your glory, Lord! The heavens declare your glory, Lord! In every star your wisdom shines; but when we see your holy word, we read your name in clearer lines. 2. The rolling sun, the changing skies, and night and day,…
572. Jesus, come, for we invite you Jesus, come, for we invite you Guest and Master, Friend and Lord; now, as once at Cana's wedding, speak, and let us hear your word: lead us through our need or doubting, hope be born and joy…
1107. Christ is my Shepherd-King Christ is my shepherd-king, he is my Lord. Who can compare with him?-- he is so good. So great in mighty power to save and keep, chief Shepherd, coming soon to claim his sheep! 2   He will…