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1212. Grace is the gift that God alone Grace is the gift that God alone provides in Christ his Son; unearned and free and undeserved and by his suffering won. 2. Grace is the mark of all his words, our creed, our prayers, our…
617. All earth was dark until you spoke All earth was dark until you spoke, then all was light and all was peace. Yet still, O God, so many wait to see the flame of love released. Light to the world, O Light of man, kindle in us a…
235. Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay; all Christ’s creation longs to see his day; but constantly the eye of faith can see your plan unfolds, O holy Trinity. 2. I do not know what way before me…
1199. Can a sinner like me stand Can a sinner like me stand in the rags of my disgrace? How would I escape God's hand or begin to plead my case? For the goodness I possess, any kindness I have shown, cannot give the…
1022. Love was outpoured Love was outpoured in the blood that was shed: Jesus my Lord, Jesus my love; broken his body, disfigured his head; Jesus my Lord above. Once, on the cross once, in the tomb, once, the day he was…
1038. Where you sit in kingly glory Where you sit in kingly glory, Jesus, stoop to hear our songs as we worship you, most worthy Christ, to whom all praise belongs: who in anguish on a cross rescued us from sin and loss. 2. By…
285. All power to the Lamb of God All power to the lamb of God: he wore the robes of servanthood and in the place of weakness stood- all power to the Lamb! 2. All riches to the Lamb of God who came among us, one so poor, to make us…
645. By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, we keep the memory adored and show the death of our dear Lord until he comes. 2. His body, broken in our stead, is seen in this memorial bread, and so our…
824. Forgive our sins as we forgive 'Forgive our sins as we forgive', you taught us, Lord, to pray; but you alone can grant us grace to live the words we say. 2. How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart that broods on…
CP30. Jesus Christ the Lord is born JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS BORN, all the bells are ringing! Angels greet the holy One and shepherds hear them singing, and shepherds hear them singing. 2 ‘Go to Bethlehem today, find your King…
1121. Mighty, magnificent God Mighty, magnificent God, author of life, King of creation; mountains and valleys rejoice, oceans resound in celebration. The heavens declare your glory, the earth sings out your praise, and…
1202. I choose to set my thoughts I choose to set my thoughts the way the Spirit tells me to: to let his life within my mind control me through and through, control me through and through. 2. I choose to turn my thoughts…
805. I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they're wonderful. I can't begin to measure your great love. I cannot count the times you have forgiven me and changed me by your Spirit from above. How I worship…
5010. Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth to people everywhere, to tell them how you died for them and show how much you care. 2. In Asia and America and Australasia too, in Africa and Europe we must tell…
895. God sent his son God sent his son; they called him Jesus; he came to love, heal and forgive; he lived and died to buy my pardon; an empty grave is there to prove my Saviour lives. Because he lives I can face…
1131. When sorrow overwhelms our hearts When sorrow overwhelms our hearts and brings us to our knees; when days are dark and hope seems lost, Lord, may we know your peace, Lord, may we know your peace. 2.   When troubles leave our…
1131a. When sorrow overwhelms our hearts When sorrow overwhelms our hearts and brings us to our knees; when days are dark and hope seems lost, Lord, may we know your peace, Lord, may we know your peace. 2.   When troubles leave our…
539. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me; break me, melt me, mould me, fill me; Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
1320. You are my salvation YOU ARE MY SALVATION; whom then shall I fear? In darkness and temptation my light and help are near. 2 You are all around me: stronger will I stand and danger will not crush me when we walk…
1114. Majestic God Majestic God, you hold within your hand the farthest star; you span the breadth of space, you dwarf the highest height, and yet our daily lives are precious in your sight! Beyond our thoughts,…
1115. Can I trust that God has made me Can I trust that God has made me for his pleasure, to enjoy him? Does he care for my existence, is there purpose to my life? Yes! his word says he's my Father, I'm his child, by his design; made…
223. Glory to you, my God, this night Glory to you, my God, this night for all the blessings of the light; keep me, O keep me, King of kings, beneath your own almighty wings. 2. Forgive me, Lord, through your dear Son, the wrong that I…
246. Great God of wonders, all your ways Great God of wonders, all your ways are matchless, godlike and divine; and the fair glories of your grace among your other wonders shine. Who is a pardoning God like you, with grace so free, so rich,…
92. Make music to the Lord most high Make music to the Lord most high whose praise is our delight: as day begins we sing your love, your faithfulness by night. 2. Lord, when we see what you have done our songs of joy…
869. All the way my Saviour leads me All the way my saviour leads me: what have I to ask beside? Can I doubt his tender mercy who through life has been my guide? O what heavenly peace and comfort here by faith in him to dwell! For…
CP59. Sing we the song of Emmanuel SING WE THE SONG OF EMMANUEL: this the Christ who was long foretold; lo, in the shadows of Bethlehem, promise of dawn now our eyes behold. God Most High in a manger laid; lift your voices and now…
525. Wind of God, dynamic Spirit Wind of God, dynamic spirit, breathe upon our hearts today; that we may your power inherit hear us, Spirit, as we pray: fill the vacuum that enslaves us- emptiness of heart and soul; and, through…
242. Eternal God, we come to you Eternal God, we come to you, we come before your throne; we enter by a new and living way, with confidence we come. We declare your faithfulness, your promises are true; we will now draw near to…
722. Jesus, be first in everything Jesus, be first in everything, our Saviour, risen Lord! Jesus, the One alone supreme, be everywhere adored. 2. Jesus, the One for whom was made the universe so vast; God's mighty power lives in…
731. Jesus, the joy of loving hearts Jesus, the joy of loving hearts, fountain of life and light of men, from the best bliss that earth imparts we turn unfilled to you again. 2. Your truth unchanged has always stood; you save all those…