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1071. All was dark before creation All was dark before creation came to being by God's word. Nothing moved, and in the silence not a hint of life was heard. Suddenly time starts its journey, see the Day comes into sight. 'Let it…
1095. To you, my God, all praise is due To you, my God, all praise is due, I will exalt and worship you! In faithfulness you will fulfil each ancient purpose of your will. In hollow walls the godless trust--- you turn their strongholds…
674. The trumpets sound, the angels sing The trumpets sound, the angels sing, the feast is ready to begin; the gates of heaven are open wide and Jesus welcomes you inside. 2. Tables are laden with good things, O taste the peace and joy he…
792. I'm not ashamed to name my Lord I'm not ashamed to name my Lord, or to defend his cause, maintain the honour of his word, the glory of his cross. 2. Jesus, my God! I know his name, his name is all my trust; he will not put my soul…
857. Jesus calls above the tumult Jesus calls above the tumult of our life's wild, restless sea; day by day his voice re-echoes, saying, 'Christian, follow me!' 2. As of old, apostles heard it by the Galilean lake, turned from home…
75. O God, we thank you that your name O God, we thank you that your name is known and feared through all the earth; your sentence waits the appointed time and thunder brings your judgements forth. 2. The proud are cautioned not to…
1307. I once was lost in darkest night I ONCE WAS LOST IN DARKEST NIGHT, yet thought I knew the way. The sin that promised joy and life had led me to the grave. I had no hope that you would own a rebel to your will, and if you had…
CP31. Jesus, joy of the highest heaven JESUS, JOY OF THE HIGHEST HEAVEN, born as a little baby under a wondrous star. Like us, crying he takes his first breath, held by his mother, helpless, close to her beating heart. Jesus, laid in a…
CP63. Welcome, welcome Jesus' birth WELCOME, WELCOME JESUS’ BIRTH, born to make his Father known, comes to us upon this earthβ€” welcome to our home. Temple lamps burn through the night, through the darkness and the…
116. I love my Lord because he heard my voice I love my Lord because he heard my voice; my God, he listens to my prayer. Because he hears me when I call on him, through all my days I shall pray. 2. My soul was saved from death, my eyes from…
CP25. I cannot know the love I CANNOT KNOW THE LOVE THAT BROUGHT YOU DOWN TO EARTH. I dare not think that it reflects upon my worth. I cannot quantify the gratitude I feel that you left your home and Father just for me. From…
1005. Risen Lord in splendour seated Risen Lord in splendour seated, throned at God the Father's side, Prince of life who death defeated, Lamb who once for sinners died, Christ for ever Son and Saviour reigns in triumph…
209. My God, I thank you that you made My God, I thank you that you made the earth so bright, so full of splendour and of joy, beauty and light; so many glorious things are here, noble and right. 2. I thank you, Lord, that you have…
391. How good, Lord, to be here! How good, Lord, to be here! Your glory fills the night; your face and garments, like the sun, shine with unborrowed light. 2. How good, Lord, to be here, your beauty to behold, where Moses and Elijah…
5019. First God said, 'Let there be light' First God said, 'let there be light!' With the angels let us sing: made and named the day and night-- praise to our Creator-King! 2. Formed a great expanse on high, with the angels let us sing: tamed…
564. Behold, the mountain of the Lord Behold, the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise on mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wondering eyes. 2. To this, the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues, shall flow; 'Up…
5017. The wise man built his house upon the rock The wise man built his house upon the rock, the wise man built his house upon the rock, the wise man built his house upon the rock, and the rain came tumbling down. The rain came down and the floods…
1140. One man, alone, in unremitting darkness One man, alone, in unremitting darkness, knowing his life is soon to reach its end, prays for the strength to face the coming moment: a traitor's kiss from one he called a friend. 2.Β Β  One…
1283. As morning dawns and day awakes AS MORNING DAWNS AND DAY AWAKES, to you I bring my need; O gracious God, my source of strength, in you I live and breathe. Each hour is yours, by wisdom planned, each deed…
308. Jesus! Exalted far on high Jesus! exalted far on high, to whom a name is given, a name surpassing every name that’s known in earth or heaven: 2. Before your throne shall every knee bow down with one accord, before your…
612. Prayer is the soul's sincere desire Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, expressed in thought or word; the burning of a hidden fire, a longing for the Lord. 2. Prayer is the simplest sound we teach when children learn God's name; and…
263. When all your mercies, O my God When all your mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys, enraptured by the view, I'm lost in wonder, love and praise. 2. Unnumbered blessings on my soul your tender care bestowed before my infant…
119G. Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps Your word's a lamp to guide my footsteps, your word lights up my path to you; I now confirm the oath I've taken: your righteous judgements I'll pursue. Many the times, O Lord, I've…
1034. Up to the hills I lift my eyes Up to the hills I lift my eyes. Is it from there my help will rise? God made the hills, the earth, the skies, and he will help. 2 He won't allow your foot to slip, faithful the watch your God…
1247. The Lord called Moses The Lord called Moses when he was with the sheep, and set him over all the flock of God. May every leader who follows in his steps learn humbly as they walk the path he trod. 2 The Lord took…
927. Father, in your dear name we meet Father, in your dear name we meet seeking your blessing pure, complete; for we are yours by sovereign grace and now, in union, seek your face. 2. Help us to be what we should be, growing in love and…
881. Christian, do you see them Christian, do you see them on the holy ground, how the powers of darkness circle you around? Christian, up and fight them, counting gain but loss; for your mighty Saviour triumphed on the cross. 2.…
516. When the Lord in glory comes When the Lord in glory comes, not the trumpets, not the drums, not the anthem, not the psalm, not the thunder, not the calm, not the shout the heavens raise, not the chorus, not the praise, not the…
1181. What joy, when all the talk What joy, when all the talk is how things prosper well; and when believers love to walk in truth, with news to tell: 2.Β Β  When even strangers find a welcome on their ways; a church…
1032. How can I tell you, my Lord? How can I tell you, my Lord, how much I love you? How can I best express how much I owe to you? All that I have and am are mine because you love me. Jesus, I love you. 2. Help me to learn to…