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526. Our great Redeemer, as he breathed Our great redeemer, as he breathed his tender last farewell, a guide, a Comforter, bequeathed with us to dwell. 2. He came in tongues of living flame to teach, convince, subdue; unseen as rushing…
94. O Lord, O Judge of all the earth O Lord, O judge of all the earth, to whom all vengeance does belong, arise, and shine your glory forth, pay back the proud, condemn the wrong. 2. How long, O Lord, shall wicked ones in boasting…
36. No fear of God before the eyes No fear of God before the eyes, no penitence within: such is the one no longer wise, whose words are treachery and lies, who never grieves for sin. 2. Your love, O Lord, shall never sleep, nor…
717. May the grace of Christ our Saviour May the grace of Christ our saviour and the Father's boundless love, with the Holy Spirit's favour, rest upon us from above. 2. So may we remain in union with each other and the Lord, and possess, in…
CP62. Unto us a child is born UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given. He shall reign in all the earth, he will be called Immanuel! (Repeat) Angel voices sing, hallelujahs ring, for today in Bethlehem the love of…
958. How long, O Lord, have you bestowed How long, O Lord, have you bestowed your care upon our rebel land? Of all the nations, few, O God, have known such blessings from your hand. 2. Here many godly people dwelt, as once the glorious…
96. O sing a new song O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing all the earth: his name be adored! Tell forth his salvation as day follows day; among all the peoples his wonders display. 2. For great is the…
1214. I lift my eyes to the quiet hills I lift my eyes to the quiet hills in the press of a busy day; as green hills stand in a dusty land so God is my strength and stay. 2. I lift my eyes to the quiet hills to a calm that is mine…
1007. Fear the Lord Fear the Lord: your awesome God commands you by his law to walk his ways with all your heart and make your calling sure. 2. Heaven and earth belong to God, the sea and every land, yet he has…
412. Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended that man to judge you has in hate pretended? By foes derided, by your own rejected, O most afflicted! 2. Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon you? It is my…
602. Behold the throne of grace Behold the throne of grace, the promise calls us near; there mercy shines in Jesus' face, who waits to answer prayer. 2. That rich atoning blood, which at the cross we see, provides for those who…
645. By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored, we keep the memory adored and show the death of our dear Lord until he comes. 2. His body, broken in our stead, is seen in this memorial bread, and so our…
746. As water to the thirsty As water to the thirsty, as beauty to the eyes, as strength that follows weakness, as truth instead of lies, as songtime and springtime and summertime to be, so is my Lord, my living Lord, so is my…
247. How shall I sing that majesty How shall I sing that majesty which angel hosts admire? Let dust in dust and silence lie; sing, sing, you heavenly choir. Thousands of thousands stand around your throne, O God most high; ten thousand…
1333. Let us sing LET US SING (Let us sing) of the God (of the God) who has saved us, who by grace (who by grace) and through faith (and through faith) brings us home. Lift your heart, (Lift your heart) lift your…
41. Lord, may our hearts within us burn Lord, may our hearts within us burn and grant us grace to intercede, to know compassion and concern for those in every kind of need, whose lives are seen as little worth, the poor and helpless of…
150. Praise the Lord who reigns above Praise the Lord who reigns above and keeps his court below; praise the holy God of love and all his greatness show! Praise him for his noble deeds, praise him for his matchless power; him, from…
377. Silent night! holy night! Silent night! holy night! all is calm, all is bright round the virgin and her child: holy infant, so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace; sleep in heavenly peace! 2. Silent night! holy…
728. I could not do without you I could not do without you, O Saviour of the lost, whose precious blood redeemed me at such tremendous cost; your righteousness, your pardon, your precious blood must be my only hope and comfort, my…
23B. The Lord's my shepherd, I'll not want The Lord’s my shepherd, i’ll not want. He makes me down to lie in pastures green: he leadeth me the quiet waters by. 2. My soul he doth restore again; and me to walk doth make within the…
770. Within the busy rush of life Within the busy rush of life I find a resting-place: when I submit to Christ my Lord and let him set my pace, he shows the way that I should take whatever trials I face. 2. Amid the choices I must…
1170. Extol the God of justice Extol the God of justice with heart and soul and voice; remember all his wonders, recount them and rejoice. He stands with all who labour for what is true and right, till wickedness and falsehood are…
1178. He said, the Spirit of the Lord He said, the spirit of the Lord is with me, to proclaim hope for the poor, the prophet’s word of freedom in God’s name. 2.  He said, blind eyes receive their sight, and silent tongues can…
1161. Jesus is Lord! Behold the King of Kings Jesus is Lord! behold the king of kings exalted high, the name above all names. I sing his praise, the Lamb upon the throne, who reigns in glory, power and majesty. 2. This is my God: behold…
1290. Highest heights or deepest deep HIGHEST HEIGHTS OR DARKEST DEEP, be there pain or poverty, there is nothing that can keep my redeemer's love from me. 2. All alone though I may feel, all the world my…
391. How good, Lord, to be here! How good, Lord, to be here! Your glory fills the night; your face and garments, like the sun, shine with unborrowed light. 2. How good, Lord, to be here, your beauty to behold, where Moses and Elijah…
718. O hidden source of calm repose O hidden source of calm repose, O all-sufficient love divine, my help and refuge from my foes, secure I am if you are mine: and from all sin, and grief, and shame, I shelter, Jesus, in your name. 2.…
303. Into a world of war and struggle Into a world of war and struggle, born in a shed where cattle trod, born of a woman, flesh, yet sinless, come to redeem us to our God. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace each…
1186. Lord, I come before your throne of grace Lord, I come before your throne of grace; I find rest in your presence and fullness of joy. In worship and wonder I behold your face, singing, ‘What a faithful God have I.’ What a faithful…
211. Roar the waves, the waters praising Roar the waves, the waters praising God who saves; and from beneath creatures rise in shapes amazing to our eyes—he gives them breath: God who set the planets blazing holds us yet in life or…