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185. My soul exalts and magnifies the King My soul exalts and magnifies the king, my spirit in my Saviour finds her joy; to God the mighty One I’ll ever sing: hallelujah! 2. To me, his slave, he comes a royal guest, fills with his bounteous…
409. Behold the amazing sight! Behold the amazing sight! The Saviour lifted high; the Son of God, his soul's delight, expires in agony. 2. For whom that broken heart? For whom those sorrows borne? Why did he feel that piercing…
28. O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud to hear my plea; I shall be lost, if you stay silent now and deaf to me. I lift my hands to your most holy place; do not withhold your mercy, love and…
46B. God is our strength and refuge God is our strength and refuge, our present help in trouble; and we therefore will not fear, though the earth should change! Though mountains shake and tremble, though swirling floods are…
83. O God, do not keep silent O God, do not keep silent; see how they rage and storm! Against your cherished people your foes begin to swarm; they plan for total war! They plot to kill a nation, that we may be no more. 2.…
664. Have you heard the voice of Jesus Have you heard the voice of Jesus softly pleading with your heart? Have you felt his presence glorious, as he calls your soul apart, with a love so true and loyal, love divine that ever flows from a…
98A. Sing to God new songs of worship Sing to God new songs of worship - all his deeds are marvellous; he has brought salvation to us with his hand and holy arm. He has shown to all the nations righteousness and saving power; he…
713. A mind at perfect peace with God A mind at perfect peace with God; O what a word is this! A sinner reconciled through blood: this, this indeed is peace. 2. By nature and by practice far, so very far from God! yet now by grace…
1026. The only power that cleanses me The only power that cleanses me is in the blood of Jesus, and as I look to Calvary, his sacrifice I see. Chorus: And anything that I might give would always be too small to ever pay the debt I…
505. With joy we contemplate the grace With joy we contemplate the grace of our high priest above; his heart is made of tenderness, and overflows with love. 2. Touched with a sympathy within, our frailty he has known; he knows what fierce…
1130. Lamb of God Lamb of God, blameless one; dearly loved, only Son, cursed and scourged as he is hung on a cross of degradation. Man of grief, crowned with thorns. How his heart and flesh are torn as our sins…
CP01. Angels from the realms of glory ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creation’s story now proclaim Messiah’s birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
323. Not the grandeur of the mountains Not the grandeur of the mountains, nor the splendour of the sea, can excel the ceaseless wonder of my Saviour’s love to me: For his love to me is faithful and his mercy is divine; and his truth is…
3. O Lord, how many enemies O Lord, how many enemies arise and threaten life and limb! How many talk of me and say, ‘His God will not deliver him!’ 2. But you surround me like a shield, my glory, raising up my…
526. Our great Redeemer, as he breathed Our great redeemer, as he breathed his tender last farewell, a guide, a Comforter, bequeathed with us to dwell. 2. He came in tongues of living flame to teach, convince, subdue; unseen as rushing…
162. O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated one O trinity, O trinity, the uncreated one; O Unity, O Unity, of Father, Spirit, Son: you are without beginning, your life is never ending; and though our tongues are earthbound clay, light them with…
1027. Who, for my sake Who, for my sake, so overwhelmingly suffered at Calvary; who, for my sake? Jesus the Lamb, in all his purity, slain on a cross to be Saviour of man. Chorus: O, what grace to me flows so…
680. Heal us, Immanuel, hear our prayer Heal us, immanuel, hear our prayer; we wait to feel your touch. Deep-wounded souls to you draw near and, Saviour, we are such. 2. Our faith is feeble, we confess; we faintly trust your word. And will…
367. O come, all you faithful O come, all you faithful, joyful and triumphant! O come now, O come now to Bethlehem! Come and behold him, born the King of angels: O come, let us adore him, O come, let us adore him, O come, let us…
522. O Holy Spirit, by whose breath O holy spirit, by whose breath life rises vibrant out of death: come to create, renew, inspire; come, kindle in our hearts your fire. 2. You are the seeker's sure resource, of burning love the living…
216. Christ, whose glory fills the skies Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light, Sun of righteousness, arise, banish all the shades of night; Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear. 2.…
618. Facing a task unfinished Facing a task unfinished, that drives us to our knees, a need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease, we, who rejoice to know you, renew before your throne the solemn pledge we owe you to go…
497. He walks among the golden lamps He walks among the golden lamps on feet like burnished bronze; his hair as snows of winter white, his eyes with fire aflame, and bright his glorious robe of seamless light surpassing Solomon's. 2.…
1015. I cannot know the love I cannot know the love that brought you down to earth. I dare not think that it reflects upon my worth. I cannot quantify the gratitude I feel that you left your home and Father just for…
163. To him who chose us first To him who chose us first, before the world began; to him who bore sin’s curse to save rebellious man; to him who formed our hearts anew, is endless praise and glory due. 2. The Father’s love…
938. Dear Lord, for all in pain Dear Lord, for all in pain our prayer shall be, O come and smite again your enemy. 2. Give to your servants skill to soothe and bless, and to the tired and ill give quietness. 3. And, Lord, to those…
907. I know that my Redeemer I know that my redeemer lives crowned upon the throne; Lord over earth and heaven, he saves, and he alone; he conquered death by dying upon the accursed tree, and from his death sprang…
609. Lord Jesus, when your people meet Lord Jesus, when your people meet they come before your mercy-seat; where you are sought, you shall be found and every place is holy ground. 2. Your presence, by no walls confined, is known within…
800. My Father divine My father divine, by your loving design I am yours, and I know that my Jesus is mine; in the sacrificed Lamb full of comfort I am and my heart it will dance to the sound of your name. 2. True…
636. Baptized into Christ Jesus Baptized into Christ Jesus, baptized into his dying, buried with him in the grave we have died with Christ. Then just as Christ is risen through God the Father's power, so God raises us to live from…