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318. My heart and voice I raise My heart and voice I raise to spread Messiah’s praise; Messiah’s praise let all repeat; the universal Lord, by whose almighty word creation rose in form complete. 2. A servant’s form he…
1062. Come with thanksgiving - harvest is here Come with thanksgiving—harvest is here; for with his bounty God crowns the year! Fruits of the forest, crops from the seeds— God our Provider is meeting our needs. 2. Come as he offers…
1244. Let my people go ‘Let my people go’ is the summons of the Lord, spoken to the lords of earth who rule by chain and sword. ‘Let my people go,’ the repeated, urgent call; yet so many hearts are hard and…
CP29. It came upon the midnight clear IT CAME UPON THE MIDNIGHT CLEAR, that glorious song of old, from angels bending near the earth to touch their harps of gold: ‘Through all the earth, good will and peace from heaven’s…
971. Jerusalem the golden Jerusalem the golden with milk and honey blessed, O city of God's presence, his people's promised rest! I know not, O I know not, what joys await us there, what radiancy of glory, what peace beyond…
322. No other prophet ever spoke No other prophet ever spoke so clearly to our race; no bright and shining angel matched the glory on his face; through him the universe was made, by him our debt for sin was paid— in Christ, at…
88. O Lord, the God who saves me O Lord, the God who saves me, to you my spirit cries; my world is full of trouble, all hope of mercy dies. 2. Your anger lies upon me, I cannot make amends; your waves, they overwhelm me, you…
62. My soul finds rest in God alone My soul finds rest in God alone; on him my help depends. He is my fortress and my rock; salvation sure he sends. My foes conspire to bring me down; they scorn my troubled state: their lips are…
1014. Praise the Lord! Give him the glory! Praise the Lord! give him the glory! As his people join in worship, from a heart that's overflowing I will sing in thankfulness. All who love his word must ponder on his works, so full of…
1048. Set ten thousand voices singing Set ten thousand voices singing! Let them sound aloud God's praise. Centuries have seen him bringing favour shown in countless ways. Human faults in every era cannot hide the good we trace, for…
787. Reconciled, I'm reconciled Reconciled, i'm reconciled, I'm reconciled to God for ever; know he took away my sin, I know his love will leave me never. Reconciled, I am his child, I know it was on me he smiled; I'm reconciled,…
461. Hallelujah! The King is risen Hallelujah! the king is risen! Hallelujah! No death-dark prison holds him, now his glory shines on high! Hallelujah! He reigns eternal! Hallelujah! No power infernal stands before his majesty and…
1039. We trust the strength of God alone We trust the strength of God alone, we do not need to fear though dark, uncertain days may come or fearful times be near. The Son of God came down to earth his Father's love to tell. He healed…
1222. Give me one pure and holy passion Give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession. Jesus, give me one glorious ambition for my life: to know and follow hard after you. To know and follow hard after you, to…
120. In anguish to the Lord I cry In anguish to the Lord I cry, my desperate prayer is heard: 'Save me, O Lord, from lips that lie and every untrue word!' 2. What just reward will God command for such deceitful souls? A…
637. Jesus, how could I ever be Jesus, how could I ever be ashamed of you, who died for me? ashamed of you, whom angels praise, whose glories shine through endless days? 2. Ashamed of Jesus, of my God, who purchased me with his own…
1050. What if the One who shapes the stars What if the one who shapes the stars and puts the planets in their place should set all majesty aside and move amongst the human race? What if the One who engineers the eye, the ear, the heart,…
415. Come and see, come and see Come and see, come and see, come and see the King of love, see the purple robe and crown of thorn he wears. Soldiers mock, rulers sneer as he lifts the cruel cross, lone and friendless now he climbs…
5. O Lord, at early morning hear O Lord, at early morning hear my voice ascend on high; to you will I address my prayer, to you lift up my eye. 2. You are a God before whose sight the wicked may not stand; their pride and…
5010. Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth Lord Jesus, you have sent your truth to people everywhere, to tell them how you died for them and show how much you care. 2. In Asia and America and Australasia too, in Africa and Europe we must tell…
456. Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands for our offences given; but now at God's right hand he stands, and brings us life from heaven: let us give thanks and joyful be, and to our God sing…
1161. Jesus is Lord! Behold the King of Kings Jesus is Lord! behold the king of kings exalted high, the name above all names. I sing his praise, the Lamb upon the throne, who reigns in glory, power and majesty. 2. This is my God: behold…
1040. Where is Elijah's God? Where is elijah's God, the God who answers prayer? Where is our great almighty Lord who promised to be here? Where is the God of power who comes in flaming fire, to demonstrate before the…
1187. O great God of highest heaven O great God of highest heaven, occupy my lowly heart. Own it all and reign supreme, conquer every rebel power. Let no vice or sin remain that resists your holy war. You have loved and purchased…
1209. Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers, neighbours and workers, answers to prayer; sometimes in silence sitting beside us, bringing a blessing just being there. 2. Proving a…
141. Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries my heart and hands uplifted raise; and let my prayer as incense rise, an evening sacrifice of praise. Guard now the lips that speak your name, lest they,…
1201. Can God be with the brothers Can God be with the brothers who take Christ’s body down, and step into the limelight as darkness grips the town? Yes, God is with his people who dare do something new, with courage to…
472. The day of resurrection The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad; the passover of gladness, the passover of God! From death to life eternal, from earth up to the sky, our Christ has brought us over with hymns of…
440. O teach me, Lord, its meaning O teach me, Lord, its meaning, that cross uplifted high, with one, the Man of sorrows, condemned to bleed and die! O teach me what it cost you to make a sinner whole; and teach me, Saviour, teach…
189. O bless the Lord, my soul! O bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join and help my tongue to bless his name whose mercies are divine. 2. O bless the Lord, my soul! Let not his mercies lie forgotten in…