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752. Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve Wonderful grace that gives what I don't deserve, pays me what Christ has earned then lets me go free. Wonderful grace that gives me the time to change, washes away the stains that once covered…
CP11. Eternity once entered time ETERNITY ONCE ENTERED TIME, and when the bells of Christmas chime the earth itself remembers yet that night the stars cannot forget. 2 And some two thousand years have spun, two thousand…
1201. Can God be with the brothers Can God be with the brothers who take Christ’s body down, and step into the limelight as darkness grips the town? Yes, God is with his people who dare do something new, with courage to…
290. Christ the Word who spoke creation Christ the word who spoke creation, calling forth the fruitful earth; Christ the Word of earth’s salvation, bringing all things to new birth: you we worship, you we worship, praising your eternal…
1024. Almighty God we come to make confession Almighty God, we come to make confession for we have sinned in thought and word and deed. We now repent in honesty and sorrow; forgive us, Lord, and meet us in our need. 2. Forgiving God, I come…
394. He left his home of perfect light He left his home of perfect light and came to earth in poverty, to live with sinners lost in night, for me. 2. Throughout his life of thirty years no man was hated more than he; he bore rejection,…
1321. Your Word YOUR WORD IS GOOD, IT'S EVER FAITHFUL; worth more than gold, the heart's delight. Your word gives life to all who hear and obey: your word endures for ever. 2 Your word is true, it never…
CP24. How still the starry night above HOW STILL THE STARRY NIGHT ABOVE, how still the earth below; how small the greatest gift of love the world has ever known. The fullness of the deity a borrowed manger fills: the God of all…
112. Praise God! The man is blessed who fears the Lord Praise God! the man is blessed who fears the Lord and finds delight in following his word; his children will be mighty in the land; his line will know the blessing of God's hand. 2. Riches and…
1004. Our God is great Our God is great, he made the seas and holds them in his hand. He weighs the mountains on his scales, they move at his command. 2. He raises rulers in the world, he breathes, and they are…
267. Bless the Lord, my soul Bless the Lord, my soul and bless God's holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul who leads me into life. 1. It is he who forgives all your guilt, who heals every one of your ills, who redeems your life…
540. Revive your church, O Lord Revive your church, O Lord, in grace and power draw near; speak with the voice that wakes the dead, and make your people hear! 2. Revive your church, O Lord, disturb the sleep of death; give life to…
866. To him we come To him we come- Jesus Christ our Lord, God's own living Word, his dear Son. In him there is no east and west; in him all nations shall be blessed; to all he offers peace and rest- loving Lord! 2. In…
1022. Love was outpoured Love was outpoured in the blood that was shed: Jesus my Lord, Jesus my love; broken his body, disfigured his head; Jesus my Lord above. Once, on the cross once, in the tomb, once, the day he was…
CP36. Lift up your eyes and look for Him LIFT UP YOUR EYES AND LOOK FOR HIM, Jesus, the coming Saviour-King; born to redeem the world from sin, bringing his peace to all. 2 Now if you walk in darkest night, look for his dawn that’s…
264. The Lord eternal reigns The Lord eternal reigns, his throne is built on high; the kingly robes he wears are light and majesty: his glories shine with beams so bright no mortal eye can bear the sight. 2. The thunders of his…
52. Why, mighty hero, must you boast Why, mighty hero, must you boast of cruelty and of crime, yet disregard God’s steadfast love which lasts throughout all time? How razor-sharp your deadly tongue, what treachery you devise! You…
713. A mind at perfect peace with God A mind at perfect peace with God; O what a word is this! A sinner reconciled through blood: this, this indeed is peace. 2. By nature and by practice far, so very far from God! yet now by grace…
1052. Lord, you know and study me Lord, you know and study me and, Lord, you read my mind. Lord, you know me through and through, you watch me all the time. Close behind me, close in front, you shield me with your hand. Such…
1197. We pray for those among us who are grieving We pray for those among us who are grieving: feeling the force of sorrow’s gnawing pain, finding no trace of hope or consolation beneath the weight of never-ending strain. 2. When every day…
1182. Lord, hear the lonely sufferer's cry Lord, hear the lonely sufferer’s cry: ‘Why, God, have you forsaken me? Why does your silence fill my ears though I pursue you fervently? For are you not the Holy One enthroned in timeless…
378. Silently we watch as our God Silently we watch as our God steps down from his glorious throne into this poor world. Taking to himself his tiny human form, he who made the world lies in Mary's arms. We worship you, Immanuel, we…
706. The Gospel of your grace The gospel of your grace my stubborn heart has won, for God so loved the world he gave his only Son so that whoever will believe shall everlasting life receive! 2. The serpent lifted up could life…
463. If Christ had not been raised from death If Christ had not been raised from death our faith would be in vain, our preaching but a waste of breath, our sin and guilt remain. But now the Lord is risen indeed; he rules in earth and heaven: his…
497. He walks among the golden lamps He walks among the golden lamps on feet like burnished bronze; his hair as snows of winter white, his eyes with fire aflame, and bright his glorious robe of seamless light surpassing Solomon's. 2.…
110. The Lord said to my Lord, 'sit here' The Lord said to my Lord, 'sit here at my right hand, until your foes before you fall at my command!' From Zion's throne he gave you power to rule the land. 2. And when the day of battle…
802. Now may the God of peace Now may the God of peace who raised up from the dead the one great shepherd of the sheep, Jesus our head, who shed his precious blood to save a sinful race, by the eternal covenant of sovereign…
901. O Jesus, I have promised O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end; be now and ever near me, my master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle if you are by my side, nor wander from the pathway if you will be my…
1318. My Lord, I often tremble with such fear MY LORD, I OFTEN TREMBLE WITH SUCH FEAR to stand for you and speak your truth so clear; to hold up high the standard of your Name, to live, or die, without a hint of shame. These days are cold,…
524. Spirit of God, descend upon my heart Spirit of God, descend upon my heart; wean it from earth; through all its pulsing move; stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are, and make me love you as I ought to love. 2. Have you not called my…