Search Results


1099. O God of our humanity O God of our humanity, we fall before your throne. We have no hope or future outside your grace alone. Yet we live as if we're sovereign of our lives and destiny; we are selfish in our purpose and…
83. O God, do not keep silent O God, do not keep silent; see how they rage and storm! Against your cherished people your foes begin to swarm; they plan for total war! They plot to kill a nation, that we may be no more. 2.…
1247. The Lord called Moses The Lord called Moses when he was with the sheep, and set him over all the flock of God. May every leader who follows in his steps learn humbly as they walk the path he trod. 2 The Lord took…
1125. You have pardoned all my sin You have pardoned all my sin, made me yours for evermore; now your family is mine and, in you, I stand secure. By your overwhelming grace you and I are reconciled-- Father, hear my joyful…
1167. When anxious thoughts assail my mind When anxious thoughts assail my mind, when I begin to doubt your care, when gloom and sorrow flood my soul, I bring my fears to you, my God, in prayer. 2. I call to you to answer soon, to…
157. God of my life, to you I pray God of my life, to you I pray; Spirit of life, fill me today; Christ be my life, my truth, my way: glory to God, my God! 2. God of my strength when I am weak, prize and reward of all who seek; open…
32. Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed, who know their guilt is gone, their faults forgiven; who taste the joys that come from sin confessed, whose hearts are blameless in the sight of…
23C. The King of love my shepherd is The king of love my shepherd is, whose goodness fails me never; I nothing lack if I am his and he is mine for ever. 2. Where streams of living waters flow, a ransomed soul, he leads me; and…
740. Why did you choose me-what have I done Why did you choose me-what have I done that you should call me your child, your loved one? How can I answer to love so profound? Once I was lost without you-now I am found. 2. Lord will you teach me…
1133. We pledge to one another We pledge to one another, before the Lord above, entire and whole and perfect, this union of our love-- a love that will be patient, a love that will be wise, that will not twist with…
650. I come with joy, a child of God I come with joy, a child of God, forgiven, loved and free, the life of Jesus to recall, in love laid down for me. 2. I come with Christians far and near to find, as all are fed, the new community of…
272. O what matchless condescension O what matchless condescension the eternal God displays, claiming our supreme attention to his boundless works and ways; his own glory, his own glory he reveals in gospel days. 2. In the person of…
315. Meekness and majesty Meekness and majesty, manhood and deity, in perfect harmony, the man who is God. Lord of eternity dwells in humanity, kneels in humility and washes our feet. O, what a mystery, meekness and…
629. These are the facts as we have received them These are the facts as we have received them, these are the truths that the Christian believes, this is the basis of all of our preaching: Christ died for sinners and rose from the tomb. 2. These are…
202. You holy angels bright You holy angels bright who wait at God’s right hand, or through the realms of light fly at your Lord’s command: assist our song, or else the theme too high will seem for mortal tongue. 2. You…
864. You servants of the Lord You servants of the Lord, who for his coming wait, observe with care his heavenly word- be watchful at his gate. 2. Let all your lamps be bright and guard the living flame; be ready always in his…
904. God's gift of life and love has gone God's gift of life and love has gone- has taken wings to realms of song where God's own children all belong- 'with Christ' in all his glory. 2. We grieve in losing such a friend, give thanks for…
156. God is in his temple God is in his temple, the almighty Father; round his footstool let us gather: him with adoration serve, the Lord most holy, who has mercy on the lowly; let us raise hymns of praise for his great…
559. Our Father God, your name we praise Our father God, your name we praise, to you our hymns addressing, and joyfully our voices raise, your faithfulness confessing. Assembled by your grace, O Lord, we seek fresh guidance from your…
179. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, the holy place, the joy of the whole earth. Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory. He aids us against the enemy, we bow…
229. Light up this place with glory, Lord Light up this place with glory, Lord, enter, and claim your own; receive the homage of our souls, and make in us your throne. 2. No altar now—no earthly priest can for our sin atone; our great high…
5004. Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, for all you've given to me. You have given life to me, made a world that is good to see. Each new day's a gift from my Creator.
520. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove Come, holy spirit, heavenly dove, with your life-giving powers, kindle a flame of sacred love in these cold hearts of ours! 2. In vain we tune our formal songs, in vain we strive to rise; hosannas…
51. Lord, have mercy: in your goodness Lord, have mercy: in your goodness purify me from my sin, wipe away all my transgressions; Lord, have pity, make me clean. Well I know my sins: their memory haunts my conscience all day…
190. O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed: Then sings my soul, my…
230. This is the day of light This is the day of light — let there be light today! Arise, O Christ, to end our night and chase its gloom away. 2. This is the day of rest — our inner strength renew; on lives by many cares…
CP42. My soul exalts and magnifies the King MY SOUL EXALTS AND MAGNIFIES THE KING, my spirit in my Saviour finds her joy; to God the mighty One I’ll ever sing: hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2 To me, his slave, he comes a royal guest, fills…
562. The Spirit breathes upon the Word The spirit breathes upon the word and brings the truth to sight; precepts and promises afford a sanctifying light. 2. A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic, like the sun; it gives a light to every…
722. Jesus, be first in everything Jesus, be first in everything, our Saviour, risen Lord! Jesus, the One alone supreme, be everywhere adored. 2. Jesus, the One for whom was made the universe so vast; God's mighty power lives in…
427. I will sing of the lamb I will sing of the lamb, of the price that was paid for me, purchased by God, giving all he could give! Here now I stand in the garments of righteousness; death has no hold, for in Jesus I live. 2. I…