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740. Why did you choose me-what have I done Why did you choose me-what have I done that you should call me your child, your loved one? How can I answer to love so profound? Once I was lost without you-now I am found. 2. Lord will you teach me…
969. Give me the wings of faith to rise Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil and see the saints above, how great their joys, how bright their glories be. 2. Once they were mourners here below and poured out cries and…
109. How wickedly they spread their lies How wickedly they spread their lies and speak with vicious tongue! My prayer, my friendship they despise and do me groundless wrong. I praise my God, but I implore: do not stay silent any…
1007. Fear the Lord Fear the Lord: your awesome God commands you by his law to walk his ways with all your heart and make your calling sure. 2. Heaven and earth belong to God, the sea and every land, yet he has…
235. Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay Ages pass by, earth's treasures all decay; all Christ’s creation longs to see his day; but constantly the eye of faith can see your plan unfolds, O holy Trinity. 2. I do not know what way before me…
1012. If this is not our world If this is not our world with all its hollow powers, to make a god of gold is no concern of ours. The latest gains fill all the news; we need not choose to wear such chains. 2. If goods are…
389. Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour Christ our redeemer knew temptation's hour in desert places, silent and apart; and three times over met the tempter's power with God's word written, hidden in his heart. 2. He makes not bread what…
513. Your Kingdom come, O God Your kingdom come, O God! your rule, O Christ, begin; break with your iron rod the tyrannies of sin. 2. Where is your reign of peace and purity and love? When shall all hatred cease as in the realms…
1251. I will offer up my life I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love as my worship to you. In surrender I must give my every part; Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart. Jesus,…
127. Unless the Lord constructs the house Unless the Lord constructs the house the builders work in vain; the Lord alone designs and builds foundations that remain. 2. Unless the Lord is keeping watch the city cannot stand; the sentry…
CP14. Fullness of grace in mans human frailty FULLNESS OF GRACE IN MAN'S HUMAN FRAILTY: this is the wonder of Jesus. Laying aside his power and glory, humbly he entered our world. Chose the path of meanest worth: scandal of a virgin…
1146. My heart is filled with thankfulness My heart is filled with thankfulness to him who bore my pain; who plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again; who crushed my curse of sinfulness, and clothed me in his light, and…
1145. May the peace of God our Heavenly Father May the peace of God our heavenly father, and the grace of Christ the risen Son, and the fellowship of God the Spirit keep our hearts and minds within his love. Β Β Β Β  And to him be praise for…
CP39. Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour LORD, YOU WERE RICH BEYOND ALL SPLENDOUR, yet, for love’s sake, became so poor; thrones for a manger did surrender, sapphire-paved courts for stable floor: Lord, you were rich beyond all…
CP50. On Christmas day ON CHRISTMAS DAY, A HUMBLE GIRL gives birth to hope for all the world: this is Immanuel. How awesome and mysterious, the Lord of heaven draws near to us: this is Immanuel. 2 The hands that once…
350. Angels from the realms of glory Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
CP60. The first nowell THE FIRST NOWELL THE ANGEL DID SAY, was to Bethlehem's shepherds in fields as they lay; in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep: Nowell, nowell,…
597. Preachers of the God of grace Preachers of the God of grace, heralds of the dawning day- fit them, Lord, for all they face, prove their calling, guide their way. Meeting failure or success, keep their faith and vision sure, agents…
831. Teach us how grave a thing it is Teach us how grave a thing it is to break love's laws deliberately, to flout your holiness, great God, or flaunt our shame presumptuously. 2. Have pity on our weakness, Lord, and deal with us…
897. In the hour of trial In the hour of trial, Jesus, pray for me, lest by base denial I should traitor be; when you see me waver, with a look recall, nor, for fear or favour, ever let me fall. 2. With bewitching…
874. Your way, not mine, O Lord Your way, not mine, O Lord, whatever it may be; lead me by your own hand, choose out the road for me. 2. Smooth let it be or rough, your path will be the best; direct or winding, still it leads me to…
899. Lord, in our lonely hours Lord, in our lonely hours, and when our spirit faints, we are encouraged by your life, and by your saints. 2. If we've no breath for praise, no thoughts to frame a prayer, we know you need no words…
761. Leave God to order all your ways Leave God to order all your ways: whatever comes, in him confide; you'll find him in the evil days your all-sufficient strength and guide: who trusts in God's unchanging love builds on the rock that…
615. What various hindrances we meet What various hindrances we meet when coming to the mercy-seat! Yet all who know the worth of prayer will long to be more often there. 2. Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw; prayer climbs the…
393. Transfigured Christ, none comprehends Transfigured Christ, none comprehends your majesty, whose splendour stuns all waking souls; whose light transcends the brightness of a thousand suns! 2. You stand with Moses on the hill, you speak of…
967. Hear the church triumphant singing Hear the church triumphant singing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Highest heaven with praises ringing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Thrones and powers before him bending, odours sweet with voice ascending swell the chorus…
1016. If I rise on the wings of the dawn If I rise on the wings of the dawn, seek the lands that lie over the sea; if I go to the heavens, if I live in the depths, if I hide in the darkness, you are there. You are there, where your light…
CP46. O come, O come, Immanuel O COME, O COME, IMMANUEL and ransom captive Israel who mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God draws near: Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel shall come to you, O Israel. 2 O come, O come,…
1226. With Mary let my soul rejoice With mary let my soul rejoice, and praise God's holy nameβ€” his saving love from first to last, from age to age, the same! 2. How strong his arm, how great his power! The proud he will…
102. Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you Lord, hear my prayer! my cry shall come before you; hide not your face when I am in distress. My life burns up; my days have lost their glory, drifting like smoke, in pain and helplessness. 2.…