Search Results


606. Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all, the same throughout eternal day, hear now your weakest followers call, and teach us how we ought to pray: pour out your prayer-inspiring grace and stir us up to seek…
1114. Majestic God Majestic God, you hold within your hand the farthest star; you span the breadth of space, you dwarf the highest height, and yet our daily lives are precious in your sight! Beyond our thoughts,…
859. Jesus, Master, whose I am Jesus, master, whose I am, purchased yours alone to be, by your blood, O perfect Lamb, shed so willingly for me: let my heart be all your own, let me live to you alone. 2. Jesus, Master, whom I…
CP27. Infant holy, infant lowly INFANT HOLY, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ…
16. O God, my refuge, keep me safe O God, my refuge, keep me safe: on you my good depends; O Lord, you are my Lord alone, your saints my choicest friends. 2. Whoever turns to other gods will find remorse and shame; to them I…
411. Alas! And did my Saviour bleed Alas! and did my saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die? Did he devote that sacred head for such a one as I? 2. Was it for sins that I had done he suffered on the tree? Amazing pity, grace…
99. The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him, the God of heaven, by angel hosts adored; his people bow before him and revere him, so great and awesome: holy is the Lord! 2. The Lord loves…
460. Glory to Jesus, risen, conquering Son Glory to Jesus, risen, conquering son! Endless is the victory over death you won; angels robed in splendour rolled the stone away, kept the folded grave clothes where your body lay: Glory to Jesus,…
168. Almighty God, whose name is great Almighty God, whose name is great, exalted over heaven and earth, we worship you and celebrate the wonder of our Saviour’s birth: the news that calmed the shepherds’ fears has been proclaimed two…
266. Behold his love! Behold his love! I stand amazed and marvel at the God of grace; that the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Creator of the universe on whom all life depends, should be clothed in frail…
38. Rebuke me not in anger, Lord Rebuke me not in anger, Lord: restrain your wrath, I pray; grant that your child be yet restored, not judged and cast away. I feel your arrows deep within, I sink beneath your hand and…
293. Blessed be God our God Blessed be God our God! For he has come to us with saving might, he has redeemed us from our helpless plight: blessed be God our God! 2. Christ the Redeemer comes! God’s promised Saviour, long ago…
580. Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell by faith and love in every heart; then shall we know and taste and feel the untold joys that you impart. 2. Come, fill us all with inward strength, enlarge our…
669. Listen! Wisdom cries aloud Listen! wisdom cries aloud making truth and justice heard, calling to the careless crowd with the strong insistent word: 'Turn from foolishness and lies: come, and I will make you wise!' 2. Not the…
306. Jesus, eternal God Jesus, eternal God, became the Son of man; obediently the path he trod, his Father’s perfect plan: he came to make God known, he died to draw death’s sting, he lives, the Lamb upon the throne, our…
882. Christian soldiers in the fight Christian soldiers in the fight, wrestling evil forces, great are our resources! Mighty armour God provides; using every section gives us full protection. 2. As a belt we take the truth, trusting God…
653. Jesus invites his saints Jesus invites his saints to come to him and dine; here pardoned rebels meet their Lord through signs of bread and wine. 2. For food he gives his flesh, he bids us drink his blood; amazing favour!…
418. Go to dark Gethsemane Go to dark gethsemane, you that feel the tempter's power; your Redeemer's conflict see, watch with him one bitter hour; turn not from his griefs away: learn from Jesus Christ to pray. 2. Follow to…
500. The Lord is King! Lift up your voice The Lord is king! lift up your voice, O earth, and all you heavens, rejoice; from world to world the song shall ring: 'The Lord omnipotent is King!' 2. The Lord is King! Who then shall dare resist…
111. Give to the Lord wholehearted praise Give to the Lord wholehearted praise. I will extol the Lord my king; with all his people I will raise my voice, and of his glory sing. 2. Great are his deeds; his name we bless, his works we…
319. My Jesus, my Saviour My Jesus, my saviour, Lord, there is none like you; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love. My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength, let every breath, all that I…
545. Father of mercies, in your Word Father of mercies, in your word what endless glory shines! for ever be your name adored for these celestial lines. 2. Here may the blind and hungry come and light and food receive; here shall the…
940. Forth in your name, O Lord, I go Forth in your name, O Lord, I go my daily labour to pursue; you, Lord, alone I choose to know in all I think or speak or do. 2. The task your wisdom has assigned here let me cheerfully fulfil; in all…
1147. My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ, he is my only plea: though all the world should point and scorn, his ransom leaves me free, his ransom leaves me free. 2.   My hope sustains me as I…
169. Angel voices ever singing Angel voices ever singing round your throne of light, angel music ever ringing rests not day or night; thousands only live to bless you and confess you Lord of might. 2. Lord, beyond our mortal…
318. My heart and voice I raise My heart and voice I raise to spread Messiah’s praise; Messiah’s praise let all repeat; the universal Lord, by whose almighty word creation rose in form complete. 2. A servant’s form he…
898. Awake, my soul, and rise Awake, my soul, and rise amazed, as there you see upon a cross the Saviour God become a curse for me. 2. How gloriously fulfilled is God's most ancient plan, conceived in his eternal mind before the…
1328. Behold the power of His word BEHOLD THE POWER OF HIS WORD: he spoke—creation came to be; I will trust his promise. He hung the stars—a guarantee: his word is strong enough for me; I will trust his promise. Generations…
608. Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face; before your gracious throne we bow; O let your glory fill this place and bless us while we wait on you. 2. We thank you for the precious blood that saved and…
1227. The powers of kings The powers of kings, their robes and rings, are gone for ever; resounding names and boastful claims— their day is over. 2. Palace and throne and jewelled crown are overtaken by fire and…