Search Results


371. Of the Father's heart begotten Of the father's heart begotten when no world had come to be, he is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he, of the things that are, that have been, and that future years shall see: evermore and…
1275. What gift of grace is Jesus, my Redeemer WHAT GIFT OF GRACE IS JESUS, MY REDEEMER; there is no more for heaven now to give. He is my joy, my righteousness and freedom, my steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace. To this I hold:…
1060. I stand on a rock I stand on a rock that is secure, that won’t be shaken, for you are a faithful God. I stand on a promise that is sure, that won’t be broken, for you are a faithful God. You’re my refuge,…
1288. For mistakes we can't forget FOR MISTAKES WE CAN’T FORGET and the sins that still beset, we have a Lamb, we have a Lamb. For our fraught and anxious realm, for the fears that overwhelm, we have a throne, we have a…
944. Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair, Lord, in your suffering world this is our prayer. Bread for the children, justice, joy, peace, sunrise to sunset your kingdom increase. 2. Shelter for fragile…
555. Lord God, who breathed your word of old Lord God, who breathed your word of old on those who wrote the sacred page, the same through all the years untold- to us, in our degenerate age, the Spirit of your word impart and breathe his life…
1019. Give thanks to God and honour those Give thanks to God, and honour those whose fame was spread abroad, whose well-remembered lives disclose the glories of their Lord; who held their just and gentle sway in trust beneath his…
468. No scenes of stately majesty No scenes of stately majesty for the King of kings. No nights aglow with candle flame for the King of love. No flags of empire hung in shame for Calvary. No flowers perfumed the lonely way that led…
843. Jesus, I my cross have taken Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow you: Son of man, despised, forsaken, Lord of all I am or do. Perish every fond ambition, all I've sought and hoped and known; yet how rich is my…
324. O for a thousand tongues to sing O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace! 2. Jesus, the name that calms our fears and bids our sorrows cease; this…
106. Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever for his never-failing care! Who can tell his mighty wonders, all the depth of praise declare? Lord, how blessed are those who serve you! May I also know your…
959. For ever with the Lord 'For ever with the Lord!' Amen, so let it be! Life from the dead is in that word, and immortality. In longing discontent, absent from him I roam, yet nightly pitch my moving tent a day's march nearer…
1073. Lord, for our world which strays Lord, for our world, which strays far from your kingdom of love and mercy, justice, truth and grace; where conflicts rage across so many borders, where hate is stirred by riches, power and race: O…
122. How pleased and blessed was I How pleased and blessed was i to hear the people cry, 'Come, let us seek our God today!' Yes, with a cheerful zeal we haste to Zion's hill and there our vows and honours pay. 2. Zion, O happy…
610. Lord, teach us how to pray aright Lord, teach us how to pray aright, with reverence and with fear; though dust and ashes in your sight, we may, we must draw near. 2. We perish if we cease from prayer; O grant us power to pray! And…
403. My song is love unknown My song is love unknown, my Saviour's love for me; love to the loveless shown that they might lovely be: but who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh and die? 2. He came from…
33. Let all the righteous to the Lord Let all the righteous to the Lord their joyful voices raise! How right that they should play and sing to him new songs of praise! For faithful are his word and works, beyond all human worth; the…
528. The Spirit came, as promised The spirit came, as promised, in God's appointed hour; and now to each believer he comes in love and power: and by his Holy Spirit God seals us as his own; and through the Son and Spirit makes access…
169. Angel voices ever singing Angel voices ever singing round your throne of light, angel music ever ringing rests not day or night; thousands only live to bless you and confess you Lord of might. 2. Lord, beyond our mortal…
919. We plough the fields, and scatter We plough the fields, and scatter the good seed on the land; but it is fed and watered by God's almighty hand: he sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain; the breezes and the…
221. At evening, when the sun had set At evening, when the sun had set, the sick, O Lord, around you lay: in what distress and pain they met, but in what joy they went away! 2. Once more the evening comes, and we oppressed with various…
827. O come, our all-victorious Lord O come, our all-victorious Lord, your power to us make known; strike with the hammer of your word and break these hearts of stone. 2. If only we might all begin our foolishness to mourn, to turn at…
837. Father, Holy Spirit, Son Father, holy spirit, son, Three-in-One and One-in-Three, let your will on earth be done as in heaven eternally; praise by all to you be given, glorious Lord of earth and heaven. 2. If a sinner such…
18. I love you, O Lord, you alone I love you, O Lord, you alone, my refuge on whom I depend; my maker, my Saviour, my own, my hope and my trust without end. The Lord is my strength and my song, defender and guide of my ways; my…
1102. Come and join in the song Come and join in the song, Jesus Christ is Lord over all, and he lives to reign for evermore. The heavens applaud: 'He's alive! He's alive!' 1. Lift your hearts and your voices, fill the earth…
5016. For harvest fields so full of crops For harvest fields so full of crops, let's give thanks to God; for farmers and our local shops, let's give thanks to God. Chorus: Give thanks to God, give thanks to God, give thanks to God; give…
1165. Have you not heard? Have you not heard? Was it never told to you that he who brought a universe to birth can raise up nations and then bring them to nothing again— the sovereign over heaven and earth? But those…
238. Here on the threshold of a new beginning Here on the threshold of a new beginning, by grace forgiven, now we leave behind our long-repented selfishness and sinning, and all our blessings call again to mind: Christ to redeem us, ransom and…
931. Eternal Father, Lord of life Eternal father, Lord of life, you have in every nation bestowed on loving man and wife a share in your creation; for this you formed the family, the cradle of all living, and that this wonder still…
772. Amazing grace-how sweet the sound Amazing grace-how sweet the sound- that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. 2. God's grace first taught my heart to fear, his grace my fears…