Search Results


699. Beneath the cross of Jesus Beneath the cross of Jesus I gladly take my stand; the shadow of a mighty rock within a weary land; a home within the wilderness, a rest upon the way, from the burning of the noontide heat, and the…
86. Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear, though poor and needy, I draw near, preserve my life, O God; have mercy, Lord, I cry to you, rejoice your servant's soul anew; I look to you, O Lord. 2. O…
405. The darkness turns to dawn The darkness turns to dawn, the day-spring shines from heaven, for unto us a child is born, to us a son is given. 2. The Son of God most high, before all else began, a virgin's son behold him…
147. O praise the Lord! Sing praises! O praise the Lord! sing praises! How good to praise our God! How fitting and how pleasing to sing his praise aloud! He builds the walls of Zion and seeks her wandering sons, he binds their…
704. Just as I am, without one plea Just as I am, without one plea but that you died to set me free, and at your bidding, 'Come to me!' O Lamb of God, I come. 2. Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to you,…
161. Now thank we all our God Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices; such wonders he has done! In him the world rejoices, who, from our mothersโ€™ arms, has blessed us on our way with countless gifts of…
925. Remember, Lord, the world you made Remember, Lord, the world you made, for Adam's race to find the life of heaven on earth displayed, a home for humankind. 2. A home of peace: but war and strife and hatred we confess; where death is…
81. To God our strength come, sing aloud To God our strength come, sing aloud and shout for joy to Jacob's God! Come, play the timbrel as you sing, make harp and lyre with music ring: at new moon, let the trumpet blow, full moon and…
238. Here on the threshold of a new beginning Here on the threshold of a new beginning, by grace forgiven, now we leave behind our long-repented selfishness and sinning, and all our blessings call again to mind: Christ to redeem us, ransom and…
1099. O God of our humanity O God of our humanity, we fall before your throne. We have no hope or future outside your grace alone. Yet we live as if we're sovereign of our lives and destiny; we are selfish in our purpose and…
591. We need each other's voice to sing We need each other's voice to sing the songs our hearts would raise, to set the whole world echoing with one great hymn of praise. We blend our voices to complete the melody that starts with God who…
372. Once in royal David's city Once in royal David's city stood a lowly cattle shed, where a mother laid her baby in a manger for his bed: Mary was that mother mild, Jesus Christ, her little child. 2. He came down to earth…
486. Behold the glories of the Lamb Behold the glories of the lamb upon his Father's throne; prepare new honours for his name and songs before unknown! 2. Let elders worship at his feet, the church adore around, with golden bowls of…
306. Jesus, eternal God Jesus, eternal God, became the Son of man; obediently the path he trod, his Fatherโ€™s perfect plan: he came to make God known, he died to draw deathโ€™s sting, he lives, the Lamb upon the throne, our…
327. Praise be to Christ in whom we see Praise be to Christ in whom we see the image of the Father shown, the firstborn Son revealed and known, the truth and grace of deity; through whom creation came to birth, whose fingers set the stars…
940. Forth in your name, O Lord, I go Forth in your name, O Lord, I go my daily labour to pursue; you, Lord, alone I choose to know in all I think or speak or do. 2. The task your wisdom has assigned here let me cheerfully fulfil; in all…
1020. God gives a new beginning God gives a new beginning to those who hear his call, who turn from self and sinning to Christ as all-in-all: to know him still more clearly their over-arching aim; to follow him more…
1060. I stand on a rock I stand on a rock that is secure, that wonโ€™t be shaken, for you are a faithful God. I stand on a promise that is sure, that wonโ€™t be broken, for you are a faithful God. Youโ€™re my refuge,…
115. Not to us be glory given Not to us be glory given but to him who reigns above: Glory to the God of heaven for his faithfulness and love! What though unbelieving voices hear no word and see no sign, still in God my heart…
356. Earth was waiting, spent and restless Earth was waiting, spent and restless, with a mingled hope and fear, faithful men and women praying, 'Surely, Lord, the day is near: the Desire of all the nations- it is time he should appear!' 2. In…
1033. Great and wonderful Great and wonderful are your deeds and works, Lord God, the Almighty. Just and true and righteous are all your ways, ruler of the nations. Who shall not fear and praise your name, O Sovereign…
437. There is a green hill far away There is a green hill far away outside a city wall, where our dear Lord was crucified, who died to save us all. 2. We may not know, we cannot tell what pains he had to bear, but we believe it was for…
632. We have a Gospel to proclaim We have a gospel to proclaim, good news for all throughout the earth; the gospel of a Saviour's name: we sing his glory, tell his worth. 2. Tell of his birth at Bethlehem, not in a royal house or…
697. Above the voices of the world around me Above the voices of the world around me, my hopes and dreams, my cares and loves and fears, the long-awaited call of Christ has found me, the voice of Jesus echoes in my ears: 'I gave my life to break…
668. Christ is all the world's good news Christ is all the world's good news; Christ commands the world to choose, heaven to find and hell to lose; turn, and come to him! 2. Love into this world was sent; love's full measure here was…
901. O Jesus, I have promised O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end; be now and ever near me, my master and my friend: I shall not fear the battle if you are by my side, nor wander from the pathway if you will be my…
827. O come, our all-victorious Lord O come, our all-victorious Lord, your power to us make known; strike with the hammer of your word and break these hearts of stone. 2. If only we might all begin our foolishness to mourn, to turn at…
1275. What gift of grace is Jesus, my Redeemer WHAT GIFT OF GRACE IS JESUS, MY REDEEMER; there is no more for heaven now to give. He is my joy, my righteousness and freedom, my steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace. To this I hold:…
968. Christ has prepared for us a place Christ has prepared for us a place of joy as yet unseen, unheard, of glory promised by his grace to all who take him at his word: 2. A place where no disease is found, no sin, no sickness, no…
1321. Your Word YOUR WORD IS GOOD, IT'S EVER FAITHFUL; worth more than gold, the heart's delight. Your word gives life to all who hear and obey: your word endures for ever. 2 Your word is true, it never…