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CP30. Jesus Christ the Lord is born JESUS CHRIST THE LORD IS BORN, all the bells are ringing! Angels greet the holy One and shepherds hear them singing, and shepherds hear them singing. 2 ‘Go to Bethlehem today, find your King…
402. O changeless Christ, for ever new O changeless Christ, for ever new, who walked our earthly ways, still draw our hearts as once you drew the hearts of other days. 2. As once you spoke by plain and hill or taught by shore and sea, so…
770. Within the busy rush of life Within the busy rush of life I find a resting-place: when I submit to Christ my Lord and let him set my pace, he shows the way that I should take whatever trials I face. 2. Amid the choices I must…
1085. Come and listen to the song Come and listen to the song pulsing out from heaven's throne; angel voices, human tongues blend in worship of the Son. There he stands, triumphant Lamb, with the marks of sacrifice. He stooped…
183. I will give thanks to you I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the people. I will sing praises to you among the nations. For your steadfast love is great, is great to the heavens and your faithfulness, your…
CP35. Let earth and heaven combine LET EARTH AND HEAVEN COMBINE, angels and men agree to praise in songs divine the incarnate Deity; our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man. 2 He laid his glory by, took form in…
648. Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face Part 1 Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face; here may I touch and handle things unseen; here grasp with firmer hand the eternal grace and all my weariness upon you lean. 2. Here let me feed upon…
611. O Lord, our guardian and our guide O Lord, our guardian and our guide, be near us when we call; uphold us when our footsteps slide, and raise us when we fall. 2. The world, the flesh and Satan dwell around the path we tread: O save us…
1142. Day and night I cry to you Day and night I cry to you: free me from my gnawing fear; I am anxious, drained of strength, marked as one whose death is near- would I praise you from the grave? Show me, Lord, your power to…
701. Not what these hands have done Not what these hands have done can save this guilty soul, and nothing that this flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. 2. Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God; not all my prayers or…
741. Jesus, the very thought of you Jesus, the very thought of you makes every moment blessed; but sweeter far your face to view and in your presence rest. 2. No ear can hear, no voice proclaim, nor can the heart recall a sweeter sound…
226. Christ is our cornerstone Christ is our cornerstone, on him alone we build; with his true saints alone the courts of heaven are filled; on his great love our hopes we place of present grace and joys above. 2. With psalms and…
231. Sweet is the work, my God, my King Sweet is the work, my God, my king, to praise your name, give thanks and sing; to show your love by morning light, and talk of all your truth at night. 2. Sweet is the day, the first and best, on…
192. O Lord our God, how majestic is your name O Lord our God, how majestic is your name, the earth is filled with your glory. O Lord our God, you are robed in majesty, you’ve set your glory above the heavens. We will magnify, we will…
2A. Why do all the nations rage Why do all the nations rage and their rulers join as one, vainly to defy the Lord, his anointed to disown? ‘Let us break their chains,’ they say, ‘hurl their fetters far away.’ 2. God…
967. Hear the church triumphant singing Hear the church triumphant singing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Highest heaven with praises ringing, 'Worthy the Lamb!' Thrones and powers before him bending, odours sweet with voice ascending swell the chorus…
371. Of the Father's heart begotten Of the father's heart begotten when no world had come to be, he is Alpha and Omega, he the source, the ending he, of the things that are, that have been, and that future years shall see: evermore and…
340. Who can cheer the heart like Jesus Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, by his presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, O how blest to call him mine! All that thrills my soul is Jesus; he is more than life to me; and…
736. Now, O my soul, forget no more Now, O my soul, forget no more the friend who all your misery bore; let every idol be forgot, but, O my soul, forget him not. 2. Jesus for you a body takes, your guilt he bears, your fetters…
24B. This earth belongs to God This earth belongs to God, the world, its wealth, and all its people; he formed the waters wide and fashioned every sea and shore. AWho may go up the hill of the Lord and stand in the place of…
36. No fear of God before the eyes No fear of God before the eyes, no penitence within: such is the one no longer wise, whose words are treachery and lies, who never grieves for sin. 2. Your love, O Lord, shall never sleep, nor…
800. My Father divine My father divine, by your loving design I am yours, and I know that my Jesus is mine; in the sacrificed Lamb full of comfort I am and my heart it will dance to the sound of your name. 2. True…
39. I kept my mouth from every sinful word I kept my mouth from every sinful word, lest evil thoughts the wicked overheard; but silence made my pain intensify, so with a burning heart I made my cry: 2. ‘Show me my end, the measure of…
13. How long will you forget me, Lord How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long shall evils tear my heart and troubles fill my day? 2. Look on my need, O Lord my God who grants my every breath; give…
974. How bright these glorious spirits shine How bright these glorious spirits shine, in all their white array! How have they come to this fair place of everlasting day? 2. These have come out of sufferings great into the realms of light, and…
1255. With a prayer you fed the hungry With a prayer you fed the hungry, with a cry you stilled the storm; with a look you had compassion on the desperate and forlorn. With a touch you healed the leper, with a shout you raised the…
1277. You are my anchor YOU ARE MY ANCHOR, my light and my salvation. You are my refuge, my heart will not fear. Though my foes surround me on every hand, they will stumble and fall while in grace I…
621. God of the world's great cities God of the world's great cities with all their soaring towers, as commerce builds its empires and multiplies its powers: this is the earth that Jesus trod; do not abandon us, O God! 2. God of the…
1271. See, what a morning SEE, WHAT A MORNING, GLORIOUSLY BRIGHT, with the dawning of hope in Jerusalem; folded the grave clothes, tomb filled with light, as the angels announce, ‘Christ is risen!’ See God’s…
838. Fill all my life, O Lord my God Fill all my life, O Lord my God, in every part with praise; that my whole being may proclaim your being and your ways. 2. Not for the lip of praise alone, nor yet the praising heart, I ask, but for a…