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26. In judgement, Lord, arise In judgement, Lord, arise, draw near to take my part, your tender love before my eyes, your word within my heart. Discern my thoughts, I pray, discover all my mind, and keep me in the narrow…
809. Jesus, your all-victorious love Jesus, your all-victorious love shed in my heart abroad; no more shall my foundation move, rooted and fixed in God. 2. O that in me the Spirit's fire might now begin to glow, burn up the dross of…
1068. See the cross of Calvary See the cross of calvary, where the Saviour dies for me; where this sinner should have been, a sinless King stands in. Innocent of any shame, willingly he takes the blame; full of mercy, full of…
88. O Lord, the God who saves me O Lord, the God who saves me, to you my spirit cries; my world is full of trouble, all hope of mercy dies. 2. Your anger lies upon me, I cannot make amends; your waves, they overwhelm me, you…
671. Sovereign grace and love abounding Sovereign grace and love abounding over sin and death and hell! Sing its depth that knows no sounding; who its breadth or length can tell? On its glories, on its glories let my soul for ever…
177. God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we praise you! God, we bless you! God, we name you sovereign Lord! Mighty King, whom angels worship, Father, by your church adored; all creation shows your glory, heaven and earth draw near your…
666. Come, you souls by sin afflicted Come, you souls by sin afflicted, fruitless sorrow bows you down; by the broken law convicted, through the cross behold the crown; look to Jesus; look to Jesus; look to Jesus; mercy flows through him…
CP19. Guess what happened long ago? GUESS WHAT HAPPENED LONG AGO? In a stable Christ was born: precious Saviour, Holy One, come to show us God's deep love: Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace…
1313. As the heavens are higher than the earth AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, so his ways are higher than the ways of this world, and his thoughts run deeper than the mind of man; Father, break into our darkened hearts. 2. Come…
1249. Father, God of mission Father, God of mission, send your living word to each tribe and nation, those who have not heard; gathering a people from all humankind, those who did not seek you are the ones you find Send…
680. Heal us, Immanuel, hear our prayer Heal us, immanuel, hear our prayer; we wait to feel your touch. Deep-wounded souls to you draw near and, Saviour, we are such. 2. Our faith is feeble, we confess; we faintly trust your word. And will…
CP17. God has spoken by His servants GOD HAS SPOKEN BY HIS SERVANTS as the timeless Scriptures tell; now from Bethlehem he’s speaking through his Son, Emmanuel. Welcome Jesus, holy Prophet, welcome, Mary’s tiny Son, Word of…
1199. Can a sinner like me stand Can a sinner like me stand in the rags of my disgrace? How would I escape God's hand or begin to plead my case? For the goodness I possess, any kindness I have shown, cannot give the…
1329. Praise to Christ Jesus, Maker eternal PRAISE TO CHRIST JESUS, MAKER ETERNAL: praise for his splendour, amply displayed; praise for his strength, upholding the cosmos, ever sustaining all that he made. Praise to the Prophet sent by…
1179. He said, he came to seek the lost He said he came to seek the lost, to find us and to save; he warned us of the coming cost but looked beyond the grave. He said he came to work, to serve, not to be served by us; that we must…
622. God's word to God's world! In one name alone God's word to God's world! in one name alone the truth must be told, the Saviour made known; since Jesus has suffered and died for our sin, God's kingdom is offered for all to come in. 2. Since God…
19B. God's glory fills the heavens with hymns God’s glory fills the heavens with hymns, the domed sky bears the Maker’s mark; new praises sound from day to day and echo through the knowing dark. Without a word their songs roll on- into…
1069. Have mercy, O my God Have mercy, O my God, be gracious now I pray: forgive me, for I cry aloud, wash all my guilt away. You alone are loveβ€” blot out every stain: send your mercy from above and make me clean…
CP48. O little town of Bethlehem O LITTLE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM, how still we see you lie! Above your deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by: yet in your streets is shining the everlasting light; the hopes and fears of all…
510. Jesus, Alpha and Omega Jesus, alpha and omega, God before the world began, first and last, beginning, ending, mighty Word and Son of Man, great Creator, Liberator! Author of salvation's plan! 2. You have loved us! You have…
488. Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship 'Holy, holy, holy!' cry; 'He who is, who was and will be, God almighty, Lord most high.' Praise and honour, power and glory, be to him who reigns alone! We, with…
302. Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head, my God, my portion and my living bread; in him I live, upon him cast my care; he saves from death, destruction and despair. 2. He is my refuge in each deep…
970. Jerusalem on high Jerusalem on high my song and city is, my home when I shall die, the centre of my bliss: O happy place! When shall I be with God, to see him face to face? 2. There reigns my Lord, my king, judged…
1257. The splendour of the King The splendour of the king, clothed in majesty: let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide and trembles at his voice, and trembles at…
191. Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise God from whom all blessings flow in heaven above and earth below; one God, three Persons, we adore β€” to him be praise for evermore!
872. O Christ of all the ages, come! O Christ of all the ages, come! We fear to journey on our own; without you near we cannot face the future months, the years unknown. 2. Afflicted, tempted, tried like us, you match our moments of…
929. Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and saviour, with tender mercy hear us as we pray; grant our desire for those who seek your favour, come with your love and bless them both today. 2. Give them your…
323. Not the grandeur of the mountains Not the grandeur of the mountains, nor the splendour of the sea, can excel the ceaseless wonder of my Saviour’s love to me: For his love to me is faithful and his mercy is divine; and his truth is…
973. When this passing world is done When this passing world is done, when has sunk the radiant sun, when I stand with Christ on high, seeing all life's history, then, Lord, shall I fully know, not till then, how much I owe. 2. When I…
325. O the deep, deep love of Jesus O the deep, deep love of Jesus! vast, unmeasured, boundless, free, rolling as a mighty ocean in its fulness over me: underneath me, all around me, is the current of his love, leading onward, leading…