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138. I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful, before the world I'll tell your righteous ways; I will bow down towards your holy temple, exalt your name and sing your worthy praise. 2.…
1132. He lives in us, the Christ of God He lives in us, the Christ of God, his Spirit joins with ours; he brings to us the Father's grace with powers beyond our powers. So when enticing sin grows strong, and human nature fails, God's…
302. Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head Immortal honours rest on Jesus' head, my God, my portion and my living bread; in him I live, upon him cast my care; he saves from death, destruction and despair. 2. He is my refuge in each deep…
337. O Jesus, King most wonderful O Jesus, king most wonderful and conqueror renowned; O sweetness inexpressible in whom all joys are found! 2. When you draw near and touch the heart then truth begins to shine; then this world's…
97. The Lord is King! With joyful sound The Lord is king! with joyful sound let all the earth in him delight, whom cloud and deepest dark surround, whose throne is justice, truth and right. 2. Before him fires of judgement go, his…
55. Listen to my prayer, O God Listen to my prayer, O God, under trouble’s crushing load: all around my foes rampage, clamouring for me in their rage; terror overwhelms my heart, every instinct says, ‘Depart!’ O for…
811. O for a closer walk with God O for a closer walk with God, a constant, heavenly calm; a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the Lamb! 2. Where is the blessing that I knew when first I saw the Lord? Where is the…
934. O God, your life-creating love O God, your life-creating love this sacred trust to parents gave. In Christ your power came from above your children here to claim and save. 2. Help us who now our pledges give the young to cherish,…
430. Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice; you became nothing, poured out to death. Many times I've wondered at your gift of life and I'm in that place once again, I'm in that place once again. And…
1076. Take my life, move my heart Take my life: move my heart to love the wisdom of your way, to grow more like you every day until your glorious kingdom come, until your perfect will is done, until your glory fills the…
738. Object of my first desire Object of my first desire, Jesus, crucified for me! all to happiness aspire: you alone our joy can be. You to please, and you to know, these are my delight below; you to see, and you to love, these…
729. I stand amazed in the presence I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how he could love me, a sinner condemned, unclean! How marvellous! how wonderful! this my song shall ever be: how marvellous! how…
492. Lamb of God, you now are seated Lamb of God, you now are seated high upon your Father's throne, all your gracious work completed, all your mighty victory won; every knee in heaven is bending to the Lamb for sinners slain; all sing…
1094. We sing of fruitful harvests We sing of fruitful harvests and praise you for our food; for homes and all the pleasures we count as for our good. But are we truly thankful, do we respect your will, and know, if we had…
1142. Day and night I cry to you Day and night I cry to you: free me from my gnawing fear; I am anxious, drained of strength, marked as one whose death is near- would I praise you from the grave? Show me, Lord, your power to…
1127. Glory and power to the one who loves us Glory and power to the one who loves us. Honour and praise him for ever. Come, Lord Jesus; come, Lord Jesus. 2.   Glory and power to the One who freed us from all our sins by his…
218. Lord, as the day begins Lord, as the day begins lift up our hearts in praise; take from us all our sins, guard us in all our ways: our every step direct and guide that Christ in all be glorified! 2. Christ be in work and…
879. Trouble may break with the dawn Trouble may break with the dawn and evil may come and darkness will fall; clouds will appear in the sky and tears in our eyes and pain in the soul. But God stands at his people's side, gives them a…
439. O sacred head once wounded O sacred head once wounded, with grief and shame weighed down, how scornfully surrounded with thorns, your only crown! How pale you are with anguish, with fierce abuse and scorn! How do those features…
326. One there is above all others One there is above all others, well deserves the name of friend; his is love beyond a brother’s, costly, free and knows no end: those who once his kindness prove, find it everlasting love. 2. Which…
1317. What love, my God, would bring you down to earth WHAT LOVE, MY GOD, WOULD BRING YOU DOWN TO EARTH? What king would take a low and lonely birth? Yet to this dark and broken place you came, to sleep beneath the stars that you had made. 2 What…
654. My God, now is your table spread My God, now is your table spread, your cup with love still overflows: so may your children here be fed as Christ to us his goodness shows. 2. This holy feast, which Jesus makes a banquet of his flesh…
1242. And he shall reign for ever And he shall reign for ever, his throne and crown shall ever endure. And he shall reign for ever, and we shall reign with him. 1. What a vision filled my eyes, one like a Son of…
520. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove Come, holy spirit, heavenly dove, with your life-giving powers, kindle a flame of sacred love in these cold hearts of ours! 2. In vain we tune our formal songs, in vain we strive to rise; hosannas…
75. O God, we thank you that your name O God, we thank you that your name is known and feared through all the earth; your sentence waits the appointed time and thunder brings your judgements forth. 2. The proud are cautioned not to…
77. I cried out to God to help me I cried out to God to help me in my turmoil and my grief; all night long I pleaded with him, yet my soul found no relief. I remembered God with sorrow and my groaning heart grew faint; wearied,…
1034. Up to the hills I lift my eyes Up to the hills I lift my eyes. Is it from there my help will rise? God made the hills, the earth, the skies, and he will help. 2 He won't allow your foot to slip, faithful the watch your God…
156. God is in his temple God is in his temple, the almighty Father; round his footstool let us gather: him with adoration serve, the Lord most holy, who has mercy on the lowly; let us raise hymns of praise for his great…
896. He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater, he sends us more strength when the labours increase; to greater affliction he adds his great mercy, to multiplied trials, his multiplied…
639. When Jesus died upon the cross When Jesus died upon the cross, when he was buried in the grave, he bore the judgement I deserved, that he, by death, my life might save. 2. When Christ was raised from that same tomb he rose as…