Search Results


370. Child in the manger Child in the manger, infant of Mary, outcast and stranger, Lord of all! Child who inherits all our transgressions, all our demerits on him fall. 2. Once the most holy child of salvation gently and…
410. A purple robe, a crown of thorn A purple robe, a crown of thorn, a reed in his right hand; before the soldiers' spite and scorn I see my Saviour stand. 2. He bears between the Roman guard the weight of all our woe; a stumbling…
1200. God of glory, God of grace God of glory, God of grace, we adore you! God now seen in Jesus’ face, we adore you! Known are all your works of old, glories that cannot be told; gracious Shepherd of one fold, we adore…
417. Give me a sight, O Saviour Give me a sight, O saviour, of your great love to me- the love that brought you down from heaven to die on Calvary. O make me understand it, help me to take it in- what it meant for you, the holy…
15. Lord, who may venture where you dwell Lord, who may venture where you dwell, or worship on your holy hill? The pure in heart, whose blameless lives by word and deed obey your will. 2. They never do their neighbour wrong and utter…
1308. May the grace of Christ, our Saviour MAY THE GRACE OF CHRIST, OUR SAVIOUR, be our guide in all we do, for his willing self-abasement shows the pathway to pursue; as we give to other people may he make us rich indeed, bringing to…
818. What does the Lord require What does the Lord require for praise and offering? What sacrifice desire or tribute bid you bring? Do justly; love mercy; walk humbly with your God. 2. Rulers of men, give ear! should you not…
CP61. The promised time arrives THE PROMISED TIME ARRIVES, the time of God’s appointing, the time when One is born who bears the Lord’s anointing. What prophets longed to see is finally made clear: for Jesus comes to…
1180. We who know the Lord is gracious We who know the Lord is gracious have in Christ a cornerstone; sent from God, elect and precious, laid that we may build thereon. Let us on this sure foundation, now, a living temple…
817. O Jesus Christ, within me grow O Jesus Christ, within me grow and all things else recede; my heart be daily nearer you, from sin be daily freed. 2. Each day let your supporting might my weakness still embrace, my darkness vanish…
686. All of us in sin were dying All of us in sin were dying, all in Adam had a share; all our dreams and tears and trying only deepened our despair: in this hopeless situation, how impossible our case! All stood under…
1187. O great God of highest heaven O great God of highest heaven, occupy my lowly heart. Own it all and reign supreme, conquer every rebel power. Let no vice or sin remain that resists your holy war. You have loved and purchased…
871. I do not know what lies ahead I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see; yet one stands near to be my guide; he'll show the way to me. I know who holds the future, and he'll guide me with his hand. With God things don't…
CP25. I cannot know the love I CANNOT KNOW THE LOVE THAT BROUGHT YOU DOWN TO EARTH. I dare not think that it reflects upon my worth. I cannot quantify the gratitude I feel that you left your home and Father just for me. From…
719. One with Jesus, loved and cherished One with Jesus, loved and cherished, chosen as his holy bride; all our sins in him have perished; for his church the Saviour died; gave himself to make her holy, washed with water through the word, to…
1243. Have you not planted in the human spirit Have you not planted in the human spirit a restlessness we cannot satisfy? Have you not set eternity within us, a taste that haunts us till the day we die? Have you not fostered in our lives a…
67. God of mercy, God of grace God of mercy, God of grace, show the brightness of your face: shine upon us, Saviour, shine, fill your church with light divine; and your saving health extend to the earth's remotest end. 2.…
860. Lord, speak to me, that I may speak Lord, speak to me, that I may speak in living echoes of your tone; as you have sought, so let me seek your wandering children, lost, alone. 2. O lead me, Lord, that I may lead the stumbling and the…
114. When Israel fled from Egypt When Israel fled from egypt and Jacob's people left that foreign land, then Judah was God's temple, and Israel was the treasure in his hand. 2. The Red Sea looked, and wondered; the Jordan…
834. Search me, O God! My actions try Search me, O God! my actions try and let my life appear as seen by your all-searching eye, to mine my ways make clear. 2. Search all my mind and know my heart: you only can make known and let the…
1147. My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ, he is my only plea: though all the world should point and scorn, his ransom leaves me free, his ransom leaves me free. 2.   My hope sustains me as I…
1284. All praise to him, the God of light ALL PRAISE TO HIM, THE GOD OF LIGHT, who formed the mountains by his might; all praise to him who names the stars that sing his fame in skies afar. All praise to him who reigns in…
679. Lord Jesus, think on me Lord Jesus, think on me, your servant, born in sin: from this world's sorrow set me free and make me clean within. 2. Lord Jesus, think on me, that, when I end my days, I may your radiant glory…
220. Lord, as I wake I turn to you Lord, as I wake I turn to you, yourself the first thought of my day; my King, my God, whose help is sure, yourself the help for which I pray. 2. There is no blessing, Lord, from you for those who…
319. My Jesus, my Saviour My Jesus, my saviour, Lord, there is none like you; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love. My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength, let every breath, all that I…
643. Bread of the world in mercy broken Bread of the world in mercy broken, wine of the soul in mercy shed; by whom the words of life were spoken and in whose death our sins are dead: look on the heart by sorrow broken, look on the tears by…
858. When God begins a work When God begins a work of grace within our hearts he saves our souls and sets us right and all his love imparts. 2. A people saved to serve is what the Lord desires, and works in us to will and…
764. Lord, it is not within my care Lord, it is not within my care whether I die or live; to love and serve you is my share, and this your grace must give. 2. If life is long, I shall be glad that I may long obey; if short, then why…
110. The Lord said to my Lord, 'sit here' The Lord said to my Lord, 'sit here at my right hand, until your foes before you fall at my command!' From Zion's throne he gave you power to rule the land. 2. And when the day of battle…
232. This is the day the Lord has made This is the day the Lord has made, he calls the hours his own: let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne. 2. Today he rose and left the dead, and Satan’s empire…