Search Results


1244. Let my people go β€˜Let my people go’ is the summons of the Lord, spoken to the lords of earth who rule by chain and sword. β€˜Let my people go,’ the repeated, urgent call; yet so many hearts are hard and…
1124. On the cross he took what I deserved On the cross he took what I deserved, gave his life to set me free: there he bore the judgement on my sin, made himself accursed for me. When I failed to live by God's commands Jesus suffered in…
496. See, the conqueror mounts in triumph See, the conqueror mounts in triumph, see the King in royal state, riding on the clouds, his chariot, to his heavenly palace gate! Hear the choirs of angel voices joyful hallelujahs sing, and the…
217. When morning gilds the skies When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries: may Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer let this be all my care: may Jesus Christ be praised! 2. To God the Word on high the hosts…
113. O praise, you servants of the Lord O praise, you servants of the Lord, sing praises to his holy name; O blessed be the name of God, his praise for evermore proclaim; from east to west the praise of God each day is to be spread…
1168. Faith is not merely the songs that we sing Faith is not merely the songs that we sing; faith is not simply the prayers that we pray; but faith means obedience in all that we do, as God’s will is done in our lives day by day. 2. Faith…
1038. Where you sit in kingly glory Where you sit in kingly glory, Jesus, stoop to hear our songs as we worship you, most worthy Christ, to whom all praise belongs: who in anguish on a cross rescued us from sin and loss. 2. By…
1170. Extol the God of justice Extol the God of justice with heart and soul and voice; remember all his wonders, recount them and rejoice. He stands with all who labour for what is true and right, till wickedness and falsehood are…
1076. Take my life, move my heart Take my life: move my heart to love the wisdom of your way, to grow more like you every day until your glorious kingdom come, until your perfect will is done, until your glory fills the…
719. One with Jesus, loved and cherished One with Jesus, loved and cherished, chosen as his holy bride; all our sins in him have perished; for his church the Saviour died; gave himself to make her holy, washed with water through the word, to…
863. The heroes of scripture The heroes of scripture with hearts full of faith, their eyes on the city, engaged in the race. With hope in the promise, encouraged to see invisible glories and joys yet to be. Consider your mighty…
1248. Our Father in heaven Our father in heaven: we praise your wonderful name! Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth and heaven the same. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us the sins we do and…
871. I do not know what lies ahead I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see; yet one stands near to be my guide; he'll show the way to me. I know who holds the future, and he'll guide me with his hand. With God things don't…
1187. O great God of highest heaven O great God of highest heaven, occupy my lowly heart. Own it all and reign supreme, conquer every rebel power. Let no vice or sin remain that resists your holy war. You have loved and purchased…
573. O Christ, the great foundation O Christ, the great foundation on which your people stand to preach the true salvation in every age and land: pour out your Holy Spirit to make us strong and pure, to keep the faith unbroken as long…
546. God has spoken-by his prophets God has spoken-by his prophets, spoken his unchanging word; each from age to age proclaiming God the one, the righteous Lord; in the world's despair and turmoil one firm anchor still holds fast: God…
67. God of mercy, God of grace God of mercy, God of grace, show the brightness of your face: shine upon us, Saviour, shine, fill your church with light divine; and your saving health extend to the earth's remotest end. 2.…
1138. When numbers are against us When numbers are against us and rival gods seem strong, when truth appears defeated by what is plainly wrong; the God of fire and water, of mountain, sea and sky, the Lord God of Elijah will…
226. Christ is our cornerstone Christ is our cornerstone, on him alone we build; with his true saints alone the courts of heaven are filled; on his great love our hopes we place of present grace and joys above. 2. With psalms and…
873. O God of Bethel, by whose hand O God of bethel, by whose hand your children still are fed; who through this earthly pilgrimage your people safely led: 2. Our vows, our prayers, we now present before your gracious throne; as you…
694. One thing I know One thing I know, that Christ has healed me- though I was blind, yet now I see; to him I owe, whose love has sealed me, my heart and mind at last set free. 2. One thing I pray- that in my…
52. Why, mighty hero, must you boast Why, mighty hero, must you boast of cruelty and of crime, yet disregard God’s steadfast love which lasts throughout all time? How razor-sharp your deadly tongue, what treachery you devise! You…
1272. Hear the call of the Kingdom HEAR THE CALL OF THE KINGDOM, LIFT YOUR EYES TO THE KING; let his song rise within you as a fragrant offering of how God, rich in mercy, came in Christ to redeem all who trust in his…
458. Christ, the Lord, is risen today 'Christ, the Lord, is risen today!' Hallelujah! All creation join to say: Hallelujah! Raise your joys and triumphs high; Hallelujah! Sing, you heavens, and earth reply: Hallelujah! 2. Love's…
741. Jesus, the very thought of you Jesus, the very thought of you makes every moment blessed; but sweeter far your face to view and in your presence rest. 2. No ear can hear, no voice proclaim, nor can the heart recall a sweeter sound…
525. Wind of God, dynamic Spirit Wind of God, dynamic spirit, breathe upon our hearts today; that we may your power inherit hear us, Spirit, as we pray: fill the vacuum that enslaves us- emptiness of heart and soul; and, through…
504. Mercy in our time of failure Mercy in our time of failure, grace to help in time of need: this sure promise of our Saviour is a word that we may plead. 2. He has passed into the heavens, he is seated on the throne, ever for us…
818. What does the Lord require What does the Lord require for praise and offering? What sacrifice desire or tribute bid you bring? Do justly; love mercy; walk humbly with your God. 2. Rulers of men, give ear! should you not…
512. Rejoicing in hope we wait for our King Rejoicing in hope we wait for our king: his coming is sure, his conquest we sing. His hour of returning draws daily more near; with hearts hushed and burning we see him appear. 2. He comes with a…
548. How sure the scriptures are! How sure the scriptures are! God's vital, urgent word, as true as steel, and far more sharp than any sword: so deep and fine, at his control they pierce where soul and spirit join. 2. They test each…