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711. How vast the benefits divine How vast the benefits divine which we in Christ possess! We are redeemed from sin and shame and called to holiness. Not for the works that we have done- all these to him are owed; but he of his…
134. Bless the Lord as day departs Bless the Lord as day departs, let your lamps be brightly burning, lifting holy hands and hearts to the Lord till day's returning. 2. As within the darkened shrine, faithful to their sacred…
294. Come, let us worship Jesus Come, let us worship Jesus, King of nations, Lord of all, magnificent and glorious, just and merciful. Jesus, King of the nations, Jesus, Lord of all. Jesus, King of the nations, Lord of all! 2.…
674. The trumpets sound, the angels sing The trumpets sound, the angels sing, the feast is ready to begin; the gates of heaven are open wide and Jesus welcomes you inside. 2. Tables are laden with good things, O taste the peace and joy he…
5002. God made the sun and stars God made the sun and stars, God made the birds that fly in the sky. God made the elephants and spiders and bees, but best of all: Yes, God made me! God gave me eyes to see, God gave me ears to hear…
510. Jesus, Alpha and Omega Jesus, alpha and omega, God before the world began, first and last, beginning, ending, mighty Word and Son of Man, great Creator, Liberator! Author of salvation's plan! 2. You have loved us! You have…
1085. Come and listen to the song Come and listen to the song pulsing out from heaven's throne; angel voices, human tongues blend in worship of the Son. There he stands, triumphant Lamb, with the marks of sacrifice. He stooped…
831. Teach us how grave a thing it is Teach us how grave a thing it is to break love's laws deliberately, to flout your holiness, great God, or flaunt our shame presumptuously. 2. Have pity on our weakness, Lord, and deal with us…
867. With joy I welcome, Lord, your right With joy I welcome, Lord, your right to every service I can pay; and call it my supreme delight to hear your word and to obey. 2. What are my days apart from you, my sure support, my noblest…
1188. O, to see the dawn O, to see the dawn of the darkest day: Christ on the road to Calvary. Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten, then nailed to a cross of wood. This, the power of the cross: Christ became sin for…
848. Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth, gave us your word for this sin-shattered earth, clothed us with promise of strength for our days- God of beginnings, we sing to your praise! 2. Lord of…
1122. We, we are God's people We, we are God's people, once dead in our sin and now raised up with Christ in heaven. God, rich in his mercy, made us all alive in Christ, seated with him for ever. Chorus: By grace we are…
654. My God, now is your table spread My God, now is your table spread, your cup with love still overflows: so may your children here be fed as Christ to us his goodness shows. 2. This holy feast, which Jesus makes a banquet of his flesh…
465. Jesus lives! Your terrors now Jesus lives! your terrors now can, O death, no more appal us: Jesus lives! By this we know you, O grave, cannot enthral us: Hallelujah! 2. Jesus lives! Henceforth is death but the gate of life…
1316. I lift my eyes up to the hills - Psalm 121 I LIFT MY EYES UP TO THE HILLS; from where does my help come? My help comes from the Maker of the heavens and the earth. He will not let my foot be moved; he keeps my journey safe. O my soul,…
CP36. Lift up your eyes and look for Him LIFT UP YOUR EYES AND LOOK FOR HIM, Jesus, the coming Saviour-King; born to redeem the world from sin, bringing his peace to all. 2 Now if you walk in darkest night, look for his dawn that’s…
787. Reconciled, I'm reconciled Reconciled, i'm reconciled, I'm reconciled to God for ever; know he took away my sin, I know his love will leave me never. Reconciled, I am his child, I know it was on me he smiled; I'm reconciled,…
334. There is a Redeemer There is a redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son, precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Thank you, O my Father, for giving us your Son, and leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done. 2.…
295. Fairest Lord Jesus Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation, Son of God and Mary’s son; you will I cherish, you will I honour, you are my soul’s delight and crown. 2. Fair are the rivers, meadows and…
432. King of my life, I crown you now King of my life, I crown you now, yours shall the glory be; lest I forget your thorn-crowned brow, lead me to Calvary. Lest I forget Gethsemane, lest I forget your agony, lest I forget your love for…
41. Lord, may our hearts within us burn Lord, may our hearts within us burn and grant us grace to intercede, to know compassion and concern for those in every kind of need, whose lives are seen as little worth, the poor and helpless of…
499. Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the lamb, seated on the throne, worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength, honour and glory, glory and praise for ever and evermore.
524. Spirit of God, descend upon my heart Spirit of God, descend upon my heart; wean it from earth; through all its pulsing move; stoop to my weakness, mighty as you are, and make me love you as I ought to love. 2. Have you not called my…
514. When the King shall come again When the king shall come again all his power revealing, splendour shall announce his reign, life and joy and healing: earth no longer in decay, hope no more frustrated; this is God's…
958. How long, O Lord, have you bestowed How long, O Lord, have you bestowed your care upon our rebel land? Of all the nations, few, O God, have known such blessings from your hand. 2. Here many godly people dwelt, as once the glorious…
660. While the bread is yet unbroken While the bread is yet unbroken, while the wine is yet unpoured, there is time to pray, recalling what is written in God's word. 2. Time for contrite, true repentance, time to root out…
544. O Spirit of the living God O spirit of the living God, in all the fulness of your grace, wherever human feet have trod, descend upon our fallen race. 2. Give tongues of fire and hearts of love to preach the reconciling…
1107. Christ is my Shepherd-King Christ is my shepherd-king, he is my Lord. Who can compare with him?-- he is so good. So great in mighty power to save and keep, chief Shepherd, coming soon to claim his sheep! 2   He will…
1126. Who is this baby? Who is this baby? and what is his name? He is Christ Jesus, for ever the same: King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, Saviour eternal, the true living Word! 2   Look at him lying asleep…
701. Not what these hands have done Not what these hands have done can save this guilty soul, and nothing that this flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. 2. Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God; not all my prayers or…