Search Results


126. The Lord restored us - we were freed The Lord restored us - we were freed: our life was like a dream! We laughed and sang; the heathen said, 'The Lord did this for them.' 2. The Lord had done great things for us, as every eye…
251. There's a wideness in God's mercy There's a wideness in God's mercy that is wider than the greatest sea; and so I know-it covers even me. There's a depth to his compassion that is deeper than I'll understand; and so my life is safe…
1191. When trials come When trials come, no longer fear, for in the pain our God draws near to fire a faith worth more than gold; and there his faithfulness is told, and there his faithfulness is told. 2. Within…
217. When morning gilds the skies When morning gilds the skies, my heart awaking cries: may Jesus Christ be praised! Alike at work and prayer let this be all my care: may Jesus Christ be praised! 2. To God the Word on high the hosts…
CP01. Angels from the realms of glory ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creation’s story now proclaim Messiah’s birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
138. I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful, before the world I'll tell your righteous ways; I will bow down towards your holy temple, exalt your name and sing your worthy praise. 2.…
CP34. Joy to the world JOY TO THE WORLD, THE LORD HAS COME! Let earth receive her King, let every heart prepare him room, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing, and heaven, and heaven and nature…
1249. Father, God of mission Father, God of mission, send your living word to each tribe and nation, those who have not heard; gathering a people from all humankind, those who did not seek you are the ones you find Send…
323. Not the grandeur of the mountains Not the grandeur of the mountains, nor the splendour of the sea, can excel the ceaseless wonder of my Saviour’s love to me: For his love to me is faithful and his mercy is divine; and his truth is…
528. The Spirit came, as promised The spirit came, as promised, in God's appointed hour; and now to each believer he comes in love and power: and by his Holy Spirit God seals us as his own; and through the Son and Spirit makes access…
393. Transfigured Christ, none comprehends Transfigured Christ, none comprehends your majesty, whose splendour stuns all waking souls; whose light transcends the brightness of a thousand suns! 2. You stand with Moses on the hill, you speak of…
1069. Have mercy, O my God Have mercy, O my God, be gracious now I pray: forgive me, for I cry aloud, wash all my guilt away. You alone are love— blot out every stain: send your mercy from above and make me clean…
1071. All was dark before creation All was dark before creation came to being by God's word. Nothing moved, and in the silence not a hint of life was heard. Suddenly time starts its journey, see the Day comes into sight. 'Let it…
5006. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Anytime, anywhere I can talk to God. Sometimes on my knees I pray; always as I work or play he is near me through the day. My best friend is Jesus.
1093. The wonders of the skies above The wonders of the skies above, the witness of the earth below, proclaim your glory, God of love, in language everyone will know. As now we hear their praise outpoured, may we respond in worship,…
935. Shine now upon us, Lord Shine now upon us, Lord, true light of all today; and through the written word your very self display, so that from hearts that burn with gazing on your face our children all may learn the wonders of…
710. Your work, not mine, O Christ Your work, not mine, O Christ, speaks gladness to this heart, it tells me all is done and bids my fear depart. To whom but you, who can alone for sin atone, Lord, shall I go? 2. Your wounds, not…
CP03. Away in a manger AWAY IN A MANGER,  NO CRIB FOR A BED, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; the stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2   The…
5015. Sing out an Easter song Sing out an easter song, tell everyone that the Lord has risen, sing out a joyful song, tell everybody that he's alive! 1. Jesus Christ, Son of God, gave his life upon a cross, but the power of death…
937. God the Father, name we treasure God the father, name we treasure, each new generation draws from the past that you have given for the future that is yours: may these children, in your keeping, love your ways, obey your laws. 2.…
1055. O what glory O what glory the church has; an honour words cannot say: Jesus' bride, sanctified, waiting for the wedding day. God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we live to serve you in all that we…
892. Ahead of us, a race to run Ahead of us, a race to run: so, looking at the past no more, forgetting what has gone before, we fix our eyes on God the Son- with eager diligence we train as for the prize ahead we strain, until at…
426. How deep the Father's love for us How deep the father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure, that he should give his only Son to make a wretch his treasure. How great the pain of searing loss; the Father turns his face away, as…
413. Approach with awe this holiest place Approach with awe this holiest place, the last of death's domain; the shuttered heavens hide their face, the powers of darkness reign; for there beneath those sombre skies the Prince of life,…
117. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! hallelujah! All you peoples, praise proclaim; for God's grace and loving-kindness O sing praises to his name; for the greatness of his mercy constant praise to him accord; for his…
360. Holy child, how still you lie Holy child, how still you lie! Safe the manger, soft the hay; faint upon the eastern sky breaks the dawn of Christmas Day. 2. Holy child, whose birthday brings shepherds from their field and…
1325. You have called us out of darkest night YOU HAVE CALLED US OUT OF DARKEST NIGHT into your glorious light, that we may sing the wonders of the risen Christ. 2 May our every breath retell the grace that broke into our strife with…
389. Christ our Redeemer knew temptation's hour Christ our redeemer knew temptation's hour in desert places, silent and apart; and three times over met the tempter's power with God's word written, hidden in his heart. 2. He makes not bread what…
328. Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer! Sing, O earth; his wonderful love proclaim! Hail him, hail him, highest archangels in glory; strength and honour give to his holy name! Like a…
883. Fight the good fight with all your might Fight the good fight with all your might, Christ is your strength and Christ your right; lay hold on life and it shall be your joy and crown eternally. 2. Run the straight race through God's good…