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392. When Jesus led his chosen three When Jesus led his chosen three to lift the shadow from their sight, and on the mountain let them see his face transfigured, crowned with light: what grace that day to them was given; to men on earth…
119E. Remember what you said to me your servant Remember what you said to me your servant, for you have given hope to me, O Lord; this is my comfort throughout my affliction: my life is kept in safety by your word. 2. The arrogant have mocked…
1043. Listen to my prayer, Lord Listen to my prayer, Lord, hear my humble cry; when my heart is fainting, to your throne I fly. 2. In earth's farthest corner you will hear my voice: set me on your rock, Lord, then I shall…
586. Let love be found among us Let love be found among us, a love from God alone, the hallmark of the children whom God delights to own. We claim that God has called us- no idle boast or fraud if love directs our actions and proves…
17. Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare; give judgement, for your eyes can see within. Lay bare my heart: is any malice there? Have I not kept my tongue from uttering sin? At all times shall your…
208. Before the Lord's eternal throne Before the Lord's eternal throne, all nations, bow with holy joy; know that the Lord is God alone, he can create and can destroy. 2. His sovereign power, without our aid, formed us and fashioned us…
68. Let God arise! His enemies be gone Let God arise! his enemies be gone and melt like wax before the Holy One. 2. Make known the Lord, and sound his name aloud to praise the King who rides upon the cloud. 3. Father and Judge, he…
CP64. What kind of greatness can this be WHAT KIND OF GREATNESS CAN THIS BE that chose to be made small, exchanging untold majesty for a world so pitiful? That God should come as one of us I’ll never understand; the more I hear the…
188. O holy, holy Lord O holy, holy Lord, the high and lofty King, in solitary might enthroned, to you all praise we bring. Eternal, pure as light, O sinless majesty, who was and is and is to come, and shall for ever…
1036. Who has planned the journey? Who has planned the journey for life that lies ahead? Who has made the pathway for every step I tread? Who has seen a future that no one else can see? Only the Creator of all that I will…
1055. O what glory O what glory the church has; an honour words cannot say: Jesus' bride, sanctified, waiting for the wedding day. God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we live to serve you in all that we…
892. Ahead of us, a race to run Ahead of us, a race to run: so, looking at the past no more, forgetting what has gone before, we fix our eyes on God the Son- with eager diligence we train as for the prize ahead we strain, until at…
396. From heaven you came, helpless babe From heaven you came, helpless babe, entered our world, your glory veiled, not to be served but to serve and give your life that we might live. This is our God, the Servant King; he calls us now to…
479. At your feet we fall At your feet we fall, mighty risen Lord, as we come before your throne to worship you. By your Spirit's power you now draw our hearts, and we hear your voice in triumph ringing clear: 'I am he who…
1. Happy the people who refuse Happy the people who refuse to walk the way the wicked choose, who will not stand where sinners meet, nor with the scornful take their seat: the word of God is their delight, their meditation day…
1134. A voice of love is calling A voice of love is calling - the voice that Mary heard the day she wept in anguish bereft of her dead Lord: when Jesus spoke, and with a breath removed her fears, revived her faith. 2.   An…
1174. Light of the world, true light divine Light of the world, true light divine, in glory break and splendour shine upon our nature's night, upon our nature's night! The darkness dies before the morn and God himself a child is born, the…
660. While the bread is yet unbroken While the bread is yet unbroken, while the wine is yet unpoured, there is time to pray, recalling what is written in God's word. 2. Time for contrite, true repentance, time to root out…
176. Glory in the highest to the God of heaven Glory in the highest to the God of heaven! Peace to all your people through the earth be given! Mighty God and Father, thanks and praise we bring, singing hallelujah to our heavenly king. 2. Jesus…
1257. The splendour of the King The splendour of the king, clothed in majesty: let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light, and darkness tries to hide and trembles at his voice, and trembles at…
646. Father, we give you thanks, who planted Father, we give you thanks, who planted your holy name within our hearts. Knowledge and faith and life immortal Jesus your Son to us imparts. Lord, you have made all for your pleasure, giving us food…
129. They have oppressed me from my youth They have oppressed me from my youth- let Israel now make this known- they have oppressed me from my youth, yet I have not been overthrown. 2. They drew their ploughs across my back; the…
587. Blessed be the tie that binds Blessed be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love; the fellowship of kindred minds foreshadows that above. 2. Before our Father's throne we pour our fervent prayers; our fears, our hopes,…
1141. You give us so much: a world to enjoy You give us so much: a world to enjoy, such treasures to find, such skills to employ: the lavish abundance of all that you give invites us to flourish, not merely to live! 2.   You give…
1211. This is the man who runs with God This is the man who runs with God! Who aims where such forerunners trod? He sets the pace, he wins the crown; he spends his life, he lays it down. 2. This is the place where he is known; in…
1092. O Christ, you are the builder O Christ, you are the builder and we are living stones designed to be your dwelling and bring you praise alone. May we, the church you founded to serve you here on earth, be guided by your…
1319. How can it be? The one who died HOW CAN IT BE? THE ONE WHO DIED has born our sin through sacrifice to conquer every sting of death; sing, sing hallelujah. 2 For joy awakes as dawning light when Christ's disciples lift their…
434. My Lord, what love is this My Lord, what love is this that pays so dearly, that I, the guilty one may go free! Amazing love! O what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me! My debt he pays and my death he dies that I might…
349. All my heart this night rejoices All my heart this night rejoices, as I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices. 'Christ is born!' their choirs are singing, till the air everywhere now with joy is ringing. 2. Listen! from a humble…
846. Lord and Saviour, true and kind Lord and saviour, true and kind, be the Master of my mind; bless and guide and strengthen still all my powers of thought and will. 2. While I face the scholar's task, Jesus Christ, be near, I…