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239. For your mercy and your grace For your mercy and your grace faithful through another year, hear our song of thankfulness, Saviour and Redeemer, hear. 2. All our sins on you we cast, you, our perfect sacrifice; and, forgetting…
799. Like a river glorious Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace, over all victorious, in its bright increase: perfect, yet still flowing fuller every day; perfect, yet still growing deeper all the way. Trusting in the…
63. God is my great desire God is my great desire, his face I seek the first; to him my heart and soul aspire, for him I thirst. As one in desert lands, whose very flesh is flame, in burning love I lift my hands and…
1209. Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers, neighbours and workers, answers to prayer; sometimes in silence sitting beside us, bringing a blessing just being there. 2. Proving a…
1160. With wonder see the bridegroom so committed With wonder see the bridegroom so committed, who loves his church, and gave himself for her, that she might stand in heavenā€™s court acquitted, presented to himā€”his for evermore; without a…
702. In Eden-sad indeed that day- In eden-sad indeed that day- my countless blessings fled away, my crown fell in disgrace. But on victorious Calvary that crown was won again for me- my life shall all be praise. 2. Faith, see the…
1291. Creator God CREATOR GOD, WHO SHAPED THE EARTH AND HEAVENS, your glory shines in all that you have made; you spoke the word, who broke into the darknessā€” all earth replies: ā€˜Majestic is your name!ā€™…
120. In anguish to the Lord I cry In anguish to the Lord I cry, my desperate prayer is heard: 'Save me, O Lord, from lips that lie and every untrue word!' 2. What just reward will God command for such deceitful souls? A…
5015. Sing out an Easter song Sing out an easter song, tell everyone that the Lord has risen, sing out a joyful song, tell everybody that he's alive! 1. Jesus Christ, Son of God, gave his life upon a cross, but the power of death…
CP58. Silently we watch SILENTLY WE WATCH AS OUR GOD STEPS DOWN from his glorious throne into this poor world. Taking to himself his tiny human form, he who made the world lies in Maryā€™s arms. We worship you,…
1207. Forgive us when our deeds ignore Forgive us when our deeds ignore your righteous rule of all the earth, when our decisions harm the poor, denying their eternal worth. 2. Forgive us when we turn aside from what is honest,…
760. I am not skilled to understand I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, what God has planned; I only know at his right hand stands one who is my Saviour. 2. I take him at his word and deed: 'Christ died to save me,'…
1095. To you, my God, all praise is due To you, my God, all praise is due, I will exalt and worship you! In faithfulness you will fulfil each ancient purpose of your will. In hollow walls the godless trust--- you turn their strongholds…
1215. Lord, your church is suffering Lord, your church is suffering, Christians under threat. Evil powers are rising up, challenging your reign. Darkness, spreading through the earth, shrouds the light of truth. Satan and manā€™s…
1221. What joy it is to see our childrens' children What joy it is to see our childrenā€™s children! The growing family of our closest kin; each birth, each boy or girl, each man or woman, alike yet different, full of rich potential, with minds to…
1051. Lightning flash and rumbling thunder Lightning flash and rumbling thunder from the throne of God on high, where the creatures and the angels day and night forever cry: ā€˜Holy, holy, Lord Almighty, was and is and is to come! Praise…
383. There was no room in Bethlehem There was no room in bethlehem for him who left his throne to seek the lost at countless cost and make their griefs his own: but there was room at Calvary upon a cross of shame for him to die,…
1247. The Lord called Moses The Lord called Moses when he was with the sheep, and set him over all the flock of God. May every leader who follows in his steps learn humbly as they walk the path he trod. 2 The Lord took…
76. In Judah's kingdom God is known In judah's kingdom God is known, his name is great in Israel; he makes Jerusalem his own, his Zion where he loves to dwell; he there destroyed the arms of war: the glint of steel is seen no…
806. Blessed are the pure in heart Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see their God; the secret of the Lord is theirs, their soul is Christ's abode. 2. The Lord who left the heavens our life and peace to bring, to dwell in…
300. Come, let us join our cheerful songs Come, let us join our cheerful songs with angels round the throne; ten thousand thousand are their tongues, but all their joys are one. 2. ā€˜Worthy the Lamb who died,ā€™ they cry, ā€˜to be exalted…
719. One with Jesus, loved and cherished One with Jesus, loved and cherished, chosen as his holy bride; all our sins in him have perished; for his church the Saviour died; gave himself to make her holy, washed with water through the word, to…
59. Deliver me from all my foes Deliver me from all my foes, the evil and malign; O Lord, they plot to do me harm for no offence of mine. Without a cause they seek my life; have pity, see my need; Lord God almighty, Israelā€™s…
510. Jesus, Alpha and Omega Jesus, alpha and omega, God before the world began, first and last, beginning, ending, mighty Word and Son of Man, great Creator, Liberator! Author of salvation's plan! 2. You have loved us! You have…
1074. What can compare to this? What can compare to this? The depth of love I see, that one who knows my thoughts was crushed and scarred for me. Though he had done no wrong and I am full of sin, the price is paid and I can be…
102. Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you Lord, hear my prayer! my cry shall come before you; hide not your face when I am in distress. My life burns up; my days have lost their glory, drifting like smoke, in pain and helplessness. 2.…
576. Should I rehearse with human voice Should I rehearse with human voice the words which angels make their choice, devoid of love, my song resounds magnificent but empty. And should I preach with earnest tone and know whatever can be…
603. Come, my soul, your plea prepare Come, my soul, your plea prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; he himself has bid you pray, therefore will not turn away. 2. You are coming to a king; large petitions with you bring, for his grace…
81. To God our strength come, sing aloud To God our strength come, sing aloud and shout for joy to Jacob's God! Come, play the timbrel as you sing, make harp and lyre with music ring: at new moon, let the trumpet blow, full moon and…
133A. How good a thing it is How good a thing it is, how pleasant to behold, when all God's people live at one, the law of love uphold! 2. As perfume, by its scent, breathes fragrance all around, so life itself will…