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691. My Lord, I did not choose you My Lord, I did not choose you, for that could never be; this heart would still refuse you had you not chosen me: you took the sin that stained me, you cleansed and made me new; for you of old ordained…
932. God of mercy, hear our prayer God of mercy, hear our prayer for the children you have given; let them all your blessings share: grace on earth and joy in heaven! 2. In the morning of their days may their hearts to you be…
369. O what a mystery I see O what a mystery I see, what marvellous design, that God should come as one of us, a son in David's line. Flesh of our flesh, of woman born, our humanness he owns; and for a world of wickedness his…
1093. The wonders of the skies above The wonders of the skies above, the witness of the earth below, proclaim your glory, God of love, in language everyone will know. As now we hear their praise outpoured, may we respond in worship,…
193. Round the Lord in glory seated Round the Lord in glory seated flew the choirs of seraphim, filled his temple, and repeated each to each the alternate hymn: 2. ‘Lord, your glory fills the heaven, earth is with its fulness…
1043. Listen to my prayer, Lord Listen to my prayer, Lord, hear my humble cry; when my heart is fainting, to your throne I fly. 2. In earth's farthest corner you will hear my voice: set me on your rock, Lord, then I shall…
455. Christ is risen! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! hallelujah! Risen, our victorious Head! Sing his praises! Hallelujah! Christ is risen from the dead. Gratefully our hearts adore him as his light once more appears, bowing down in joy…
152. Command your blessing from above Command your blessing from above, O God, on all assembled here; behold us with a Father’s love, while we look up with childlike fear. 2. Command your blessing, Jesus, Lord! May we your true…
84A. How delightful is your dwelling HOW DELIGHTFUL IS YOUR DWELLING, O almighty Sovereign LORD— place of peace, where all my longings are fulfilled, my soul restored. Every fibre of my being, living God, calls…
5019. First God said, 'Let there be light' First God said, 'let there be light!' With the angels let us sing: made and named the day and night-- praise to our Creator-King! 2. Formed a great expanse on high, with the angels let us sing: tamed…
5007. Our God is king over all the world Our God is king over all the world; he made it all, the big and the small. He's pure and true and powerful too, he loves and cares for you. I don't deserve all the love he's shown. I cannot please him…
820. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord Who may ascend the hill of the Lord and who may stand in his holy place? Only the one whose hands are clean, whose heart is made clean by the Saviour's grace. Lord, grant me clean hands and a pure…
CP42. My soul exalts and magnifies the King MY SOUL EXALTS AND MAGNIFIES THE KING, my spirit in my Saviour finds her joy; to God the mighty One I’ll ever sing: hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2 To me, his slave, he comes a royal guest, fills…
36. No fear of God before the eyes No fear of God before the eyes, no penitence within: such is the one no longer wise, whose words are treachery and lies, who never grieves for sin. 2. Your love, O Lord, shall never sleep, nor…
670. O precious words that Jesus said O, precious words that Jesus said!- All those who come to me, I will not ever turn away, whoever they may be. O, precious words that Jesus said!- Behold, I am the Door; and all who enter in by me have…
CP38. Lord from the splendour of heaven you came LORD, FROM THE SPLENDOUR OF HEAVEN YOU CAME, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2 How can it be…
95. Come with all joy to sing to God Come with all joy to sing to God our saving rock, the living Lord; in glad thanksgiving seek his face with songs of victory and grace. 2. In holiness and light arrayed above all gods that we…
708. O my Saviour, lifted O my saviour, lifted from the earth for me, draw me, in your mercy, nearer Calvary. 2. Lift my earth-bound longings; fix them, Lord, above: draw me with the magnet of your mighty love. 3. Lord, your…
1074. What can compare to this? What can compare to this? The depth of love I see, that one who knows my thoughts was crushed and scarred for me. Though he had done no wrong and I am full of sin, the price is paid and I can be…
1133. We pledge to one another We pledge to one another, before the Lord above, entire and whole and perfect, this union of our love-- a love that will be patient, a love that will be wise, that will not twist with…
5011. My God is so big My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing that he cannot do. My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there's nothing that he cannot do. The rivers are his, the mountains are his, the…
1252. Long before we were created Long before we were created, at the dawn of space and time, God eternal, great and mighty had us on his mind. He devised and set before us an amazing, perfect plan, that would demonstrate to all…
434. My Lord, what love is this My Lord, what love is this that pays so dearly, that I, the guilty one may go free! Amazing love! O what sacrifice, the Son of God given for me! My debt he pays and my death he dies that I might…
1154. Still, my soul, be still Still, my soul, be still and do not fear      though winds of change may rage tomorrow. God is at your side; no longer dread      the fires of unexpected sorrow.      God, you are…
1277. You are my anchor YOU ARE MY ANCHOR, my light and my salvation. You are my refuge, my heart will not fear. Though my foes surround me on every hand, they will stumble and fall while in grace I…
748. In heavenly love abiding In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear: and safe is such confiding, for nothing changes here: the storm may roar around me, my heart may low be laid; my Father's arms surround me, how…
343. There is a name I love to hear There is a name I love to hear, I love to speak its worth; it sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth. 2. It tells me of a Saviour's love, who died to set me free; it tells me of his…
1319. How can it be? The one who died HOW CAN IT BE? THE ONE WHO DIED has born our sin through sacrifice to conquer every sting of death; sing, sing hallelujah. 2 For joy awakes as dawning light when Christ's disciples lift their…
113. O praise, you servants of the Lord O praise, you servants of the Lord, sing praises to his holy name; O blessed be the name of God, his praise for evermore proclaim; from east to west the praise of God each day is to be spread…
1041. Forsaken, did you cry aloud? Forsaken, did you cry aloud Dear Saviour, can it be that my sin drove you, God, from God, on Calvary? 2. Rejected, did you suffer scorn, despised because of me, reviled and treated like a…