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CP27. Infant holy, infant lowly INFANT HOLY, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ…
441. O the love that drew salvation's plan O the love that drew salvation's plan, O the grace that brought it down to man, O the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary! Mercy there was great and grace was free, pardon there was multiplied to…
349. All my heart this night rejoices All my heart this night rejoices, as I hear, far and near, sweetest angel voices. 'Christ is born!' their choirs are singing, till the air everywhere now with joy is ringing. 2. Listen! from a humble…
119C. How can the way of youth be pure How can the way of youth be pure, what guiding light can wisdom give? Their path, O Lord, shall be secure if by your holy word they live. 2. With all my heart I seek you, Lord; O let me not…
137. By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered the city of happiness where we belong; our harps and our melodies hung in the branches, and there our tormentors demanded a song! 2. O how shall we sing…
680. Heal us, Immanuel, hear our prayer Heal us, immanuel, hear our prayer; we wait to feel your touch. Deep-wounded souls to you draw near and, Saviour, we are such. 2. Our faith is feeble, we confess; we faintly trust your word. And will…
667. Above the clash of creeds Above the clash of creeds, the many voices that call on so many names, into these final days our God has spoken by sending his only Son. There is no other way by which we must be saved; his name is…
9. Your praises, Lord, with all my heart Your praises, Lord, with all my heart, your glory I will sing, and tell of all your wondrous works with joy, most mighty King. You make your enemies turn back, they stumble and they die, but you…
1220. One day we'll hear the trumpet sound One day we’ll hear the trumpet sound, the shout will echo all around! Christ is coming! Hallelujah! The skies will open for our King, all those who love him gladly sing, Lord, come quickly!…
124. Had not the Lord, let Israel say Had not the Lord, let Israel say, had not the Lord been on our side, when men who took us for their prey attacked us like a surging tide; 2. The waters would have stopped our breath and stifled…
497. He walks among the golden lamps He walks among the golden lamps on feet like burnished bronze; his hair as snows of winter white, his eyes with fire aflame, and bright his glorious robe of seamless light surpassing Solomon's. 2.…
5014. Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna to the son of david! Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!
97. The Lord is King! With joyful sound The Lord is king! with joyful sound let all the earth in him delight, whom cloud and deepest dark surround, whose throne is justice, truth and right. 2. Before him fires of judgement go, his…
563. Speak, Lord, in the stillness Speak, Lord, in the stillness speak your word to me; hushed my heart to listen in expectancy. 2. Speak, O gracious Master, in this quiet hour; let me see your face, Lord, feel your touch of…
626. Love songs from heaven are filling the earth Love songs from heaven are filling the earth, bringing great hope to all nations; evil has prospered but truth is alive in this dark world the light still shines. 2. Nothing has silenced this gospel…
495. Rejoice, the Lord is King Rejoice, the Lord is king! Your Lord and King adore: mortals, give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore: Lift up your heart, lift up your voice: rejoice! Again I say, rejoice! 2. Jesus, the…
507. Hark! The song of jubilee Hark! the song of jubilee, loud as mighty thunders' roar: or the fulness of the sea, when it breaks upon the shore. Hallelujah! let the word echo over hill and plain: hallelujah! for the Lord God…
887. O safe to the rock that is higher than I O safe to the rock that is higher than i my soul, in its conflicts and sorrows, would fly; though sinful and weary, my vows I renew; O blessed Rock of ages, I'm hiding in you. 2. In the calm of the…
108. My heart is ready, O my God My heart is ready, O my God: let songs of joy be born, let music sound from strings and voice- I will awake the dawn. 2. Across the continents I sing, and growing praise shall rise; for your…
384. What kind of greatness can this be What kind of greatness can this be that chose to be made small? Exchanging untold majesty for a world so pitiful. That God should come as one of us, I'll never understand. The more I hear the story…
663. O walk with Jesus! You will know O walk with Jesus! you will know how deep, how wide his love can flow; they only fail to prove his love who in the ways of sinners rove. 2. Walk now with him-that way is light; all other pathways end…
546. God has spoken-by his prophets God has spoken-by his prophets, spoken his unchanging word; each from age to age proclaiming God the one, the righteous Lord; in the world's despair and turmoil one firm anchor still holds fast: God…
744. Lord, you are so precious to me Lord, you are so precious to me, Lord, you are so precious to me and I love you, yes, I love you because you first loved me. 2. Lord, you are so gracious to me, Lord, you are so gracious to me and I…
748. In heavenly love abiding In heavenly love abiding, no change my heart shall fear: and safe is such confiding, for nothing changes here: the storm may roar around me, my heart may low be laid; my Father's arms surround me, how…
1144. God of grace, amazing wonder God of grace, amazing wonder, irresistible and free. O, the miracle of mercy-- Jesus reaches down to me. God of grace, I stand in wonder, as my God restores my soul: his own blood has paid my…
1306. Let every soul worship the King LET EVERY SOUL WORSHIP THE KING who was crucified; his glorious grace covers our sin: in him receive new life. Protector of faith: shielded by grace, held in your…
708. O my Saviour, lifted O my saviour, lifted from the earth for me, draw me, in your mercy, nearer Calvary. 2. Lift my earth-bound longings; fix them, Lord, above: draw me with the magnet of your mighty love. 3. Lord, your…
873. O God of Bethel, by whose hand O God of bethel, by whose hand your children still are fed; who through this earthly pilgrimage your people safely led: 2. Our vows, our prayers, we now present before your gracious throne; as you…
1283. As morning dawns and day awakes AS MORNING DAWNS AND DAY AWAKES, to you I bring my need; O gracious God, my source of strength, in you I live and breathe. Each hour is yours, by wisdom planned, each deed…
290. Christ the Word who spoke creation Christ the word who spoke creation, calling forth the fruitful earth; Christ the Word of earth’s salvation, bringing all things to new birth: you we worship, you we worship, praising your eternal…