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663. O walk with Jesus! You will know O walk with Jesus! you will know how deep, how wide his love can flow; they only fail to prove his love who in the ways of sinners rove. 2. Walk now with him-that way is light; all other pathways end…
482. God is gone up on high God is gone up on high with a triumphant noise; the clarions of the sky proclaim the angels' joys! Join, all on earth, rejoice and sing; glory ascribe to glory's King. 2. God in the flesh below, for…
750. The Lord made man, the scriptures tell The Lord made man, the scriptures tell, to bear his image and his sign; yet we by nature share as well the ancient mark of Adam's line. 2. In Adam's fall falls every man, with every gift the Father…
1017. Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2. How can it be…
1189. The Lord's my Shepherd The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me lie in pastures green. He leads me by the still, still waters, his goodness restores my soul. Chorus (with descant): And I will trust in you…
580. Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell by faith and love in every heart; then shall we know and taste and feel the untold joys that you impart. 2. Come, fill us all with inward strength, enlarge our…
157. God of my life, to you I pray God of my life, to you I pray; Spirit of life, fill me today; Christ be my life, my truth, my way: glory to God, my God! 2. God of my strength when I am weak, prize and reward of all who seek; open…
753. You souls redeemed with blood You souls redeemed with blood and called by grace divine, walk worthy of your God and let your conduct shine; keep Christ, your living head, in view in all you say, in all you do. 2. Has Jesus made…
29. Let all in heaven and earth unite Let all in heaven and earth unite in this our joyful duty; to praise our God, the Lord of might, the source of truth and beauty; the rumbling thunder’s awesome voice, the lightning flash, both…
49. O people, listen—hear God's wisdom crying! O people, listen-hear God’s wisdom crying! Although the darkness comes to rich and poor, and nothing mortal can survive our dying, yet in the morning justice shall endure. 2. For God will take…
1035. When clouds block out the way to God When clouds block out the way to God and seem to stifle prayer, we still can find him in his word – there's hope and comfort there. 2 In his good time he'll answer prayer, his promise stands…
1097. God of the trackless skies God of the trackless skies, Lord of the Milky Way, framer of nature's laws, maker of night and day: break through the bounds of space and time as once you did in Palestine. 2. God of the…
950. Judge eternal, throned in splendour Judge eternal, throned in splendour, Lord of lords and King of kings, with your living fire of judgement purge this land of bitter things; over all its wide dominion spread the healing of your…
954. Must the sword devour for ever Must the sword devour for ever, ancient quarrels still persist? How long brother use on brother bomb or bullet, knife or fist? 2. When will someone break the deadlock, halt the carnage, stop the…
427. I will sing of the lamb I will sing of the lamb, of the price that was paid for me, purchased by God, giving all he could give! Here now I stand in the garments of righteousness; death has no hold, for in Jesus I live. 2. I…
820. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord Who may ascend the hill of the Lord and who may stand in his holy place? Only the one whose hands are clean, whose heart is made clean by the Saviour's grace. Lord, grant me clean hands and a pure…
692. Not all the outward forms on earth Not all the outward forms on earth, nor rites that God has given, nor human will, nor blood, nor birth can raise a soul to heaven. 2. The sovereign will of God alone creates us heirs of grace, born…
554. Help us, O Lord, to learn Help us, O Lord, to learn the truths your word imparts: to study that your laws may be inscribed upon our hearts. 2. Help us, O Lord, to live the faith which we proclaim, that all our thoughts and…
170. Blessing and honour, glory and power Blessing and honour, glory and power be unto the Ancient of Days; from every nation, all of creation bow before the Ancient of Days. Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory, every…
13. How long will you forget me, Lord How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long shall evils tear my heart and troubles fill my day? 2. Look on my need, O Lord my God who grants my every breath; give…
230. This is the day of light This is the day of light — let there be light today! Arise, O Christ, to end our night and chase its gloom away. 2. This is the day of rest — our inner strength renew; on lives by many cares…
2A. Why do all the nations rage Why do all the nations rage and their rulers join as one, vainly to defy the Lord, his anointed to disown? ‘Let us break their chains,’ they say, ‘hurl their fetters far away.’ 2. God…
333. The Word was very God The word was very God before creation came; in the beginning was the Word, and Jesus is his name. That Word which some deny and others make a joke, he is the Word whom we adore, the Word the Father…
212. Sing to the Lord with all of your heart Sing to the Lord with all of your heart; sing of the glory that’s due to his name. Sing to the Lord with all of your soul, join all of heaven and earth to proclaim: You are the Lord, the Saviour of…
627. Tell all the world of Jesus Tell all the world of Jesus, our Saviour, Lord and King; and let the whole creation of his salvation sing: proclaim his glorious greatness in nature and in grace; Creator and Redeemer, the Lord of…
CP03. Away in a manger AWAY IN A MANGER,  NO CRIB FOR A BED, the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; the stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay. 2   The…
494. My heart is full of admiration A My heart is full of admiration for you, my Lord, my God and King. BYour excellence, my inspiration, your words of grace have made my spirit sing. All the glory, honour and power belong to you,…
582. Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us Come and bless us, Lord! while you are beside us nothing in the world ever will divide us. All is for the best, safe within your keeping, both in joy and weeping, we are richly blessed. 2. Blessings…
833. Your mercy flows upon us like a river Your mercy flows upon us like a river. Your mercy stands unshakable and true. Most holy God, of all good things the Giver, we turn and lift our fervent prayer to you. Hear our cry, (hear our cry) O…
688. Born by the Holy Spirit's breath Born by the holy spirit's breath, loosed from the law of sin and death, now cleared in Christ from every claim no judgement stands against our name. 2. In us the Spirit makes his home that we in him…