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730. Jesus, priceless treasure Jesus, priceless treasure, source of purest pleasure, friend most sure and true: long my heart was burning, fainting much and yearning, thirsting, Lord, for you: yours I am, O spotless Lamb, so will I…
185. My soul exalts and magnifies the King My soul exalts and magnifies the king, my spirit in my Saviour finds her joy; to God the mighty One I’ll ever sing: hallelujah! 2. To me, his slave, he comes a royal guest, fills with his bounteous…
164. We give immortal praise We give immortal praise to God the Father’s love for all our comforts here and better hopes above: he sent his own eternal Son to die for sins that we had done. 2. To God the Son belongs immortal…
826. Lord, have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us, come and heal our land. Cleanse with your fire, heal with your touch. Humbly we bow and call upon you now. O, Lord, have mercy on us.
615. What various hindrances we meet What various hindrances we meet when coming to the mercy-seat! Yet all who know the worth of prayer will long to be more often there. 2. Prayer makes the darkened cloud withdraw; prayer climbs the…
232. This is the day the Lord has made This is the day the Lord has made, he calls the hours his own: let heaven rejoice, let earth be glad, and praise surround the throne. 2. Today he rose and left the dead, and Satan’s empire…
560. O that the Lord would guide my ways O that the Lord would guide my ways to keep his statutes still! O that my God would grant me grace to know and do his will! 2. O send your Spirit down, to write your law upon my heart; nor let me…
334. There is a Redeemer There is a redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son, precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Thank you, O my Father, for giving us your Son, and leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done. 2.…
722. Jesus, be first in everything Jesus, be first in everything, our Saviour, risen Lord! Jesus, the One alone supreme, be everywhere adored. 2. Jesus, the One for whom was made the universe so vast; God's mighty power lives in…
871. I do not know what lies ahead I do not know what lies ahead, the way I cannot see; yet one stands near to be my guide; he'll show the way to me. I know who holds the future, and he'll guide me with his hand. With God things don't…
184. Let all the world in every corner sing Let all the world in every corner sing, ‘My God and King!’ The heavens are not too high, his praise may thither fly; the earth is not too low, his praises there may grow: let all the world in…
311. Jesus, you are the radiance of the Father's glory Jesus, you are the radiance of the father's glory. You are the Son, the appointed heir through whom all things are made. You are the one who sustains all things by your powerful word. You have…
384. What kind of greatness can this be What kind of greatness can this be that chose to be made small? Exchanging untold majesty for a world so pitiful. That God should come as one of us, I'll never understand. The more I hear the story…
445. Throned upon the awful tree Throned upon the awful tree, King of grief, your form we see; shadows veil your anguished face, none its lines of woe can trace: none can tell what pangs unknown hold you silent and alone. 2. Silent…
227. Come, let us with our Lord arise Come, let us with our Lord arise, our Lord who made both earth and skies, who died to save the world he made and rose triumphant from the dead! He rose, the Prince of life and peace, and stamped the…
742. You I will love, my strength, my tower You I will love, my strength, my tower, O Lord my hope, my joy, my crown: you I will love with all my power in all your works, and you alone; you I will love until your fire fills all my soul with…
809. Jesus, your all-victorious love Jesus, your all-victorious love shed in my heart abroad; no more shall my foundation move, rooted and fixed in God. 2. O that in me the Spirit's fire might now begin to glow, burn up the dross of…
723. All I once held dear, built my life upon All I once held dear, built my life upon, all this world reveres and wars to own, all I once thought gain I have counted loss; spent and worthless now, compared to this. Knowing you, Jesus, knowing…
867. With joy I welcome, Lord, your right With joy I welcome, Lord, your right to every service I can pay; and call it my supreme delight to hear your word and to obey. 2. What are my days apart from you, my sure support, my noblest…
1028. Not for ourselves Not for ourselves, O Lord, not for ourselves, would we claim glory, but for you alone, because of your great love and faithfulness, the steadfast care that makes your presence known. 2 The…
658. Sit down beneath his shadow Sit down beneath his shadow and rest with great delight; the faith that now beholds him is pledge of future sight. 2. Our Master's love remember, so great and free and true; lift up your heart in…
1023. More than words can say More than words can say is your love to me, now and evermore: love to set me free and to make me whole, love that fills my heart, flooding through my soul more than words can say. 2. Chosen…
693. Eternal Light, shine in my heart Eternal light, shine in my heart, eternal hope, lift up my eyes; eternal power, be my support, eternal wisdom, make me wise. 2. Eternal life, raise me from death, eternal brightness, make me…
469. Now lives the Lamb of God Now lives the lamb of God, our Passover, the Christ, who once with nails and wood for us was sacrificed: Come, keep the feast, the anthem sing that Christ indeed is Lord and King! 2. Now risen from…
793. I hear the words of love I hear the words of love, I trust in Jesus' blood, I see the mighty sacrifice: and I have peace with God. 2. This everlasting peace, as certain as his name, is sure as God's eternal…
309. Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient, beyond telling is your worth, in your name lie greater treasures than the richest found on earth. Such abundance is my portion with my God. 2. In your gracious face…
5016. For harvest fields so full of crops For harvest fields so full of crops, let's give thanks to God; for farmers and our local shops, let's give thanks to God. Chorus: Give thanks to God, give thanks to God, give thanks to God; give…
875. Begone, unbelief! Begone, unbelief! My Saviour is near and for my relief will surely appear: by prayer let me wrestle and prove that he saves; with Christ in the vessel I smile at the waves. 2. Though dark be my…
1061. When worries blur our vision When worries blur our vision till we cannot see the way; when problems rise to fill our minds perspective falls away. We must set our hearts on eternity, fix our thoughts on what is sure. God…
883. Fight the good fight with all your might Fight the good fight with all your might, Christ is your strength and Christ your right; lay hold on life and it shall be your joy and crown eternally. 2. Run the straight race through God's good…