Search Results


904. God's gift of life and love has gone God's gift of life and love has gone- has taken wings to realms of song where God's own children all belong- 'with Christ' in all his glory. 2. We grieve in losing such a friend, give thanks for…
75. O God, we thank you that your name O God, we thank you that your name is known and feared through all the earth; your sentence waits the appointed time and thunder brings your judgements forth. 2. The proud are cautioned not to…
637. Jesus, how could I ever be Jesus, how could I ever be ashamed of you, who died for me? ashamed of you, whom angels praise, whose glories shine through endless days? 2. Ashamed of Jesus, of my God, who purchased me with his own…
863. The heroes of scripture The heroes of scripture with hearts full of faith, their eyes on the city, engaged in the race. With hope in the promise, encouraged to see invisible glories and joys yet to be. Consider your mighty…
1194. You are bread, you are life You are bread, you are life, and the words that you have spoken, they are life, they are truth, and they feed the hungry soul; so we come and we feed on the bread, your body broken, as in faith…
1209. Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers Lord, how we treasure helpers and carers, neighbours and workers, answers to prayer; sometimes in silence sitting beside us, bringing a blessing just being there. 2. Proving a…
1125. You have pardoned all my sin You have pardoned all my sin, made me yours for evermore; now your family is mine and, in you, I stand secure. By your overwhelming grace you and I are reconciled-- Father, hear my joyful…
1058. When you secured our freedom, Lord When you secured our freedom, Lord, it was just like a dream come true: with laughter and songs our lips overflowed as we thanked and worshipped you. Lord, you have done great things for us and…
666. Come, you souls by sin afflicted Come, you souls by sin afflicted, fruitless sorrow bows you down; by the broken law convicted, through the cross behold the crown; look to Jesus; look to Jesus; look to Jesus; mercy flows through him…
516. When the Lord in glory comes When the Lord in glory comes, not the trumpets, not the drums, not the anthem, not the psalm, not the thunder, not the calm, not the shout the heavens raise, not the chorus, not the praise, not the…
1164. As we come to God in adoration As we come to God in adoration, thankful for the grace that he has shown, making rebel sinner into child of God as he builds a people of his own: so we lift our hearts in praise and we worship…
433. Man of sorrows! What a name Man of sorrows! what a name for the Son of God, who came ruined sinners to reclaim: Hallelujah! What a Saviour! 2. Mocked by insults harsh and crude, in my place condemned he stood; sealed my pardon…
1064. Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you Lord Jesus Christ, we come to you; we need your mercy now. Blot out our sin, our hearts renew— in penitence we bow. Your judgement seat we all must face, our inmost state you know; we are…
520. Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove Come, holy spirit, heavenly dove, with your life-giving powers, kindle a flame of sacred love in these cold hearts of ours! 2. In vain we tune our formal songs, in vain we strive to rise; hosannas…
121A. I to the hills lift up my eyes I to the hills lift up my eyes; from where shall help be given? My help comes only from the Lord who made the earth and heaven. 2. He will not let your foot be moved; guard over you he…
1161. Jesus is Lord! Behold the King of Kings Jesus is Lord! behold the king of kings exalted high, the name above all names. I sing his praise, the Lamb upon the throne, who reigns in glory, power and majesty. 2. This is my God: behold…
1333. Let us sing LET US SING (Let us sing) of the God (of the God) who has saved us, who by grace (who by grace) and through faith (and through faith) brings us home. Lift your heart, (Lift your heart) lift your…
1247. The Lord called Moses The Lord called Moses when he was with the sheep, and set him over all the flock of God. May every leader who follows in his steps learn humbly as they walk the path he trod. 2 The Lord took…
492. Lamb of God, you now are seated Lamb of God, you now are seated high upon your Father's throne, all your gracious work completed, all your mighty victory won; every knee in heaven is bending to the Lamb for sinners slain; all sing…
1017. Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came Lord, from the splendour of heaven you came, entered our world in its sin and its shame and humbly you laid all your glory aside: born ‘Man of sorrows’, rejected, denied. 2. How can it be…
447. We sing the praise of him who died We sing the praise of him who died, of him who died upon the cross; the sinner's hope let men deride- for this we count the world but loss. 2. Inscribed upon the cross we see in shining letters, 'God…
401. My dear Redeemer and my Lord My dear redeemer and my Lord, I read my duty in your word; but in your life the law appears drawn out in living characters. 2. Such was your truth, and such your zeal, such deference to your Father's…
1109. You are the vine You are the vine and we are the branches, prune and make us bear more fruit. We have been cleansed by the word you have spoken; abide in us, and we in you. 2     You are the vine and we are…
308. Jesus! Exalted far on high Jesus! exalted far on high, to whom a name is given, a name surpassing every name that’s known in earth or heaven: 2. Before your throne shall every knee bow down with one accord, before your…
126. The Lord restored us - we were freed The Lord restored us - we were freed: our life was like a dream! We laughed and sang; the heathen said, 'The Lord did this for them.' 2. The Lord had done great things for us, as every eye…
326. One there is above all others One there is above all others, well deserves the name of friend; his is love beyond a brother’s, costly, free and knows no end: those who once his kindness prove, find it everlasting love. 2. Which…
79. O God, the heathen have attacked O God, the heathen have attacked your holy land, your house of prayer; your city they have left a wreck, your servants dead and dying there, as if we had no God to help, no king's defence, no…
771. When circumstances make my life When circumstances make my life too hard to understand, no doubt or fear, no pain or strife, can snatch me from God's hand. 2. In valleys where the path is steep, with shadows dark and long, I know…
16. O God, my refuge, keep me safe O God, my refuge, keep me safe: on you my good depends; O Lord, you are my Lord alone, your saints my choicest friends. 2. Whoever turns to other gods will find remorse and shame; to them I…
485. He is exalted He is exalted, the King is exalted on high. I will praise him. He is exalted, for ever exalted and I will praise his name! He is the Lord, for ever his truth shall reign. Heaven and earth rejoice in…