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207. God is great, amazing! God is great, amazing! Come, let his praises ring. God is great, astounding! The whole creation sings. 1. His clothing is splendour and majesty bright, for he wraps himself in a garment of…
948. As if you were not there As if you were not there, the skies ignite and thunder, rivers tear their banks asunder, thieves and nature storm and plunder: all beware, as if you were not there. 2. As if you were not…
706. The Gospel of your grace The gospel of your grace my stubborn heart has won, for God so loved the world he gave his only Son so that whoever will believe shall everlasting life receive! 2. The serpent lifted up could life…
701. Not what these hands have done Not what these hands have done can save this guilty soul, and nothing that this flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. 2. Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God; not all my prayers or…
1191. When trials come When trials come, no longer fear, for in the pain our God draws near to fire a faith worth more than gold; and there his faithfulness is told, and there his faithfulness is told. 2. Within…
1183. Father, your love is a faithful love Father, your love is a faithful love, enduring and never-failing love. Throughout the ages, steady and true, and the dawn of each day brings your mercies new. And I will put my trust in…
1264. O how good it is O HOW GOOD IT IS when the family of God dwells together in spirit, in faith and unity; where the bonds of peace, of acceptance and love, are the fruit of his presence here…
799. Like a river glorious Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace, over all victorious, in its bright increase: perfect, yet still flowing fuller every day; perfect, yet still growing deeper all the way. Trusting in the…
730. Jesus, priceless treasure Jesus, priceless treasure, source of purest pleasure, friend most sure and true: long my heart was burning, fainting much and yearning, thirsting, Lord, for you: yours I am, O spotless Lamb, so will I…
CP01. Angels from the realms of glory ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY, wing your flight through all the earth; heralds of creationโ€™s story now proclaim Messiahโ€™s birth! Come and worship Christ, the new-born King! Come and…
1227. The powers of kings The powers of kings, their robes and rings, are gone for ever; resounding names and boastful claimsโ€” their day is over. 2. Palace and throne and jewelled crown are overtaken by fire and…
581. Beloved, let us love: For love is of God Beloved, let us love: for love is of God; in God alone has love its true abode. 2. Beloved, let us love: for those who love, they only, are his children from above. 3. Beloved, let us love: for love…
336. This is my beloved Son This is my beloved son, who tasted death that you, my child, should live. See the blood he shed for you- what suffering! Say what more could he give? Clothed in his perfection bring praise, a…
1081. Risen Christ, your living presence Risen Christ, your living presence calls us to decision, searching out both men and women, urging us to act; bringing hope of transformation by the fulness of your love. 2. Humble Christ,…
120. In anguish to the Lord I cry In anguish to the Lord I cry, my desperate prayer is heard: 'Save me, O Lord, from lips that lie and every untrue word!' 2. What just reward will God command for such deceitful souls? A…
CP20. Hark! The herald angels sing HARK! THE HERALD ANGELS SING, โ€˜Glory to the new-born King, peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled!โ€™ Joyful, all you nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies; with the…
646. Father, we give you thanks, who planted Father, we give you thanks, who planted your holy name within our hearts. Knowledge and faith and life immortal Jesus your Son to us imparts. Lord, you have made all for your pleasure, giving us food…
259. God shall alone the refuge be God shall alone the refuge be, and comfort of my mind; too wise to be mistaken, he, too good to be unkind. 2. In all his holy, sovereign will, he is, I daily find, too wise to be mistaken, still too…
636. Baptized into Christ Jesus Baptized into Christ Jesus, baptized into his dying, buried with him in the grave we have died with Christ. Then just as Christ is risen through God the Father's power, so God raises us to live from…
1042. The stars declare his glory The stars declare his glory; the vault of heaven springs mute witness of the Master's hand in all created things, and through the silences of space their soundless music sings. 2. The dawn…
633. How beautiful their feet How beautiful their feet who stand on Zion's hill, who bring salvation on their tongues and words of peace reveal! 2. How cheering is their voice, how sweet their tidings are: 'Zion, behold your…
470. Jesus Christ is risen today Jesus Christ is risen today, Hallelujah! our triumphant holy day, Hallelujah! who did once upon the cross Hallelujah! suffer to redeem our loss. Hallelujah! 2. Hymns of joy then let us sing, praising…
1108. Hallelujah, hallelujah! Hallelujah, hallelujah! Praises to the Lord we sing, seeing Jesus, man of sorrows, risen and ascended King. Now he sits beside his Father, ruler over everything. 2ย ย  Hallelujah,…
CP04. Beyond the hills of Bethlehem BEYOND THE HILLS OF BETHLEHEM the angel choir sings; a joyful chorus fills the skies: โ€˜A Saviour in a manger!โ€™ 2 The promise of a coming King, the hope of all the earth, to dwell within…
133A. How good a thing it is How good a thing it is, how pleasant to behold, when all God's people live at one, the law of love uphold! 2. As perfume, by its scent, breathes fragrance all around, so life itself will…
1130. Lamb of God Lamb of God, blameless one; dearly loved, only Son, cursed and scourged as he is hung on a cross of degradation. Man of grief, crowned with thorns. How his heart and flesh are torn as our sins…
121B. Unto the hills around me I lift up Unto the hills around me I lift up my longing eyes; from where for me shall my salvation come, my help arise? From God the Lord shall come my certain aid, from God the Lord, who heaven and earth…
1186. Lord, I come before your throne of grace Lord, I come before your throne of grace; I find rest in your presence and fullness of joy. In worship and wonder I behold your face, singing, โ€˜What a faithful God have I.โ€™ What a faithful…
CP26. In the bleak midwinter IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER frosty wind made moan, earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone; snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow, in the bleak midwinter long ago. 2 Our God, heaven…
124. Had not the Lord, let Israel say Had not the Lord, let Israel say, had not the Lord been on our side, when men who took us for their prey attacked us like a surging tide; 2. The waters would have stopped our breath and stifled…