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109. How wickedly they spread their lies How wickedly they spread their lies and speak with vicious tongue! My prayer, my friendship they despise and do me groundless wrong. I praise my God, but I implore: do not stay silent any…
851. You that do your master's will You that do your master's will, meek in heart, be meeker still: day by day your sins confess, you that walk in righteousness: gracious souls in grace abound, seek the Lord, whom you have found. 2.…
791. Why should I fear the darkest hour Why should I fear the darkest hour, or tremble at the tempter's power? Jesus is pledged to be my tower. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2. Though hard the fight, why quit the field? Why must I…
15. Lord, who may venture where you dwell Lord, who may venture where you dwell, or worship on your holy hill? The pure in heart, whose blameless lives by word and deed obey your will. 2. They never do their neighbour wrong and utter…
549. The heavens declare your glory, Lord! The heavens declare your glory, Lord! In every star your wisdom shines; but when we see your holy word, we read your name in clearer lines. 2. The rolling sun, the changing skies, and night and day,…
824. Forgive our sins as we forgive 'Forgive our sins as we forgive', you taught us, Lord, to pray; but you alone can grant us grace to live the words we say. 2. How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart that broods on…
132. Lord, we pray, remember David Lord, we pray, remember david, all the hardships he endured, how he swore an oath, invoking Jacob's mighty God, the Lord: 'I will give myself no respite, neither rest nor sleep afford, till I…
398. How humble Moses was, who met How humble moses was, who met God face to shining face, and yet his meekness was his fame! But humbler still was he who left the realms above and, all bereft of glory, bore our shame. 2. How bravely…
189. O bless the Lord, my soul! O bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join and help my tongue to bless his name whose mercies are divine. 2. O bless the Lord, my soul! Let not his mercies lie forgotten in…
124. Had not the Lord, let Israel say Had not the Lord, let Israel say, had not the Lord been on our side, when men who took us for their prey attacked us like a surging tide; 2. The waters would have stopped our breath and stifled…
5008. Daniel was a man of prayer Daniel was a man of prayer, daily he prayed three times. Then one day they had him thrown into a den of lions. Even then, in the den, fear could not alarm him. God just shut the lions' mouths so they…
964. And will the judge descend And will the judge descend? And must the dead arise, and not a single soul escape his all-discerning eyes? 2. How will my heart endure the terrors of that day, as earth and heaven, before his…
29. Let all in heaven and earth unite Let all in heaven and earth unite in this our joyful duty; to praise our God, the Lord of might, the source of truth and beauty; the rumbling thunder’s awesome voice, the lightning flash, both…
569. Father, we adore you Father, we adore you, we are your children gathered here; to be with you is our delight, a feast beyond compare. You are the fountain of life, you are the fountain of life and as we drink, we…
219. New every morning is the love New every morning is the love our waking and our rising prove: through sleep and darkness safely brought, restored to life and power and thought. 2. New mercies, each returning day, surround your…
471. Sing hallelujah to the Lord Sing hallelujah to the Lord, sing hallelujah to the Lord, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah to the Lord. 2. Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen,…
220. Lord, as I wake I turn to you Lord, as I wake I turn to you, yourself the first thought of my day; my King, my God, whose help is sure, yourself the help for which I pray. 2. There is no blessing, Lord, from you for those who…
409. Behold the amazing sight! Behold the amazing sight! The Saviour lifted high; the Son of God, his soul's delight, expires in agony. 2. For whom that broken heart? For whom those sorrows borne? Why did he feel that piercing…
581. Beloved, let us love: For love is of God Beloved, let us love: for love is of God; in God alone has love its true abode. 2. Beloved, let us love: for those who love, they only, are his children from above. 3. Beloved, let us love: for love…
83. O God, do not keep silent O God, do not keep silent; see how they rage and storm! Against your cherished people your foes begin to swarm; they plan for total war! They plot to kill a nation, that we may be no more. 2.…
505. With joy we contemplate the grace With joy we contemplate the grace of our high priest above; his heart is made of tenderness, and overflows with love. 2. Touched with a sympathy within, our frailty he has known; he knows what fierce…
1139. In the stillness of the morning In the stillness of the morning when I wake, and day is new, Father, may your promised presence draw my thoughts to you. 2.   Through the never-ending clamour of the most demanding day, may…
127. Unless the Lord constructs the house Unless the Lord constructs the house the builders work in vain; the Lord alone designs and builds foundations that remain. 2. Unless the Lord is keeping watch the city cannot stand; the sentry…
1049. O Lord, my heart is heavy O Lord, my heart is heavy, my faith is faint at best, so many ways I flounder and find my mind distressed. Remind me Lord, to trust you although my path's not clear, and hold to scripture's…
698. I am trusting you, Lord Jesus I am trusting you, Lord Jesus, you have died for me; trusting you for full salvation great and free. 2. I am trusting you for pardon; at your feet I bow, for your grace and tender mercy trusting…
1313. As the heavens are higher than the earth AS THE HEAVENS ARE HIGHER THAN THE EARTH, so his ways are higher than the ways of this world, and his thoughts run deeper than the mind of man; Father, break into our darkened hearts. 2. Come…
565. As we are gathered, Jesus is here As we are gathered, Jesus is here; one with each other, Jesus is here. Joined by the Spirit, washed in the blood, part of the body, the church of God. As we are gathered, Jesus is here, one with each…
204. All things bright and beautiful All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. 1. Each little flower that opens, each little bird that sings, he made their…
CP40. Mary, did you know? MARY, DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR BABY BOY would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you…
224. Saviour, again to your dear name we raise Saviour, again to your dear name we raise with one accord our parting hymn of praise; we give you thanks before our worship cease; then, in the stillness, hear your word of peace. 2. Grant us your…