Search Results


922. God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind God! as with silent hearts we bring to mind how hate and war diminish humankind, we pause-and seek in worship to increase our knowledge of the things that make for peace. 2. Hallow our will as humbly…
1036. Who has planned the journey? Who has planned the journey for life that lies ahead? Who has made the pathway for every step I tread? Who has seen a future that no one else can see? Only the Creator of all that I will…
471. Sing hallelujah to the Lord Sing hallelujah to the Lord, sing hallelujah to the Lord, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah to the Lord. 2. Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen from the dead, Jesus is risen,…
10. In my hour of grief or need In my hour of grief or need when a friend is friend indeed, now, when Satan walks abroad, be not far from me, O Lord. 2. When the powers of evil ride through the world in open pride, flaunted…
614. What a friend we have in Jesus What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear; what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do…
509. The King shall come, when morning dawns The king shall come, when morning dawns and light triumphant breaks, when beauty gilds the eastern hills and life to joy awakes. 2. He who was born a little child to suffer and to die shall come with…
886. Christian soldiers, onward go Christian soldiers, onward go! Jesus' triumph you shall know; fight the fight, maintain the strife, strengthened with the bread of life. 2. Join the war and face the foe! Christian soldiers, onward…
1012. If this is not our world If this is not our world with all its hollow powers, to make a god of gold is no concern of ours. The latest gains fill all the news; we need not choose to wear such chains. 2. If goods are…
586. Let love be found among us Let love be found among us, a love from God alone, the hallmark of the children whom God delights to own. We claim that God has called us- no idle boast or fraud if love directs our actions and proves…
665. Christ brings the kingdom where barrenness blooms Christ brings the kingdom where barrenness blooms: see how the image of God is restored, yielding a harvest of talents and skills when we acknowledge our maker as Lord. 2. Come to his kingdom of…
124. Had not the Lord, let Israel say Had not the Lord, let Israel say, had not the Lord been on our side, when men who took us for their prey attacked us like a surging tide; 2. The waters would have stopped our breath and stifled…
CP45. O come, all you unfaithful O COME, ALL YOU UNFAITHFUL; come, weak and unstable— come, know you are not alone. 2. O come, barren and waiting ones, weary of praying, come— see what your God has done. Christ is born,…
685. Born of Adam, torn from Eden Born of Adam, torn from eden, child of exile and the flood, I was born again in Jesus, crowned with glory through his blood. 2. Though creation lies in shackles, forged on Satan's anvil grim, there…
119B. With all my heart I seek With all my heart I seek the true and living way! Lord, guide these steps of mine or I shall go astray. 2. Let me not waver now from simple honesty, or fail in my resolve to keep…
87. Zion, founded on the mountain Zion, founded on the mountain, God, your maker loves you well; he has chosen you as precious, he delights in you to dwell; God's own city, who can all your glory tell? 2. Glorious things of…
652. In memory of the Saviour's love In memory of the saviour's love we keep the sacred feast, where every humble contrite heart is made a welcome guest. 2. By faith we take the bread of life by which our souls are fed, and drink the…
32. Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed, who know their guilt is gone, their faults forgiven; who taste the joys that come from sin confessed, whose hearts are blameless in the sight of…
702. In Eden-sad indeed that day- In eden-sad indeed that day- my countless blessings fled away, my crown fell in disgrace. But on victorious Calvary that crown was won again for me- my life shall all be praise. 2. Faith, see the…
230. This is the day of light This is the day of light — let there be light today! Arise, O Christ, to end our night and chase its gloom away. 2. This is the day of rest — our inner strength renew; on lives by many cares…
154. Father in heaven Father in heaven, grant to your children mercy and blessing, songs never ceasing, love to unite us, grace to redeem us; Father in heaven, Father, our God. 2. Jesus, Redeemer, may we remember your…
1002. God shall my comfort be God shall my comfort be, my consolation; kept by his love I see no condemnation. I face without dismay that final judgement day, for wrath is turned away: he is salvation. 2. All thanks to…
140. Deliver me from evil Deliver me from evil, defend me, Lord, from wrong. The men of violence gather with poison on their tongue. From those who plot to hurt me or catch me in their snare, protect me, Lord, and keep…
887. O safe to the rock that is higher than I O safe to the rock that is higher than i my soul, in its conflicts and sorrows, would fly; though sinful and weary, my vows I renew; O blessed Rock of ages, I'm hiding in you. 2. In the calm of the…
833. Your mercy flows upon us like a river Your mercy flows upon us like a river. Your mercy stands unshakable and true. Most holy God, of all good things the Giver, we turn and lift our fervent prayer to you. Hear our cry, (hear our cry) O…
663. O walk with Jesus! You will know O walk with Jesus! you will know how deep, how wide his love can flow; they only fail to prove his love who in the ways of sinners rove. 2. Walk now with him-that way is light; all other pathways end…
479. At your feet we fall At your feet we fall, mighty risen Lord, as we come before your throne to worship you. By your Spirit's power you now draw our hearts, and we hear your voice in triumph ringing clear: 'I am he who…
1042. The stars declare his glory The stars declare his glory; the vault of heaven springs mute witness of the Master's hand in all created things, and through the silences of space their soundless music sings. 2. The dawn…
694. One thing I know One thing I know, that Christ has healed me- though I was blind, yet now I see; to him I owe, whose love has sealed me, my heart and mind at last set free. 2. One thing I pray- that in my…
757. Be still and know that I am God Be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am God. 2. I am the Lord who makes you whole, I am the Lord who makes you whole, I am the Lord who makes you…
CP15. Glorious light! See the dawn of salvation GLORIOUS LIGHT! SEE THE DAWN OF SALVATION: angels in white fill the skies with their wondrous song, awakening earth with news of his birth— join the hymn of the highest heavens! 2 Long has the…