Search Results


36. No fear of God before the eyes No fear of God before the eyes, no penitence within: such is the one no longer wise, whose words are treachery and lies, who never grieves for sin. 2. Your love, O Lord, shall never sleep, nor…
70. Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me and hasten to my help, I pray. May all who seek to take my life be put to shame without delay. 2. May all who seek your name rejoice, your praise in gratitude…
1134. A voice of love is calling A voice of love is calling - the voice that Mary heard the day she wept in anguish bereft of her dead Lord: when Jesus spoke, and with a breath removed her fears, revived her faith. 2.   An…
443. Stricken, smitten, and afflicted Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, see him dying on the tree! See the Christ by all rejected, yes, my soul, this, this is he! See the long-expected prophet, David's son, yet David's Lord; by his Son…
6. O Lord, do not rebuke me O Lord, do not rebuke me, nor in your wrath chastise; in mercy spare my body: my soul in anguish cries. 2. But turn, O Lord, and save me: your faithful love I claim; if I am left to…
1325. You have called us out of darkest night YOU HAVE CALLED US OUT OF DARKEST NIGHT into your glorious light, that we may sing the wonders of the risen Christ. 2 May our every breath retell the grace that broke into our strife with…
839. God be in my head God be in my head and in my understanding. God be in my eyes and in my looking. God be in my mouth and in my speaking. God be in my heart and in my thinking. God be at my end and at my departing.
1222. Give me one pure and holy passion Give me one pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession. Jesus, give me one glorious ambition for my life: to know and follow hard after you. To know and follow hard after you, to…
907. I know that my Redeemer I know that my redeemer lives crowned upon the throne; Lord over earth and heaven, he saves, and he alone; he conquered death by dying upon the accursed tree, and from his death sprang…
1063. Out on the hills Out on the hills where shepherds keep watch through the night while others sleep, suddenly all the world is bright, heaven is filled with glorious light. Angels of God are calling them: ‘Hurry,…
932. God of mercy, hear our prayer God of mercy, hear our prayer for the children you have given; let them all your blessings share: grace on earth and joy in heaven! 2. In the morning of their days may their hearts to you be…
10. In my hour of grief or need In my hour of grief or need when a friend is friend indeed, now, when Satan walks abroad, be not far from me, O Lord. 2. When the powers of evil ride through the world in open pride, flaunted…
1314. Come, you sinners, poor and needy COME, YOU SINNERS, POOR AND NEEDY, come, behold your Saviour’s face: full of love and rich in mercy, hands outstretched with boundless grace. 2 Nothing you have done has earned it, full…
382. The story has broken The story has broken, an angel has spoken, and this is the token that Jesus is here: he comes as a stranger regardless of danger, the Lord in a manger, the babe without peer. 2. O counsel of…
1298. From life's beginning FROM LIFE’S BEGINNING to all eternity, there is a song to be sung; in deepest oceans, across the galaxies, in every nation and tongue. Let praise resound, let praise…
637. Jesus, how could I ever be Jesus, how could I ever be ashamed of you, who died for me? ashamed of you, whom angels praise, whose glories shine through endless days? 2. Ashamed of Jesus, of my God, who purchased me with his own…
1182. Lord, hear the lonely sufferer's cry Lord, hear the lonely sufferer’s cry: ‘Why, God, have you forsaken me? Why does your silence fill my ears though I pursue you fervently? For are you not the Holy One enthroned in timeless…
696. What Adam's disobedience cost What Adam's disobedience cost, let holy scripture say: mankind estranged, an Eden lost, and then a judgement day: each day a judgement day. 2. An ark of mercy rode the flood; but we, where waters…
541. O breath of life, come sweeping through us O breath of life, come sweeping through us, revive your church with life and power; O Breath of life, come, cleanse, renew us and fit your church to meet this hour. 2. O Wind of God, come bend us,…
240. Lo, God is here; let us adore! Lo, God is here; let us adore! How awe-inspiring is this place! Let all within us feel his power, and silent bow before his face; who know his power, his grace who prove, serve him with fear, with…
887. O safe to the rock that is higher than I O safe to the rock that is higher than i my soul, in its conflicts and sorrows, would fly; though sinful and weary, my vows I renew; O blessed Rock of ages, I'm hiding in you. 2. In the calm of the…
689. Good news is here: Let lameness turn to leaping Good news is here: let lameness turn to leaping, blind eyes will see and all the deaf will hear; prisoners will leave their cells and laugh with freedom, the hungry eat their fill, now God is…
965. Children of the heavenly King Children of the heavenly king, as you journey, gladly sing, sing your Saviour's worthy praise, glorious in his works and ways. 2. We are travelling home to God in the way our fathers trod; they are…
1205. God who gives the second chance God who gives the second chance, calling, calling more than once: patriarchs, apostles, kings, priests and prophets knew these things: how our patient Lord is kind, guiding us to seek and…
56. Merciful and gracious be Merciful and gracious be, O most High, remember me. When my enemies assail may your grace and power prevail. Keep me in the day of fear firm in faith that God is near. 2. What though some…
1144. God of grace, amazing wonder God of grace, amazing wonder, irresistible and free. O, the miracle of mercy-- Jesus reaches down to me. God of grace, I stand in wonder, as my God restores my soul: his own blood has paid my…
211. Roar the waves, the waters praising Roar the waves, the waters praising God who saves; and from beneath creatures rise in shapes amazing to our eyes—he gives them breath: God who set the planets blazing holds us yet in life or…
1109. You are the vine You are the vine and we are the branches, prune and make us bear more fruit. We have been cleansed by the word you have spoken; abide in us, and we in you. 2     You are the vine and we are…
629. These are the facts as we have received them These are the facts as we have received them, these are the truths that the Christian believes, this is the basis of all of our preaching: Christ died for sinners and rose from the tomb. 2. These are…
691. My Lord, I did not choose you My Lord, I did not choose you, for that could never be; this heart would still refuse you had you not chosen me: you took the sin that stained me, you cleansed and made me new; for you of old ordained…