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1063. Out on the hills Out on the hills where shepherds keep watch through the night while others sleep, suddenly all the world is bright, heaven is filled with glorious light. Angels of God are calling them: ‘Hurry,…
192. O Lord our God, how majestic is your name O Lord our God, how majestic is your name, the earth is filled with your glory. O Lord our God, you are robed in majesty, you’ve set your glory above the heavens. We will magnify, we will…
54. By your name, O God, now save me By your name, O God, now save me; grant me justice by your might. As I pray to you, now hear me; keep me safe within your sight. Strangers have come up against me, violent in both deed and…
488. Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship 'Holy, holy, holy!' cry; 'He who is, who was and will be, God almighty, Lord most high.' Praise and honour, power and glory, be to him who reigns alone! We, with…
1053. Our refuge and our strength is God Our refuge and our strength is God, sure help in every trouble; though earth gives way and mountains fall, yet we will fear no evil. And though the mountains quake and shift beneath the roaring…
417. Give me a sight, O Saviour Give me a sight, O saviour, of your great love to me- the love that brought you down from heaven to die on Calvary. O make me understand it, help me to take it in- what it meant for you, the holy…
663. O walk with Jesus! You will know O walk with Jesus! you will know how deep, how wide his love can flow; they only fail to prove his love who in the ways of sinners rove. 2. Walk now with him-that way is light; all other pathways end…
1294. No greater love NO GREATER LOVE HAS EVER BEEN KNOWN TO US, no deeper grace could ever be shown to us; God our creator sent us a Saviour who suffered and died, laid down his life: wonderful love. …
902. Loving Shepherd of your sheep Loving shepherd of your sheep, keep me, Lord, in safety keep; nothing can your power withstand, none can snatch me from your hand. 2. Loving Lord, you chose to give your own life that we might…
233. This is the day the Lord himself has made This is the day the Lord himself has made; this is the day that he has set apart, to hear his word, to sing aloud his praise, so let us hide this word within our heart. 2. Lord Jesus Christ, once…
428. In silent pain the eternal Son In silent pain the eternal son hangs derelict and still; in darkened day his work is done, fulfilled, his Father's will. Uplifted for the world to see he hangs in strangest victory, for in his body on…
462. I know that my Redeemer lives I know that my redeemer lives: what joy this great assurance gives! He lives, he lives, who once was dead, he lives, my ever-living head. 2. He lives, triumphant from the grave; he lives, eternally…
79. O God, the heathen have attacked O God, the heathen have attacked your holy land, your house of prayer; your city they have left a wreck, your servants dead and dying there, as if we had no God to help, no king's defence, no…
636. Baptized into Christ Jesus Baptized into Christ Jesus, baptized into his dying, buried with him in the grave we have died with Christ. Then just as Christ is risen through God the Father's power, so God raises us to live from…
1314. Come, you sinners, poor and needy COME, YOU SINNERS, POOR AND NEEDY, come, behold your Saviour’s face: full of love and rich in mercy, hands outstretched with boundless grace. 2 Nothing you have done has earned it, full…
1320. You are my salvation YOU ARE MY SALVATION; whom then shall I fear? In darkness and temptation my light and help are near. 2 You are all around me: stronger will I stand and danger will not crush me when we walk…
237. Father, let us dedicate Father, let us dedicate all this year to you, for the service small or great you would have us do; not from sorrow, pain or care, freedom dare we claim; this alone shall be our prayer, ‘Glorify your…
694. One thing I know One thing I know, that Christ has healed me- though I was blind, yet now I see; to him I owe, whose love has sealed me, my heart and mind at last set free. 2. One thing I pray- that in my…
796. Great is God's love for us Great is God's love for us, past understanding; stooping to rescue us, bound in our sin. While we were enemies worthy of judgement, his Son made peace for us, taking our blame. His Son made peace for…
1266. Fade, fade each earthly joy FADE, FADE, EACH EARTHLY JOY; Jesus is mine. Stronger than fleeting hopes, Jesus is mine. Dark is the wilderness, earth has no resting place, Jesus alone can bless; Jesus…
792. I'm not ashamed to name my Lord I'm not ashamed to name my Lord, or to defend his cause, maintain the honour of his word, the glory of his cross. 2. Jesus, my God! I know his name, his name is all my trust; he will not put my soul…
CP63. Welcome, welcome Jesus' birth WELCOME, WELCOME JESUS’ BIRTH, born to make his Father known, comes to us upon this earth— welcome to our home. Temple lamps burn through the night, through the darkness and the…
599. The gifts we bring express our love The gifts we bring express our love to you who left the heavens above and showed through poverty and pain a God who gives and gives again. Freely, freely, freely we have received; gladly, gladly,…
CP53. Over two thousand years ago OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO, under a starlit sky, many events were taking place as the ancients had prophesied. And a gift was given from heaven to earth, the everlasting light. So let us adore…
858. When God begins a work When God begins a work of grace within our hearts he saves our souls and sets us right and all his love imparts. 2. A people saved to serve is what the Lord desires, and works in us to will and…
833. Your mercy flows upon us like a river Your mercy flows upon us like a river. Your mercy stands unshakable and true. Most holy God, of all good things the Giver, we turn and lift our fervent prayer to you. Hear our cry, (hear our cry) O…
1027. Who, for my sake Who, for my sake, so overwhelmingly suffered at Calvary; who, for my sake? Jesus the Lamb, in all his purity, slain on a cross to be Saviour of man. Chorus: O, what grace to me flows so…
633. How beautiful their feet How beautiful their feet who stand on Zion's hill, who bring salvation on their tongues and words of peace reveal! 2. How cheering is their voice, how sweet their tidings are: 'Zion, behold your…
5018. Zacchaeus was a very little man Zacchaeus was a very little man, and a very little man was he. He climbed up into a sycamore tree for the Saviour he wanted to see. And when Jesus passed that way he looked into the tree and said,…
1310. Under the sun UNDER THE SUN we sow and hope to harvest; we labour on until the evening darkness bids us cease, to rest in peace. 2. Naked we come into a world that’s broken: unworthy ones but, by the…