Search Results


198. Stand up and bless the Lord Stand up and bless the Lord, you people of his choice: stand up and bless the Lord your God with heart and soul and voice. 2. Though high above all praise, above all blessing high, who would not fear…
541. O breath of life, come sweeping through us O breath of life, come sweeping through us, revive your church with life and power; O Breath of life, come, cleanse, renew us and fit your church to meet this hour. 2. O Wind of God, come bend us,…
726. As the deer pants for the water AS THE DEER PANTS FOR THE WATER so my soul longs after you; you alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship you. You alone are my strength, my shield; to you alone may my spirit…
449. What kind of love is this What kind of love is this, that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one, yet I go free. What kind of love is this? A love I've never known. I didn't even know his name, what kind of love is this? 2.…
129. They have oppressed me from my youth They have oppressed me from my youth- let Israel now make this known- they have oppressed me from my youth, yet I have not been overthrown. 2. They drew their ploughs across my back; the…
65. Every heart its tribute pays Every heart its tribute pays, every tongue its song of praise; sin and sorrow, guilt and care, brought to him who answers prayer; there by grace may humankind full and free forgiveness…
361. Infant holy Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ the babe…
1245. Lord, you reign throughout creation Lord, you reign throughout creation, far beyond what eyes can see, but your kingdom is most obvious when you rule and reign in me. I may promise to obey you, with my lips confess your name but,…
950. Judge eternal, throned in splendour Judge eternal, throned in splendour, Lord of lords and King of kings, with your living fire of judgement purge this land of bitter things; over all its wide dominion spread the healing of your…
CP05. Child in the manger born CHILD IN A MANGER BORN lies in a cattle stall; safely he’s sleeping, Mary is keeping close beside her baby so small. 2 Angels watch over him, softly their praises sing; voices…
1018. Christ, in very nature God Christ, in very nature God, did not grasp equality, willingly gave up his throne, took on our humanity, on a cross he bled and died, Lord of glory, crucified. 2. One with him, then so should…
742. You I will love, my strength, my tower You I will love, my strength, my tower, O Lord my hope, my joy, my crown: you I will love with all my power in all your works, and you alone; you I will love until your fire fills all my soul with…
712. Come, see, the winter is past Come, see, the winter is past and the rains are all over and gone; flowers appear on the earth once again and the season of singing is come. O, arise and come with me; till the day breaks and the…
370. Child in the manger Child in the manger, infant of Mary, outcast and stranger, Lord of all! Child who inherits all our transgressions, all our demerits on him fall. 2. Once the most holy child of salvation gently and…
1189. The Lord's my Shepherd The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want. He makes me lie in pastures green. He leads me by the still, still waters, his goodness restores my soul. Chorus (with descant): And I will trust in you…
270. I bow before the God of matchless care I bow before the God of matchless care; I bow in awe of one I know is always there- who holds the universe he made entirely in his hand, but speaks so simply that a little child may understand; I see…
688. Born by the Holy Spirit's breath Born by the holy spirit's breath, loosed from the law of sin and death, now cleared in Christ from every claim no judgement stands against our name. 2. In us the Spirit makes his home that we in him…
780. Behold the amazing gift of love Behold the amazing gift of love the Father has bestowed on us, the sinful sons of men, to call us sons of God! 2. Concealed as yet this honour lies, by this dark world unknown, a world that knew not,…
791. Why should I fear the darkest hour Why should I fear the darkest hour, or tremble at the tempter's power? Jesus is pledged to be my tower. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 2. Though hard the fight, why quit the field? Why must I…
1291. Creator God CREATOR GOD, WHO SHAPED THE EARTH AND HEAVENS, your glory shines in all that you have made; you spoke the word, who broke into the darkness— all earth replies: ‘Majestic is your name!’…
1194. You are bread, you are life You are bread, you are life, and the words that you have spoken, they are life, they are truth, and they feed the hungry soul; so we come and we feed on the bread, your body broken, as in faith…
1171. Ah, the bloodstained cross of Jesus Ah, the bloodstained cross of Jesus! While eternal years unfold, never shall it be forgotten nor its riches fully told. 2. Where the heavenly harps are sounding, one theme rings through every…
1086. Heaven must sing Heaven must sing, and earth will find a voice--- let all creation fill with advent joy! See in the sky, there countless angels sing, bursting with news of their incarnate King. See on the earth,…
640. A feast of joy unspeakable is spread A feast of joy unspeakable is spread, by him who is himself the living bread, a place for hungry souls is now prepared, a life of endless glory to be shared. 2. Yet places at this feast were dearly…
436. No weight of gold or silver No weight of gold or silver can measure human worth; no soul secures its ransom with all the wealth of earth; no sinners find their freedom but by the gift unpriced, the Lamb of God unblemished, the…
1219. When I fear my faith will fail When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast; when the tempter would prevail, he will hold me fast. I could never keep my hold through life’s fearful path; for my love is often…
60. When troubles come and hopes depart When troubles come and hopes depart in mercy, Lord, arise; the ruined landscape of my heart lies bare before your eyes. 2. Where human pride is humbled low and crushed beneath your hand, your…
227. Come, let us with our Lord arise Come, let us with our Lord arise, our Lord who made both earth and skies, who died to save the world he made and rose triumphant from the dead! He rose, the Prince of life and peace, and stamped the…
512. Rejoicing in hope we wait for our King Rejoicing in hope we wait for our king: his coming is sure, his conquest we sing. His hour of returning draws daily more near; with hearts hushed and burning we see him appear. 2. He comes with a…
149. O praise our mighty Lord O praise our mighty Lord, and to his glory sing. Let all God's gathered people bless their great Creator-King! With energy and skill our anthem let us raise! For he delights in all his…