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426. How deep the Father's love for us How deep the father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure, that he should give his only Son to make a wretch his treasure. How great the pain of searing loss; the Father turns his face away, as…
5015. Sing out an Easter song Sing out an easter song, tell everyone that the Lord has risen, sing out a joyful song, tell everybody that he's alive! 1. Jesus Christ, Son of God, gave his life upon a cross, but the power of death…
385. The virgin Mary had a baby boy The virgin mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy, the virgin Mary had a baby boy and they say that his name is Jesus. He come from the glory, he come from the glorious kingdom; Yes! he…
63. God is my great desire God is my great desire, his face I seek the first; to him my heart and soul aspire, for him I thirst. As one in desert lands, whose very flesh is flame, in burning love I lift my hands and…
953. O Lord, the clouds are gathering O Lord, the clouds are gathering, the fire of judgement burns. How we have fallen! O Lord, you stand appalled to see your laws of love so scorned and lives so broken. Have mercy, Lord, (have mercy,…
192. O Lord our God, how majestic is your name O Lord our God, how majestic is your name, the earth is filled with your glory. O Lord our God, you are robed in majesty, youโ€™ve set your glory above the heavens. We will magnify, we will…
99. The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him, the God of heaven, by angel hosts adored; his people bow before him and revere him, so great and awesome: holy is the Lord! 2. The Lord loves…
893. Cast your burden on the Lord Cast your burden on the Lord, only lean upon his word; you will soon have cause to bless his eternal faithfulness. 2. He sustains you by his hand; he enables you to stand; those whom Jesus once has…
361. Infant holy Infant holy, infant lowly, for his bed a cattle stall; oxen lowing, little knowing Christ the babe is Lord of all. Swift are winging angels singing, nowells ringing, tidings bringing: Christ the babe…
1157. Jesus is Lord - the cry that echoes 'Jesus is Lord'โ€”the cry that echoes through creation: resplendent power, eternal Word, our Rock. The Son of God, the King whose glory fills the heavens, yet bids us come to taste this living…
1231. King of the Ages, Almighty God King of the ages, almighty God, perfect love, ever just and true. Who will not fear you and bring you praise? All the nations will come to you. 1. Your ways of love have won my heart, and…
500. The Lord is King! Lift up your voice The Lord is king! lift up your voice, O earth, and all you heavens, rejoice; from world to world the song shall ring: 'The Lord omnipotent is King!' 2. The Lord is King! Who then shall dare resist…
174. Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because heโ€™s given Jesus Christ, his Son. Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks…
613. There is an eye that never sleeps There is an eye that never sleeps beneath the wing of night; there is an ear that never shuts when sink the beams of light. 2. There is an arm that never tires when human strength gives way; there is…
334. There is a Redeemer There is a redeemer, Jesus, Godโ€™s own Son, precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One. Thank you, O my Father, for giving us your Son, and leaving your Spirit till the work on earth is done. 2.…
943. All who wake tonight All who wake tonight watching till the light, all who serve us by their labours, all who care for needs of neighbours- Jesus, Lord, we pray, guard them till the day. 2. We commend again all who cry…
436. No weight of gold or silver No weight of gold or silver can measure human worth; no soul secures its ransom with all the wealth of earth; no sinners find their freedom but by the gift unpriced, the Lamb of God unblemished, the…
353. Earth gave him no welcome Earth gave him no welcome, no shelter, no home; he slept in a stable, the inn had no room; no bed but a manger, no pillow but hay, no friends but the oxen who watched where he lay. 2. To seek and to…
152. Command your blessing from above Command your blessing from above, O God, on all assembled here; behold us with a Fatherโ€™s love, while we look up with childlike fear. 2. Command your blessing, Jesus, Lord! May we your true…
50. God the Lord, the King Almighty God the Lord, the king almighty, calls the earth from east to west; shining out from Zionโ€™s splendour, city loveliest and best, comes our God! He breaks the silence, robed in burning…
12. Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished, now in their place are those who peddle lies. They boast in tongues from which the truth is banished, โ€˜We need no lord!โ€™-all lordship they…
134. Bless the Lord as day departs Bless the Lord as day departs, let your lamps be brightly burning, lifting holy hands and hearts to the Lord till day's returning. 2. As within the darkened shrine, faithful to their sacred…
CP56. See Him lying on a bed of straw SEE HIM LYING ON A BED OF STRAW: a draughty stable with an open door; Mary cradling the babe she boreโ€” the Prince of glory is his name. O now carry me to Bethlehem to see the Lord of love…
1277. You are my anchor YOU ARE MY ANCHOR, my light and my salvation. You are my refuge, my heart will not fear. Though my foes surround me on every hand, they will stumble and fall while in grace I…
126. The Lord restored us - we were freed The Lord restored us - we were freed: our life was like a dream! We laughed and sang; the heathen said, 'The Lord did this for them.' 2. The Lord had done great things for us, as every eye…
644. Bread of heaven, on you we feed Bread of heaven, on you we feed, for your flesh is food indeed; ever may our souls be fed with this true and living bread; day by day our strength supplied through your life, O Christ, who died. 2.…
3. O Lord, how many enemies O Lord, how many enemies arise and threaten life and limb! How many talk of me and say, โ€˜His God will not deliver him!โ€™ 2. But you surround me like a shield, my glory, raising up my…
1091. The Saviour comes The saviour comes from heaven down to earth: God's gift of love displayed in servant-birth. A cattle trough is all this world affords as cradle for the infant Lord of lords. When no one else…
305. Jesus shall take the highest honour Jesus shall take the highest honour. Jesus shall take the highest praise. Let all earth join heaven in exalting the name which is above all other names. Letโ€™s bow the knee in humble adoration, for…
550. Lamp of our feet, by which we trace Lamp of our feet, by which we trace our pathway when we stray; stream from the fountain of God's grace, brook by the traveller's way. 2. Bread of our souls, on which we feed; true manna from on…