Search Results


489. I will build my church A I will build my church B I will build my church A and the gates of hell B and the gates of hell A shall not prevail B shall not prevail All against it. (repeat) So you powers in the heavens…
933. Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer we bring before your face; let them your covenant mercies share and save them by your grace. 2. In early days their hearts secure from evil ways, we pray; and…
84A. How delightful is your dwelling HOW DELIGHTFUL IS YOUR DWELLING, O almighty Sovereign LORD— place of peace, where all my longings are fulfilled, my soul restored. Every fibre of my being, living God, calls…
1054. Raise a shout of joyous triumph Raise a shout of joyous triumph to the Lord with heart and voice, out of every tribe and nation come to serve him and rejoice. For the Lord, he is good and his love will endure. Yes, his…
477. All heaven declares All heaven declares the glory of the risen Lord, who can compare with the beauty of the Lord? For ever he will be the Lamb upon the throne. I gladly bow the knee and worship him alone. 2. I will…
696. What Adam's disobedience cost What Adam's disobedience cost, let holy scripture say: mankind estranged, an Eden lost, and then a judgement day: each day a judgement day. 2. An ark of mercy rode the flood; but we, where waters…
328. Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer! Sing, O earth; his wonderful love proclaim! Hail him, hail him, highest archangels in glory; strength and honour give to his holy name! Like a…
20. The Lord be near us as we pray The Lord be near us as we pray and help us, through the darkest day, to find our spirits’ strength and stay in his most holy name. To him be heartfelt homage paid and sacrifice of prayer be…
1047. We come with reverence and respect We come with reverence and respect, to God our praise we bring: creation's powerful architect – our Lord, our Rock, our King. 2. No one is holy like you Lord, none can with you compare; on…
834. Search me, O God! My actions try Search me, O God! my actions try and let my life appear as seen by your all-searching eye, to mine my ways make clear. 2. Search all my mind and know my heart: you only can make known and let the…
240. Lo, God is here; let us adore! Lo, God is here; let us adore! How awe-inspiring is this place! Let all within us feel his power, and silent bow before his face; who know his power, his grace who prove, serve him with fear, with…
1235. Draw me close to the cross Draw me close to the cross, to the place of your love, to the place where you poured out your mercy; where the river of life that flows from your wounded side brings refreshing to those who draw…
1210. Some things we long for Some things we long for and long prepare for, and set our hearts on somehow, somewhere; then God corrects us and redirects us to what is better, yet hard to bear. 2. Some things we work…
1173. Not in anger, but in love Not in anger but in love answer my impassioned plea: how long till you free my soul from this gnawing agony? 2. Grievous sorrow weighs me down; conflict often mars my days; tears of anguish fill my…
1212. Grace is the gift that God alone Grace is the gift that God alone provides in Christ his Son; unearned and free and undeserved and by his suffering won. 2. Grace is the mark of all his words, our creed, our prayers, our…
1245. Lord, you reign throughout creation Lord, you reign throughout creation, far beyond what eyes can see, but your kingdom is most obvious when you rule and reign in me. I may promise to obey you, with my lips confess your name but,…
CP19. Guess what happened long ago? GUESS WHAT HAPPENED LONG AGO? In a stable Christ was born: precious Saviour, Holy One, come to show us God's deep love: Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace…
1116. Sovereign Lord, as you have promised Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, now dismiss this soul in peace, for my eyes have seen salvation, for my heart has known release from the sin that lies within me staining thoughts and words…
CP23. How low was our Redeemer brought HOW LOW WAS OUR REDEEMER BROUGHT! The King who held the stars lay helpless in a maiden’s arms and pressed against her heart. While sheep and cattle raised their voice, the babe could speak no…
3. O Lord, how many enemies O Lord, how many enemies arise and threaten life and limb! How many talk of me and say, ‘His God will not deliver him!’ 2. But you surround me like a shield, my glory, raising up my…
CP28. Into darkness light has broken INTO DARKNESS LIGHT HAS BROKEN, Christ has been born! out of silence God has spoken; Christ has been born! Prince of peace, the nations greet him, thrones and powers cannot defeat him: sing for…
390. Forty days and forty nights Forty days and forty nights you were fasting in the wild; forty days and forty nights tempted and yet undefiled. 2. Burning heat throughout the day, bitter cold when light had fled; prowling beasts…
761. Leave God to order all your ways Leave God to order all your ways: whatever comes, in him confide; you'll find him in the evil days your all-sufficient strength and guide: who trusts in God's unchanging love builds on the rock that…
366. Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour, yet, for love's sake, became so poor; thrones for a manger did surrender, sapphire-paved courts for stable floor: Lord, you were rich beyond all…
1038. Where you sit in kingly glory Where you sit in kingly glory, Jesus, stoop to hear our songs as we worship you, most worthy Christ, to whom all praise belongs: who in anguish on a cross rescued us from sin and loss. 2. By…
1018. Christ, in very nature God Christ, in very nature God, did not grasp equality, willingly gave up his throne, took on our humanity, on a cross he bled and died, Lord of glory, crucified. 2. One with him, then so should…
333. The Word was very God The word was very God before creation came; in the beginning was the Word, and Jesus is his name. That Word which some deny and others make a joke, he is the Word whom we adore, the Word the Father…
242. Eternal God, we come to you Eternal God, we come to you, we come before your throne; we enter by a new and living way, with confidence we come. We declare your faithfulness, your promises are true; we will now draw near to…
763. In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ, be all in all, I pray; your life, your death make known in me on earth, till heaven's day. 2. In sun or shadow be my help; your voice shall guide my feet; teach…
1224. There is a song within my heart There is a song within my heart, a source of joy for all my days; a song that always lifts my voice to sing the Father’s praise. And even when my strength is frail and there are burdens I must…